Document Actions

Traylor & Francis - Transformation Agreement

For 2024

JLU Giessen is participating in the Open Access Transformation Agreement for Taylor & Francis journals (contract period: 2024-2026). This allows JLU authors acting as corresponding authors to publish Open Access articles in more than 2,000 Taylor & Francis Open Select Journals (Hybrid) at no additional cost. This applies to all articles of the type Reserach article.

For publications in the publisher's Gold Open Access journals, a 15% discount on the APC is granted as part of the contract and is automatically deducted from the APC by the publisher. Articles in Gold Open Access journals are eligible for support from the Open Access Publication Fund.

For APCs up to 2.000 € the JLU OA publication fund covers 50% of the costs. APCs above 2.000 € can be supported by JLU funds with 1.000 € (incl. VAT). As junior scientist in their PhD process or with a PhD-graduation that is not older than five year the JLU OA publication fund covers 75% and a maximum of 1.500 €.

During the workflow process, authorised authors are informed of the existing transformation agreement.