Document Actions

PLoS membership

For 2024

With PLoS we have made an arrangement for a monthly billing. Therefore you should not receive invoices from PLoS. If you have published with PLoS and your article is listed on the monthly invoice, we will contact you and ask for a cost account / project number of you.

For APCs up to 2.000 € the JLU OA publication fund covers 50% of the costs. APCs above 2.000 € can be supported by JLU funds with 1.000 € (incl. VAT). As junior scientist in their PhD process or with a PhD-graduation that is not older than five year the JLU OA publication fund covers 75% and a maximum of 1.500 €.

If you nevertheless receive an invoice, please don't pay it andsendthe invoice to us. We will try to tranfer the charges to the monthly billing.