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After the oral examination you are obligated to publish the dissertation in the final version approved by the examining body responsible for the dissertation. You must submit printed copies to the university library. The publication platform "JLUpub" is available for online publication; alternatively, you can also publish your thesis in print with a commercial publisher.

The publication of your dissertation is regulated in the "Richtlinien für Promotionsordnungen, 3. Änderungsbeschluss" of 30.08.2021 (in German only).

We will send a confirmation that your dissertation has been submitted/published to your responsible dean’s office or examination office.


Printed copies

The printed copies must be printed in the formats DIN A4 or DIN A5 on non-ageing, wood-free and acid-free paper, and marked as a JLU dissertation. The pages can be printed on one or two sides. Hard and soft covers are permitted, please do not use transparent foils as a cover sheet. The binding must not be a ring binding, please choose a durable binding, e.g. an adhesive binding.
Please note the further requirements of your examination office.

  • If you publish online in JLUpub, you must submit 2 printed copies to us.
    In terms of content and layout, the print version and the submitted PDF file must be identical; only personal data such as date of birth, CV, addresses and signatures should be removed from the PDF file.
  • If you publish with a commercial publisher (with ISBN), you must submit 4 printed copies to us.

Please send the printed copies to:

Universitaetsbibliothek Giessen
- Dissertationen -
Otto-Behaghel-Str. 8
35394 Giessen


You can hand in your print copies at our office (University Library, Ground Floor, Room 2) by appointment. Appointment by email or telephone: contact


Online publication in JLUpub

The institutional repository JLUpub is available for the online publication of your dissertation. Dissertations are published in the community JLUdocs - Text documents.

Name your PDF file according to the following scheme:
"LastnameFirstname-Year-Month-Day" (date of graduation)
Example: MuellerJulia-2023-02-24

In terms of content and layout, the print version and the submitted PDF file must be identical; only personal data such as date of birth, CV, addresses and signatures should be removed from the PDF file.

Once the dissertation has been published online, it can no longer be deleted or changed.

In addition to the online publication, you must submit 2 printed copies to the Giessen University Library.

After a formal review of the online submission and the printed copies by the university library, your dissertation will be published in JLUpub.

We will send a confirmation that your dissertation has been submitted to your responsible dean’s office or examination office.

Publishing in JLUdocs


Cumulative dissertation

A cumulative dissertation must be published in JLUpub. In addition, 2 printed copies must be submitted to the University Library.

In the case of a cumulative dissertation, the articles included have already been published in journals or similar. Many publishers allow a secondary publication as part of a dissertation. However, before you publish a cumulative dissertation on JLUpub, you must check your contracts or, if necessary, ask the publisher whether a secondary publication of the articles as part of the cumulative dissertation, especially an online publication, is permitted.

The TU Berlin has researched the applicable regulations for many publishers and compiled them in an overview.

If you have published your article Open Access under a Creative-Commons-licence, you did not transfer the copyright to the publisher and thus, you can continue to use your work as you like.

If the publisher does not permit a secondary publication as part of your dissertation, you can remove the relevant article from the PDF for online publication and cite the removed article with an accurate bibliographic citation (preferably with a DOI).

Note that in any case the source of the first publication must be given correctly and in full, including the link or DOI of the publisher’s version.


Blocking note

In justified individual cases, a dissertation can be published with a blocking note (embargo), if a patent application or a publication in a journal would be made more difficult or impossible due to the fact that the dissertation would be made publicly available. Please note that a publication of the dissertation in JLUpub does not prevent the publication of an article at a later date in many journals. Before applying for a blocking note, this must therefore be checked with the journal in question and an actual reason for impeding publication must be demonstrated.
The doctoral candidate must apply for the embargo with this form (only in German) to the responsible doctoral examination body, i.e. usually a representative of the examination board. The application to the doctoral examination board should be accompanied by a letter stating the reasons for the application and the specified blocking period.
The approved application must be forwarded to the University Library, Abt. Dissertationen. In addition, the dissertation must be submitted for electronic publication in JLUpub and two printed copies must be delivered to us.
Detailed information on the blocking note can be found here.


Publication in a scientific journal

In case of the publication type "Publication in a scientific journal" (Richtlinien für Promotionsordnungen, 3. Änderungsbeschluss, Ziffer 4, Absatz (3), Nr. 3), you must deliver 4 printed copies of your dissertation to the University Library. In addition, we need a confirmation of the publication method by your supervisor via e-mail to dissertationen. Please note that this is not a cumulative dissertation.

Template for the confirmation email:
hiermit bestätige ich die Veröffentlichung in einer wissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift nach den Richtlinien für Promotionsordnungen, 3. Änderungsbeschluss vom 30.08.2021, Ziffer 4, Absatz 3, Nr. 3.
Der Inhalt der Dissertation von Herrn/Frau [Vorname Name] mit dem Titel „[Titel der Dissertation]“ ist in folgender Publikation veröffentlicht:
[Bibliographische Quellenangabe der Veröffentlichung: Autoren, Jahr, Titel, Zeitschrift, Band, Seiten, DOI]



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