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Career Options

Career Options

The Master's degree is recognised as the second examination section of the training to become a state-certified food chemist and is thus the prerequisite for access to the third and final section of the training.
The focus of the subsequent third examination section is the legal assessment of foodstuffs, feedstuffs, consumer goods, cosmetics and tobacco products within the framework of expert opinions. These three examination sections are still a prerequisite for a professional activity in official food monitoring throughout Germany.
These qualifications also offer a unique selling point on the labour market for professional activities in the pharmaceutical and food industries as well as in private commercial laboratories.

  • Official food monitoring: In chemical investigation offices of the federal states (partly also of cities and the Federal Armed Forces) and positions at ministries and enforcement authorities.
  • Freelancers: For example, advising manufacturers, importers and retailers by conducting investigations and legal assessments of their goods.
  • As commercial chemists or experts in food chemistry, food chemists are usually appointed by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce and approved by the state authority for the examination of counter samples.
  • In the food and nutrition industry: research and development as well as quality control and assurance.
  • Cosmetics, consumer goods and animal feed industry: research and development, quality control and assurance.
  • Food and nutrition research institutions: At universities, federal research institutes and the food industry.
  • Others: In addition, there are numerous other fields of activity in laboratories and investigation bodies in the field of drinking water, the environment (waste water, air and soil), agriculture, the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, chemical toxicology, forensic analysis and clinical chemistry, i.e. everywhere where the special knowledge of the food chemist in the analysis of complex substrates and the assessment of the results is required.

Doctoral Studies at JLU

Doctorate possible with a Master's degree


Graduate Centres

International Giessen Graduate Centre for the Life Sciences