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Scholarships, awards and grants

Scholarships and awards

1993 Scholarship , Dept. of Neurology and Neuroimmunology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, USA)
1997 Wolfgang-Mittermaier-Award for outstanding teaching abilities (based on students suggestions), University of Giessen
1999 William - Stern – Award for outstanding research in the field of Personality Reserach), Sektion Personality Research, Individual Differences and Diagnostics, DGPs (German Psychological Association)
2000 Award of the Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen (Section: medicine)


(Substantial) research grants


Neurobiology of Receptor-Transmitter-Complexes. Ministry of Hesse

Mechanisms of stress-induced leukocyte migration . (DFG)
Individual responsiveness to reboxetine (Pharmacia & Upjohn)
2000 Neurotransmitteransprechbarkeit zur Diagnose der biologischen Grundlagen der Persönlichkeit (DFG, Laufzeit: 2 Jahre)
2000 Differentielle Ansprechbarkeit auf den Noradrenalin-Wiederaufnahmehemmer Reboxetin (Fortsetzung: Pharmacia & Upjohn)
Neurotransmitters and Helplessness  (DFG)
2004 „Gender Differences in neuroendocrine Challenge-Tests‟ (Lundbeck, Kopenhagen)
DNA-Extraction in the context of the Heidelberg Longitudinal Study (with Prof. Amelang und PD Dr. Stürmer, Prof. Reuter) DFG
2005 Neurotransmitters and Helplessness  (DFG), 2nd period of funding
2006 Mechanisms of cortisol increases after treatment with Citalopram and S-Citalopram (Lundbeck, Kopenhagen)