Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Books and Book Chapters

The books and book chapters of the SDGnexus Network encompass a wide array of multidisciplinary studies that align with the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. These books and book chapters are published across various nexus areas, collectively contributing to the advancement of sustainability science.

Alarcón, P. (2021). The Ecuadorian Oil Era. Nature, Rent, and the State. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft (Studien zu Lateinamerika, v.40) 

Ikromov, I.I., & Kadamov, A. (2021). Agroforestry Against Wind Erosion Damage: A Case Study in Tajikistan. In: Mueller, L., Sychev, V.G., Dronin, N.M., Eulenstein, F. (eds) Exploring and Optimizing Agricultural Landscapes. Innovations in Landscape Research. Springer, Cham 

Ikromov, I.I., Kadamov, A. (2021). Agroforestry Against Wind Erosion Damage: A Case Study in Tajikistan. In: Mueller, L., Sychev, V.G., Dronin, N.M., Eulenstein, F. (eds) Exploring and Optimizing Agricultural Landscapes. Innovations in Landscape Research. Springer, Cham

Lizarazo, I. (2023). ¿Existe una línea base de información para territorializar el objetivo de desarrollo sostenible “Agua Limpia y Saneamiento” para todos en Colombia?. En: Transformando Colombia : objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (pp. 40-55). Editorial Universidad Nacional de Colombia 

Louis, T., Molope, M., & Peters, S. (2021). Dealing with the Past. Perspectives from Latin America, South Africa and Germany. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 

Peters, S. (2021). Political Power and Social Inequalities in Memory and Oblivion. In Dealing with the Past (pp. 61-86). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

Peters, S. (2021). The Education System of Venezuela: Inequalities Before, During, and After the “Bolivarian Revolution”. In The Education Systems of the Americas (pp. 1-26). Cham: Springer International Publishing 

Peters, S., Rohland, E., Kaltmeier, O., Burchardt, H. J., & Schnepel, C. (Eds.). (2021). Krisenklima: Umweltkonflikte aus lateinamerikanischer Perspektive (Vol. 41). Nomos Verlag

Popova, O., & Otrachshenko, V. (2020). Religion and happiness. Handbook of Labor, Human  Resources and Population Economics, 1-20 

Sehring, J., Sharipova, B., & Assubayeva, A. (2024). The politics of water governance in Central Asia: institutionalizing river basin management". Chapter 15 In Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Water Resources. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.