Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Dr. Heyder Alfonso


Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter


Akademischer und beruflicher Werdegang

Sociologist specialized in conflict resolution and with a master's degree in human rights defense. D. in political studies and international relations from the National University of Colombia. He has worked as a consultant on issues of access to justice and human rights for international cooperation programs such as USAID, UNDP and KfW Bank aus Verantwortung. He has also been a consultant for the Unidad para la Atención de Víctimas, the Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de la Verdad and the Fundación Paz y Reconciliación, among others. He has been a professor and researcher at several universities in the country, focusing on the dynamics of violence in Colombia, Central America and Mexico, armed conflict, organized crime, state building and post-conflict periods.


Academic career

2021: Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Ph.D. in Political Studies and International Relations, Meritorious Thesis

2013: Universidad Santo Tomás - Master's in Defense of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law before International Organizations, Tribunals, and Courts

2008: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - Specialization in Conflict Resolution

2006: Universidad Santo Tomás - Sociology


Professional background

05/24 – Present Scientific Collaborator. nstituto Colombo-Alemán para la Paz (CAPAZ)

08/13 – Present Research Professor. Universidad Santo Tomás

11/23 – 04/24 Consultant. KfW Bank aus Verantwortung – Office of the High Commissioner for Peace

01/23 – 07/23 Consultant. Responsible Governance Program – DAI

08/22 – 12/22 Consultant. Corporación Opción Legal – UNHCR

06/21 – 06/22 Consultant. Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence, and Non-Repetition

06/21 – 12/21 Consultant. American Bar Association

04/21 – 10/21 Consultant. Fundación Paz & Reconciliación

11/20 – 05/21 Consultant United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)




  • Alfonso-Camelo, H., & Chaparro, L. (2024). Patterns of macro-criminality, a disputed category in transitional justice [forthcoming]
  • Alfonso-Camelo, H. (2024). A militarized police for war and public order?The case of the Colombia´s National Police [forthcoming]
  • Alfonso-Camelo, H. (2023). Bogota ́s Justices Houses in the face of Venezuelan Migration: Justices Access and Migrant Rights. REVISTA CONTROVERSIA, (220), 51-89.
  • Alfonso Camelo, H. (2021). Leaving violence behind in Guatemala?: Variations of violence in the Guatemalan post-conflict period [Doctoral thesis]. Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
  • Alfonso, H., & Chaparro, L. (2020). Impacts of COVID-19 on violence against women. The case of Bogotá (Colombia). In Nova, ISSN: 1794-2470, Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, v.18, fasc.35, pp. 115-119.
  • Alfonso, H. (2015). Contributions to understanding violence in post-conflict periods. Ciudad Paz-Ando, 8(1), 8-21.
  • Alfonso, H. (2012). Transformations in the readings of violence in Colombia. Novum Jus, 6(2), 69-86.
  • Alfonso, H. (2011). Transformation of the dynamics of confrontation in armed conflicts. Novum Jus, 5(1), 55-78.
  • Alfonso, H., & Fajardo, L. (2010). Beccaria is imprisoned in the district jail! A case study on the "unconstitutional state of affairs" in prisons. Revista IUSTA, (33), 67-88.


Book Chapters

  • Alfonso, H. (2020). Justice in post-war: the challenges of protecting human rights in Colombia. In Debates y desafíos para los derechos humanos en Colombia, ISBN: 978-958-782-329-5, Ediciones USTA, pp. 151-174.
  • Alfonso, H. (2018). States in post-conflict periods: Elements for understanding the challenges after overcoming an armed conflict. In Tendencias actuales de los derechos humanos y el derecho internacional humanitario en Colombia, Ediciones USTA, pp. 15-34.
  • Alfonso, H., & Medina, D. (2017). Justice in the territories: From state precariousness to the rule of law. In Seguridad y justicia en tiempos de paz (Debate). Bogotá: Penguin Random House.


Other Publications

  • Alfonso, H., et al. (2020). Radiography of the ominous presence of Mexican cartels. Fundación Paz y Reconciliación.
  • Alfonso, H. (2020). Lessons for Colombian post-conflict. In Retos y posibilidades en tiempos de construcción de paz y posconflicto. Programa de Investigación de Política Exterior Colombiana.