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Jan 14, 2020: NEW Web based Training to "Good Scientific Practice"

New Web based Trainings to Good Scientific Practice available!

We are very pleased to be able to launch another Web based Training (WBT). A Web based training is a digital and interactive learning module that integrates digital media. In addition to the WBT on "E-Learning and legal rights", the project has dedicated itself to the no less relevant topic of good scientific practice.

The necessity of informing young scientists about good scientific practice and its importance has been particularly strong in the recent past: Prominent cases of scientific misconduct and new (digital) framework conditions for academic work and publishing in research and teaching are once again demonstrated the necessity and importance of good scientific practice (see Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft 2019a).

This Web based Training (WBT) is intended to enable you to sharpen your sense of good scientific practice and thus strengthen your professionalism as a researcher. In addition, this WBT should sensitize you to the topic and motivate you to shape your everyday research life in such a way that it complies with the rules of good scientific practice and provide you with concrete recommendations and hints on which you can orient yourself.

  • Content | In this web based training you will get to know all relevant information about "good scientific practice".
  • Topics | Good scientific practice, scientific misconduct, research data management
  • Target Group | Teaching staff in higher education, young reseachers, (students)
  • Duration | approx. 20 minutes

Follow the upcoming link to Good Scientific Practice and enter the web based training.*²

*Since 1 August 2019, the DFG's memorandum "Proposals for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice" has been reworded into a code of conduct "Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice", consisting of 19 guidelines. This web based training takes all formal and substantive changes and innovations compared to the DFG memorandum of the code.

*² please be informed that you first enter the german version. Follow the instructions to enter the english version.