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Economics (B.Sc.)

Taught in German


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Number of enrolled students

1918 students are enrolled in this bachelor degree course (as of winter semester 2017/18).


since 22 August 2006.

Subject areas and features of the course

The study of economics combines business administration and economics curricula. Business administration deals with the planning, organisation and mathematical representation of concrete decisions and actions in enterprises. The goal is the success of the entrepreneurial activities of the particular company. Economics is concerned with the economic explanation of human activity. Its perspective focuses more on macroeconomics and considers factors such as the business cycle, currency developments, political decisions or the availability of resources. It seeks out legal means from which it derives policy recommendations for economic and political actors.

A particular feature of the Economics and Business Administration degree course at Justus-Liebig-University iis the great flexibility in the content of the study structure:

  • The degree course first teaches economic principles, permitting a later focus on business administration or economics or a combination of both disciplines.
  • For individual profile building, academic achievements in disciplines other than economics can also be included to a large extent.

Study requirements

Good basic knowledge in Mathematics and English is strongly recommended.

Composition of the Study Programme

Degree BSc


Bachelor of Science (BSc)

Duration of studies 6 Semester 180 Credit Points (CP)

Duration of Studies

6 Semesters - 180 Credit Points (CP)

Composition of the Study Programme

Composition and structure of the degree programme


The course structure consists of an orientation phase (60 CP) and a core study area (120CP)

In the orientation phase, the students acquire a basic knowledge of business administration, economics and methods. All modules in the orientation phase are compulsory modules:

  • Management I+II
  • Accounting
  • Finance
  • Microeconomics
  • Economic Policy and Public Finance
  • Macroeconomics I+II
  • Mathematics for economists
  • Formal foundations of statistics

The core study area consists of four "building blocks": major (42 CP), WiWi-Minor (30CP), Profil-Minor (30CP) and academic work (18CP).


Major (42 CP)

Possible major:

  • Business Administration
  • Management
  • Finance and Accounting (F&A)
  • Economics
  • General Business and Economics (GBE)

WiWi Minor (30CP)

Within the framework of the WiWi minor, you will contribute further modules of the faculty of Economics and Business Studies.

Another building block is a Profil-Minor, which you can use for individual profile formation in one of four possible variants (a, b, c or d):

Variant a:


structured minor subject complete with modules from another subject area of JLU

possible minor:

  • Labour law
  • European and international business law
  • Family law
  • Public law
  • International law
  • Pedagogy
  • Political science
  • Sociology
  • Psychology
  • Economic geography / Regional analysis
  • Economic geography / Spatial planning

Variant b:


as a structured programm Managerial English of the faculty of Economics and Business Studies of JLU

Variant c:

completed semester abroad

Variant d:

flexible variant

You can earn the required 30 CP in different ways:

  • also from the modules of the specialisation phase of the JLU Department of Economics and/or
  • from non-economics modules at JLU and/or
  • from economics and non-economics credits earned abroad and/or
  • through PQ certificates (Personal Qualification) from the Faculty of Business and Economics.

Academic work (18CP)

Finally, you must complete the Proseminar module and the Thesis module as part of the building block academic work


Bachelor's Thesis

The thesis module is a major subject (possible majors: see above), i.e. you usually work on your thesis at one of the professorships involved. With this thesis you prove that you possess the ability to investigate a specific, delimited topic, within a limited time period, independently and scientifically, and can convey their results to the professional world.


Commencement of Studies in the Winter and Summer Semester

Commencement of studies

Summer semester and winter semester

Entrance Requirements Abitur ohne Praktikumsnachweis

Entrance requirements

  • Applicants must have an Abitur (German school leaver's examination for university entrance) or equivalent. More on this...
  • Certification of a pre-professional practical period is not required.
  • Special regulations apply to foreign applicants or those who gained their university-entrance qualifications abroad. Read more...

Application not limited

Application for admission and registration

  • The intake capacity of this degree programme is not limited internally by the university.
  • Applications must be received by the JLU Student Secretariat by 15th January for the summer semester and 15th July for the winter semester. More on this...
  • Special regulations apply to foreign applicants or those who gained their university-entrance qualifications abroad. Read more...

Career Options

Further Information

Further Information: Documents

PDF documents for the courses of study


Examination- and study regulations


Courses offered in the course catalogue

International pages

Please have a look at our International Pages for more information in English.

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Any Questions?

Information- and advisory services of JLU can be found under the category “contact” on this page!


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Events for prospective students

There is a whole range of events offered by JLU, current events can be found under “news”: (in German)


Subject Advisors

Subject Advisor Faculty 02 - Economics and Business Administration

Central Study Advisor
Frank Uhlmann (Dipl.-Sozialw.)
Central Student Services

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