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This consecutive degree course was developed jointly by faculties 7 - 11 of Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU) and faculty 6 of the University of Applied Science Central Hesse (THM, Giessen campus).

The consecutive degree programme offers you a broad, interdisciplinary orientation and is open to you not only with a B.Sc. in computer science, bioinformatics or biology, but also as a graduate of further scientific-mathematical courses (e.g..: B.Sc. Chemistry, B.Sc. Food Chemistry, B.Sc. Agricultural/Environment and Nutrition Sciences, B.Sc. Medical Informatics, Veterinary Medicine, Medicine, B.Sc. Mathematics), if you are interested in Systems Biology and Bioinformatics.

The structure of the contents of the first and second semester (course semester) allows students to achieve their study goals to a great extent independently of the type of previous education in life sciences or in computer science and, together with a research-related education in the third and fourth semester (research semester), to develop specialist competences for a qualified professional future.


The aims of the Master’s programme “Bioinformatics and Systems Biology” are:


1. an interdisciplinary education (based on a basic education in biology, biomedicine, mathematics and computer science) with a focus on:

  • in-depth methodological competence in Bioinformatics/ Systems Biology,
  • special competences in genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics,
  • competences for the development of new algorithms in high-throughput data analysis,
  • competences in big data analysis in bioinformatics,
  • competences in machine learning,
  • competences in in silico modelling of complex biological processes and systems.

2. to offer professional education in 4 main areas, of which the students can deepen 2:

  • algorithms in bioinformatics, algebraic dynamic programming, big data, machine learning,
  • genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics ("molecular" systems biology),
  • modelling of complex biological processes and systems,
  • high throughput data analysis.

3. to develop additional interdisciplinary competences:

  • the integration of students into a newly developed, interdisciplinary centre for bioinformatics and systems biology as a cooperation between JLU and THM University of Applied Sciences,
  • the establishment of mixed small learning groups consisting of students with a background in bioinformatics and life sciences,
  • laboratory rotations between the JLU and the THM University of Applied Sciences as well as between the 5 participating departments of the JLU,
  • active support for students on stays abroad,
  • established cooperation with the biomedical industry,
  • involvement in strategic research projects of JLU and THM University of Applied Sciences (DFG, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, BMBF),
  • a cooperation with the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Wädenswil, Switzerland,
  • a cooperation with the Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research (MPI) in Bad Nauheim.