Dr. Melanie Bowen
Akademische Rätin / Postdoctoral Researcher
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- Artikel in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Anand, A. Kumar, S., Bowen, M., and Rangarajan, D. (2024). Strategic Renewal During Crisis - A pragmatist proposition for multinational enterprises in a globalised world, Journal of International Management, online first.
Kim, S. Bowen, M., and Wen, X. (2024). One “Click” to a Better World? An Investigation of “You Share, we Donate” campaigns, European Journal of Marketing, 58(4), 1015-1046.
Anand, A., Bowen, M., Spivack, A., Vessal, S., and Rangarajan, D. (2023). The role of ethics in business-to-business marketing: An exploratory review and research agenda. Industrial Marketing Management, online first.
Bowen, M., Haas, A., and Hofmann, I. (2023). Sales Force Financial Compensation – A Review and Synthesis of the Literature. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, online first.
Anand, A., Bowen, M., and Rangarajan, D. (2023). To be or not to be: a review of the (un)ethical salespeople literature. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 38 (9), 1837–1851.
Wen, X., Kim, S., Bowen, M. (2023). Doing good by sharing messages: An investigation of “You Share, We Donate” campaigns and how they can attain viral success. Journal of Business Research, 156, 113510
Bowen, M., Wen, X., & Kim, S. (2023). A Lure or a Turn-Off. Social Media Reactions to Business Model Innovation Announcements. Marketing Letters, 34, 13–33.
Bowen, M., Lai-Bennejean, C., Haas, A., & Rangarajan, D. (2021). Social Media in B2B Sales: Why and When does Salesperson Social Media Usage affect Salesperson Performance. Industrial Marketing Management, 96, 166-182.
Kim, S., Bowen, M. & Wen, X. (2019). The Ultimate Co-Creation: Leveraging Customers' Input in Business Model Innovation. AMS Review, 9, 339-356.
Bowen, M., Freidank, J., Wannow, S. & Cavallone, M. (2018). Effect of Perceived Crisis Response on Consumers' Behavioral Intentions During a Company Scandal - An Intercultural Perspective. Journal of International Management, 24(3), 222-237.
Bowen, M. & Haas, A. (2015). Social-Media-Kompetenz. Der vergessene Erfolgsfaktor im modernen Vertrieb. Marketing Review St. Gallen, 32(6) 52-59.
- Buchkapitel
Bowen, M. und Haas, A. (2023). Neue Medien im Vertrieb - State of the Art und Potenziale. In: Binckebanck, L. & Erste, R. (eds.): Digitalisierung im Vertrieb, 2. Edition, Wiesbaden; Springer Fachmedien.
Bowen, M. und Haas, A. (2023). Digital Sales Models.. In: Binckebanck, L. & Erste, R. (eds.): Digitalisierung im Vertrieb, 2. Edition, Wiesbaden; Springer Fachmedien.
- seit 10/2018
Akademische Rätin an der Professur für Marketing und Verkaufsmanagement, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Prof. Dr. Alexander Haas. - 04/2017-09/2018
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Professur für Marketing und Verkaufsmanagement, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Prof. Dr. Alexander Haas. - 09/2012-09/2017
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der THM Business School, Gießen.
- 07/2011-01/2012
Praktikum Projektmanagement Interone GMBH – An Agency of BBDO Worldwide, München. - 01/2012-07/2012
Master-Studium ‚Marketing’ an der Edinburgh Napier University, Schottland. - 09/2010-07/2012
Master-Studium ‚International Marketing’ an der THM Business School, Gießen. - 05/2010-09/2010
Praktikum Account Management Saatchi & Saatchi Gmbh, Frankfurt.
Assistentin der Geschäftsführung Webculture Gmbh – Social Media Akademie, Mannheim.
- 07/2008-12/2008
Auslandssemester an der City University of New York, USA. - 03/2007-03/2010
Bachelor- Studium ‚Kommunikations- und Medien-Management’ an der Business and Information Technology School, Iserlohn. - 12/2009-09/2010
Werkstudentin Passion People GmbH, Mannheim.