Document Actions



The Chair is co-organiser of the 17th Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture "Agriculture and Nutrition - Transformation only makes sense together", 5-8 March 2024, JLU Giessen.

The Chair is co-organiser of the 64th GEWISOLA Annual Conference (German Association of Agricultural Economists) "Innovative concepts for a sustainable agricultural and food industry", 25-27 September 2024, JLU Giessen.

Forthcoming: Küchler, R., Nicolai, B., Herzig, C. 2024, A novel sustainability management tool for small and medium-sized food manufacturers – advantages and improvement opportunities, management revue - Socio-Economic Studies 35(1).

New publication (December 2023): Redecker, S.v., Herzig, C., 2024, Can nature speak? A peasant perspective on decolonizing the human-nature relationship through multispecies communication, From the European South - a transdisciplinary journal of postcolonial humanities 13, 22-38.

New publication (December 2023): Busch, M., Mühlrath, D., Herzig, C., 2023, Fairness and trust in organic food supply chains, British Food Journal,

New publication (October 2023): Gruber, K., Herzig. C., Keller, M., 2023, Nachhaltiges Veranstaltungsmanagement, utb Verlag, DOI: 10.36198/9783838559131.

New publication (October 2023): Prasad, A., Abrol, D., Jha, P. Matheis, T.V., Herzig, C., in collaboration with John, R. Singh, R., 2023, Impact of Corporate Integrated Farm Solutions on Small Farmers: A Case Study of Bayer, Karnal, Haryana, GPN Working Paper 2, 87 pages.

September 2023: From the field to the plate in Hesse - our annual excursion to actors in the organic and economy for the common good oriented agriculture and food industry took us to the "Ökomodellregion Nordhessen" this year (4-8 September 2013). From the Frankenhausen state domain, we explored companies at all stages of the food chain and organised meetings with actors in Kassel and the surrounding area.

August 2023: Transfer structures for (start-up) knowledge from social-innovative ventures in the field of higher education or counselling are still underdeveloped in Germany. In our new BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) project "CoopFoodLab", we are investigating the innovation potential of cooperative food companies for higher education. The project, which starts in August, brings together socially innovative companies in the agricultural and food industry with students, researchers and interested citizens in order to identify the need for further training for value-oriented corporate and business management and to develop guidelines for higher education.

August 2023: Our three-year project "TeePot - Regional value chains for organically produced tea and spice plants: potentials, obstacles, cooperations", which we are carrying out in close cooperation with Ökoplant e.V. and the Center for Sustainable Food Systems (ZNE) at JLU, has started. The aim of "TeePot" is to develop market shares and improve the positioning of domestic organic herb cultivation in value chains. To this end, existing production processes and value chains in organic tea and spice herb cultivation are being analysed throughout Germany. On the other hand, action areas for intensifying cooperation and communication along the organic value chain are provided.

New publication (August 2023): Herzig, C., Ghosh, B., 2023, Sustainability Reporting, in: Moltan-Hill, P., Hrsg., Sustainable Management. A Complete Guide for Faculty and Students, Routledge, in print.

New publication (June 2023): Elsner, F., Herzig, C., Strassner, C.,Agri-Food Systems in Sustainability Transition: A Systematic Literature Review on recent Developments on the Use of the Multi-Level Perspective, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 7,

New publication (June 2023): Kissi, E., Herzig, C., 2023, Labour Relations and Working Conditions of Workers on Smallholder Cocoa Farms in Ghana, Agriculture and Human Values,

The website of the Center for Sustainable Food Systems (ZNE), which brings together JLU's expertise in scientific research and practical involvement in shaping the transformation process of agricultural and food systems, is now online. We are pleased to be able to work both on the board and in ZNE projects.

June 2023: our three-year project "Food cooperatives to strengthen regional organic value chains" has started. The project is dedicated to the newly emerging cooperative grocery shops (SuperCoops, FoodHubs, etc.) in Germany and examines potentials and challenges for the further development and dissemination of the concept, develops solutions for implementing the concept and promotes knowledge transfer and networking between the actors.

In May 2023, our "BioRegion Kassel - City and Country" project on bundled structures for bioregional value chains was launched. The city and district of Kassel is serving as a pilot region in which structures for a "BioRegion Kassel" are to be further developed together with the organic model region of North Hesse. The project is funded by the Hessian Ministry for the Environment, Climate Protection, Agriculture and Consumer Protection and will run until March 2025.

New publication (March 2023): Tran, T., Herzig, C., Blended case-based learning in a sustainability accounting course: An analysis of student perspectives, Journal of Accounting Education, Volume 63.

New publication (March 2023): Herzig, C., 2023, Reporting, Materiality and Corporate Sustainability, in: Rasche, A., Morsing, M., Moon, J., Kourula, A., Hrsg., Corporate Sustainability: Managing Responsible Business in a Globalised World, Cambridge University Press, in print. 

New publication (March 2023): Siebert, R., Herzig, C., Birringer, M., 2023,  B'90/Grüne und Genome Editing – Biografische Konflikte und Collective Action Frames im Prozess um ein neues Grundsatzprogramm (B'90/Greens and Genome Editing - Biographical Conflicts and Collective Action Frames in the Process for a New Basic Programme), Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Umweltrecht 1, 1-31.

New publication (February 2023): Borghoff, L.M., Strassner, C., Herzig, C., 2023, Processors' understanding of process quality: A qualitative interview study with employees of organic dairies in Germany and Switzerland, British Food Journal, DOI: 10.1108/BFJ-06-2022-0535.

New publication (January 2023): Borghoff, L., Strassner, C., Herzig, C., 2023, Organic juice processing quality from the processors’ perspective: A qualitative study, in Foods 12,377.

The scientific support, creation of the sustainability concept and visitor evaluation on the topic of sustainability for documenta fifteen were completed a few months after the end of the art exhibition. The bioregional street food market was one of many measures relating to the sustainable event management of documenta fifteen that were supported and accompanied by our Chair.

New publication (December 2022): Campos Mühlenhoff, S., Herzig, C., Bruns, C. Zöller. N., 2022, Aufbau eines Innovationsnetzwerkes zur Verbesserung der Kreislaufwirtschaft im ökologischen Landbau. Hemmnisse und Lösungsansätze entlang der Kompost-Wertschöpfungskette (Establishing an innovation network to improve the circular economy in organic farming. Obstacles and solutions along the compost value chain), Müll + Abfall 12, 109-114.

New publication (October 2022): Flörke, S., Keller, M., Ross, S., Herzig, C., Campos Mühlenhoff, S., 2022, RegioWoche Kassel. Praxistest für eine bioregionale Kita- und Schulverpflegung in Stadt und Landkreis Kassel - Herausforderungen, Potenziale und Handlungsempfehlungen (RegioWeek Kassel. Practical test for bioregional daycare and school catering in the city and district of Kassel - challenges, potentials and recommendations for action), RegioWoche Kassel project team, 74 pages.

New publication (October 2022): Jost, S., Birringer, M., Herzig, C., Brokers, prestige and information exchange in the European Union’s functional food sector – A policy network analysis Journal of Functional Foods 99, DOI: 10.1016/j.jf.2022.15309

From the field to the plate in Hesse - our annual field trip to actors in the organic and economy for the common good oriented agriculture and food industry took us to the South Hesse organic-model region (26-30 September 2020). Starting in Darmstadt, we explored all stages of the food chain and organised meetings with food chain actors in Darmstadt and the surrounding area as well as Wiesbaden and Frankfurt.

The brewery of Gießen, which was founded at IBAE, has reached the first place at the sustainability competition of Stadtfest Gießen 2022 (19.-21.8.2022). Congratulations on your 1st place!

New publication (August 2022): Küchler, R., Nicolai, B.M., Herzig, C., Towards a sustainability management tool for food manufacturing SMEs – Insights from a Delphi studyCorporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, DOI: 10.1002/csr.2376 (open access).

The second round of 'Gudes Ess'n aus Nordhessen' is underway (27.6.-1.7.22) and so we are scientifically evaluating organic community catering at daycare centres and schools (as in round 1 last year) as part of the "RegioWoche Kassel" project funded by the Hessian Organic Action Plan. 

The evaluation of the German organic field days at the Gladbacher Hof - the meeting point for all organic farmers and conventional farms wishing to convert to organic farming - was carried out by our Chair. On behalf of FiBL, almost 700 visitors and almost 150 exhibitors were asked about their experiences at the Organic Field Days 2022 (28-30 June 2022).

New publication (June 2022): Herzig, C., 2022, Ernährungswende: wie kann sie gelingen? (Food transition: how can it succeed?), DurchblickN, Magazine for Sustainability, Hessian Ministry for the Environment, Climate Protection, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, 2-4.

New publication (April 2022): Stöhr, J., Herzig, C., 2022, Organic pioneers and the sustainability transformation of the German food market: A politically structuring actor perspective, British Food Journal, DOI: 10.1108/BFJ-08-2021-0953 (open access)

Scientific monitoring of the priority area "Sustainable Nutrition" by Prof. Dr. Christian Herzig on behalf of the Office of the Hessian Sustainability Strategy, closing lecture at the 4th meeting of the Hessian Alliance for Sustainability, Schloss Biebrich, Wiesbaden, 6 April 2022.

Re-election of Prof. Dr. Christian Herzig as a member of the advisory board of the NABU project "Gemeinsam Boden gut machen" (making good ground together) (to reward farms that convert to organic farming or increase their organically farmed area).

On 1 April 2022, Professor Christian Herzig joined the Justus Liebig University Giessen as Chair of Business Administration in the Food Economy and Agribusiness.