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Psychology (BSc)

Taught in German




Justus Liebig University's Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science (Faculty 06) offers this Bachelor of Science as a first degree to qualify for a career in psychology. Through the accumulation of its constituent modules, the programme is intended to impart not only a well-founded overview of the subject but also the skills needed to enter the professional sphere. Students are expected to gain fundamental knowledge of scientific methods and the results of empirical psychological research as well as to be capable of applying this knowledge to issues in research and practice. To this end, the staple of compulsory modules is complemented by a range of electives, in which the theory, methodology and practice of empirical work is taught in greater detail. Further to this training in psychology, interdisciplinary core skills are also taught. This Bachelor programme thus contains a wide range of opportunities for students to prepare and qualify themselves for a career but at the same time provides a good anchorage from which to embark upon a Master's degree.


Information on the polyvalent Bachelor's program in Psychology and the new Master's program in Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy (M. Sc.) can be found under the following link

Information for prospective students with the goal of becoming a psychotherapist 
Information on the polyvalent Bachelor's program in Psychology and the new Master's program in Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy (M. Sc.) can be found under the following link:


Subject-specific prerequisites

Very good knowledge of mathematics, science subjects and English language is expected.

Number of enrolled students

581 students are enrolled in this bachelor degree course (as of winter semester 2017/18).


since 21 August 2007.

Composition of the Study Programme

Degree BSc


Bachelor of Science (BSc)

Duration of studies 6 Semester 180 Credit Points (CP)

Duration of Studies

6 Semesters - 180 Credit Points (CP)

Composition of the Study Programme

Composition of degree programme

Alongside the subjects which form the foundation of this degree (general psychology, physiological psychology, developmental psychology, differential psychology and social psychology), the first two years of the programme also provide more vocational courses in applied psychology, such as clinical psychology, work and organisational psychology and educational psychology. Methodological competence in statistics, testing theory and diagnostics is also trained in these two years. The module "Scientific work in the area of psychology" serves to impart interdisciplinary skills such as academic reading and writing, arithmetic and presentation.

The third year of this Bachelor of Science enables students to follow their own inclinations in choosing electives ranging from classic areas of psychology (e.g. recruitment, the promotion of learning, developmental disorders) to newly emerging fields (e.g. neurosciences, learning with different media), as well as to undertake a period of work experience and write their Bachelor's thesis.

In their final module, students gain more in-depth knowledge of the theory and practice of scientific work. The third year thus sees the emergence of each student's individual qualification profile on the basis of his/her combination of vocational and personally elective modules, finishing with the Bachelor's thesis.




First Study YearSecond Study YearThird Study Year
Statistics Testing Theory Work placement
Scientific Work in the Area of Psychology Bachelor's Thesis
General Psychology I Psychological Diagnostics Elective Module (1)*
General Psychology II Clinical Child and Youth Psychology Elective Module (2)*
Developmental Psychology Clinical Psychology Elective Module (3)*
Personality Psychology and Individual Differences Educational Psychology Ancillary Subject**
Biologic Psychology Work and Organisational Psychology Theory and Practice of Scientific Work
Social Psychology Experimental Internship


*Each student chooses three electives from the following:

  • Perception and Cognition
  • Cognitive Neurosciences
  • Biology and Personality
  • Cognitive Development and Disorders
  • Biologic Psychology and Neurosciences
  • Clinical Disorders
  • Educational Psychology
  • Recruitment and Assessment
  • Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • Social Psychology
  • Introduction to programming with Matlab
  • Psychological Diagnosis
  • Particular subjects of Psychology


Ancillary subjects

**Ancillary subjects can be chosen from the following fields:

  • Medicine
  • Economics and Business Administration
  • Education
  • Music
  • Sports

Further fields are possible according to prior agreement.


Professional and site-specific cases

The programme focuses on the following professional and site-specific areas:

Clinical psychology concentrates on the preconditions, diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders such as phobias, depression, eating disorders and addiction. The options to focus on neuroscience and/or go on to study the programme offered in association with our faculty to qualify as a behavioural psychotherapist, which ends in a period of clinical experience, provide excellent opportunities to become familiar not only with the physiological basics of psychological diseases but also with their treatment. The programme also focuses on health-related behaviour, rehabilitation, the classification of psychological disorders and psychotherapeutic methods.

In work and organisational psychology, almost all the central areas in research and practice in this field of Psychology are covered. Special emphasis is placed on recruitment and staff development, as this is seen as a particularly significant area of the job market for graduates with Bachelor's degrees. By choosing economics or business administration as an ancillary subject, students can link their knowledge of organisational psychology to an understanding of management issues, which they will find invaluable when working in business.

The field of educational psychology is concerned with learning and teaching processes and how these can be made more effective by means of scientifically controlled intervention. To these belong a) measures to promote cognitive, motivational and social skills in children, teenagers and adults, and b) ways in which to create learning environments using modern teaching technology (multi-media teaching, e-learning, virtual learning environments). Areas of study cover pre-school, school and parental education as well as adult education and continued vocational training.

Modules on research into physiopsychology and neuroscience form a further area of focus in this degree programme. These impart theoretical and practical knowledge of the neurological, genetic and biochemical basis of human behaviour and behavioural disorders. In this field, students enjoy access to laboratory facilities (magnetic resonance imaging, a molecular genetics laboratory) and research institutions (e.g. the post-graduate centre) which are unique in Germany.


Bachelor's Thesis

Almost half of the study time in the sixth semester is allotted to writing a Bachelor`s thesis. Students are expected to show within a limited time that they are capable of independent academic work.


Commencement of Studies in the Winter Semester

Commencement of studies

Only possible in the winter semester

Entrance Requirements Abitur ohne Praktikumsnachweis

Entrance requirements

  • Applicants must have an Abitur (German school leaver's examination for university entrance) or equivalent. More on this...
  • Certification of a pre-professional practical period is not required.
  • Special regulations apply to foreign applicants or those who gained their university-entrance qualifications abroad. Read more...

Application limited internally only winter semester

Application for admission and registration


  • The intake capacity is limited.
  • Applications must be received by the JLU Student Secretariat by July 15. More on this...

Please note that the deadline for courses of study that are not limited can be extended. The deadline extensions will be published in the application portal.


  • Special regulations apply to foreign applicants or those who gained their university-entrance qualifications abroad. Read more...

Career Options

Career Options

Options for further study at JLU

Career options

Please see the information provided on the pages of the German Psychological Society.

Further Information

Further Information: Documents

PDF documents for the courses of study


Examination- and study regulations


Courses offered in the course catalogue

International pages

Please have a look at our International Pages for more information in English.

Any Questions

Any Questions?

Information- and advisory services of JLU can be found under the category “contact” on this page!


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Offers: Courses of study

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Events for prospective students

There is a whole range of events offered by JLU, current events can be found under “news”: (in German)


Subject Advisors
Subject Advisors Psychology

Dipl.-Psych. Ingrid Staiger
The advisors' office hours and contact information can be found on the website of the study advisor.

Central Study Advisor
Alexander Kohrt (M.A.)
Central Student Services

Directions and welcome desk