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Become part of an international network in a digital study environment!

Circular economy, use of renewable resources, sustainable energy and water management: chemistry plays an important role in achieving a sustainable economy and society. New chemical processes need to be developed and existing ones adapted to changing conditions. These are transnational issues and therefore international perspectives should be included in the study programme.

For this reason, the "DigiChem" project, established by the Universities of Giessen, Ljubljana, Padua and Zagreb, started in 2022 within the framework of an "Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership". "DigiChem" includes four new modules, each of which will take place at one of the partner universities and which participants will follow digitally. These modules will include online lectures, seminars and digital laboratory courses. In addition, the programme will allow a group of students from each partner university to attend the lectures in person and participate in the lab courses on site for approximately one week within each module, thus enabling intercultural exchange for students and teachers in the digital space as well as in the context of mutual visits.

The composition of the scientific consortium has been chosen to make best use of the technical expertise of all partners and to cover a well rounded range of topics - chemistry, materials science, energy materials, engineering chemistry, recycling management and sustainability in organic chemistry. The modules and teaching units to be developed will ensure high quality integrative teaching with an innovative disciplinary focus on Sustainable Chemistry.