Inhaltspezifische Aktionen

Navid Nail

Über mich

Navid Nail is a comparative scholar and independent media critic from Germany. He completed his rMA degree at the University of Amsterdam in Arts and Culture in 2023. During the same year, he transitioned his research on blank sign protests into a dissertation project in Cultural Studies at the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture in Gießen, where he holds a scholarship.

Arbeitstitel des Dissertationsprojekts: Blank-Sign Protests In Light Of Past Cultural Interventions Of Total Absence And Monochrome Spaces.





  • Die leere Leinwand – eine Momentaufnahme?, ZeitZeug_ Festival 2024: (Un)Sichtbar, 26.09.2024, Bochum.

  • Continuity, Reenactment, Disruption – A Glimpse Into The Travel of Blank/White Protest Signs, ASCA Workshop 2024: Resistance, Refusal, Fugitivity, 06.06.2024, Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA), Amsterdam.

  • „Das lässt sich dämmen!“ - Jüngere Bühnenadaptionen von Theodor Storms „Der Schimmelreiter“ als Klimawandellektüre. 20.02.2024, Enstaubt: Klassikerinszenierungen im Gegenwartstheater, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU), Institut für Germanistik, Landau.  

  • Two Sides of the Same Coin: Trying to Understand Contemporary Protest Through Iconological Readings of the Absence in Blank-Sign Protests and the Presence in White Paper Protest, 14.06.2023, A Seat for a Table, A Sun for the Sky, Netherlands Institute for Cultural Analysis (NICA), Amsterdam.



  • Protest
  • Erinnerungskultur
  • Künste der (Vor-)Moderne

  • Realistisches Erzählen: Theodor Fontane – Theodor Storm – Alfred Bock, Co-Teaching with Dr. Kirsten Prinz, SoSe 2024, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (JLU).

  • StolpersteineForTheUvA? – Updating Commemoration at the University of Amsterdam, SoSe 2023, Netherlands Institute for Cultural Analysis (NICA).



  • Research Area 1: Cultural Memory Studies

  • KulturKombinat Neue Räume e.V.

  • Tut! - Tutorien für Erziehungswissenschaft