New publications with ZNE affiliation
Büttner, V, Gassler, B., Teuber, R. (2024). "Does the Eco-Score lead to a halo effect? Influence of a sustainability label on product perceptions and purchase intention", Food Quality and Preference", 121, 105246,
Gassler, B., Teuber, R. (2025)."What role do attitudes, information and taste play in consumer preferences and willingness to pay for domestic alternatives to exotic superfoods?", Food Quality and Preference, 123, 105342,
Kirsten, L, Garvert, R., Teuber, R. (2024). "Acceptance of insects as food in Germany: risk–benefit perceptions and the role of risk preferences", British Food Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
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