Research Interests
Research Interests at our department
Empirical Macroeconomics
- Forecasting Macroeconomic Variables with Non-Linear Time-Series Models (SEEK - ZEW)
- Optimal combination of forecasts in case of missing observations
- Application of Interval-Data-Modeling in Forecasting; (supported by DAAD-PPP 2012 – 2013)
Financial Markets, Risk Management
- Econometric Estimation of Agent-Based-Models
- Explaining the Complexity of Agent-Based-Models
- Robust Methods in Portfolio Optimization
- Comparing Point- and Interval-Estimators for Volatility-Forecasts (supported by DAAD-PPP 2012-2013)
- Macroeconomic Convergence of the Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS)
Heuristic Optimization in Econometrics and Statistics
- Estimation of Smooth Transition-Models with Heuristic Methods (supported by ZEW SEEK Project 2012-2013)
- Determining Bootstrap-Confidence Intervals for VAR-Forecasts and IRFs (supported by DAAD-PPP 2013-2014)
- Solar energy partnership with Africa (SEPA)
- Identification of Falsification in Surveys (DFG – SPP 1292, supported by DFG 2011-2014)
- Application of Multivariate Time-Series Methods in Psychosomatic Medicine
- Regional Economic Effects of the Justus-Liebig-University and analysis of the professional career of graduates
For further questions regarding our current, past and future research activities, feel free to contact us.