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Packaging made of cellulose, computer screens made of sugar, clothes made of coffee grounds... just as exciting as it sounds, such innovative, bio-based products are also important. Fossil raw materials such as crude oil, coal or gas are finite and place a heavy burden on the environment. How can we reduce the use of fossil raw materials and replace them with more environmentally friendly, renewable raw materials? How can we produce food, clothes, raw and building materials or medicines from plants or animals? Which plants (e.g. rape, maize) are suitable for energy production? How can we use the residues that are produced? What possibilities are there to process as many components of a plant as possible?
This is precisely what the bioeconomy, also called the biobased economy, is concerned with. It is characterised by a sustainable form of economic activity by using natural resources such as plants, animals or microorganisms. Products and processes from the bioeconomy thus combine environmental protection with economic interest. In this way, we can create prosperity while conserving resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. You will gain the necessary knowledge for this in the Bachelor's degree programme "Crop Biomass and Bioresources". 
In addition to a broad technical basic knowledge in agriculture, the degree programme also provides students with practice-oriented knowledge in the subject areas of bioresources and renewable raw materials. Students understand the value of biological resources (soil, water, plants, animals, microorganisms), use their natural properties and link this biological knowledge with technological solutions.
If you want to make an important contribution to environmental protection and the developments of the future, this is the right place for you!

What you should bring

In addition to the formal entry requirements (see application), we expect an interest in natural sciences, a certain down-to-earth attitude and an interest in technological issues. Basic knowledge of mathematics, chemistry and biology is advantageous. JLU offers preliminary courses in which you can refresh your knowledge before starting your studies. This way you are optimally prepared for your studies.