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Dissertations (B.Sc., M.Sc., Diploma, Promotion, State examination) of workgroup Brinkmann (formerly workgroup Metag).




Lara Dippel PhD tba ongoing
Kim Tabea Giebenahin PhD tba ongoing
Marvin Peter PhD tba ongoing
Ather Ahmad PhD tba ongoing
Nils Tröll PhD Serientests, Qualitätsanalyse und Implementation der Silizium-Streifensensorparameter in das Slow-Control Steuerungssystem von PANDA ongoing
Faiza Khalid PhD tba ongoing
Pavel Orsich PhD tba ongoing
Aniko Tim Falk PhD tba ongoing
Áron Kripkó PhD Studying the hardron structure with PANDA and CLAS using machine learning techniques 2023
Matthias Sachs M.Sc. tba ongoing
Lara Dippel M.Sc. Development of a Tracking Detector for Charged Particles Based on Scintillating Fibers November 2023
Kim Eileen Wahler B.Sc.

Charakterisierung des Zählratenverhaltens einer SiPM für zufallsverteilten Photoneneinfall

August 2023
Matthias Herbert Anton Wöstmann B.Sc. Parametrisierung des Amplitudenspektrums einer SiPM bei zufällig verteiltem Lichteinfall August 2023
Hartmut Schotte B.Sc.  Development of a Particle Tracking Scintillation Detector for Space Deployment January 2023
Kim Tabea Giebenhain M.Sc. Development and Optimization of a Scintillation-based Neutron Detector using enriched Boron-Nitride Nanotubes November 2022
Simon Glennemeier-Marke B.Sc. Validation of the light yield nonlinearity implementation for EMC crystals in the PandaRoot simulation framework October 2022
Niclas Lars Rudolf Fiedler B.Sc. Implementation of the Slow Control of the PANDA Barrel EMC’s Front-End Electronics into EPICS September 2022
Raphael Ratz B.Sc. Development of an Algorithm for an automatic APFEL Calibration for the PANDA Barrel EMC September 2022
Daniel Treffenstädt B.Sc. Real-time data analysis of a distributed muon detector network for cosmic shower detection and reconstruction September 2022
Marvin Peter M.Sc. Development of a Scintillator-based System for Coincidence Time Resolution Measurements using a High Resolution TDC April 2022
Martin Kesselkaul PhD Untersuchung des Einflusses der η-Funktion auf die Ortsauflösung von Si-Streifen-Detektoren unter Verwendung einer automatisierten, örtlich hoch-aufgelösten Infrarot-LASER-Teststation December 2021
Sebastian Zimmermann PhD Development of the Fast Timing PANDA Barrel Time-of-Flight Detector March 2021
Lara Dippel B.Sc. Development of a high resolution scintillation time measurement system January 2021
Aniko Tim Falk M.Sc. November 2020
Wihan Adi M.Sc. May 2020
Yannik Bettner B.Sc. Radiation Hard Environmental Monitoring Sensors Inside the PANDA Calorimeter September 2019
Sven Peter B.Sc. Simulation of Cosmic Air Showers and Simulation Studies for the Geometry Optimization of a Scintillation Detector September 2019
Lukas Nies M.Sc. A Novel Approach for the Photo-Readout of a Lead-Tungstate Calorimeter With Silicon Photomultipliers September 2019
Benjamin Wohlfahrt PhD Matching of avalanche photodiodes and light injection into scintillation crystals August 2019
Kim Tabea Giebenhain B.Sc. Large Area Avalanche Photodiode Gain Optimization for the APFEL ASIC Preamplifiers of the PANDA Calorimeter August 2019
Maximilian Rokuss B.Sc. Response Improvement of the PandaRoot Calorimeter Model August 2019
Marvin Peter B.Sc. Entwicklung eines Teststandes für die HV-Regelungselektronik des EMC des PANDA-Experiments an FAIR October 2017
Matthias Sachs B.Sc. Untersuchung zur Strahlentoleranz elektronischer Komponenten im Hinblick auf ihren Einsatz in der Ausleseelektronik des elektromagnetischen Kalorimeters des PANDA Experimentes October 2017
Wihan Adi B.Sc. BaF2-Scintillator Characterization for Measurements of the Production-Cross-Section of PET-Isotopes for Applications in Ion-Therapy August 2017
Lukas Nies B.Sc. Development of a SiPM-based readout-module for the characterization of various scintillation materials August 2017
Alberto Riccardi PhD Low power integrated system for a time and energy measurement in the PANDA micro-strip detector

May 2017

Valentino di Pietro Prom. A time-based front-end ASIC for the silicon micro strip sensors of the PANDA Micro Vertex Detector May 2017
Christopher Hahn M.Sc. Measurements on the radiation hardness of the high voltage subdistribution  prototype of the Electromagnetic Calorimeter for the PANDA Experiment May 2017
Christoph Rosenbaum PhD Optimization of the Front-End Electronics of the PANDA Barrel EMC September 2016
Sebastian Zimmermann M.Sc. Neue Konzepte für Sampling Kalorimeter April 2016
Stefan Diehl PhD Optimization of the Influence of Longitudinal and Lateral Non-Uniformity on the Performance of an Electromagnetic Calorimeter March 2016
Tommaso Quagli PhD Hardware Developments for the Strip Detector of the PANDA MVD December 2015
Andreas Pitka PhD D0-D0bar-Mischung im Zerfall D0-> Ks π+ π- am PANDA Experiment November 2015
Benjamin Wohlfahrt M.Sc. Development of a motor-controller for an infrared laser test stand for silicon detectors 2014
Martin Kesselkaul M.Sc. Entwicklung und Integration einer Laseransteuerung für einen automatischen Infrarot-Laser-Teststand für Silizium-Streifen-Detektoren October 2014
Andre Albach B.Sc. Medium-Effekte von Charmonium in Kernmaterie an PANDA September 2014
Stefan Friedrich PhD Experimental constraints on the real part of the ω-nucleus optical potential July 2014
Daniel Bremer PhD Measurements and Simulations on Position Dependencies in the Response of Single PWO Crystals and a Prototype for the PANDA EMC January 2014
Tobias Eissner PhD  The new PWO Crystal Generation and Concepts for the Performance Optimisation of the PANDA EMC November 2013
Marcelle Tchitnga B.Sc. Entwicklung eines Detekor-Arrays zum Nachweis von Gamma-Strahlung für Anwendungen in der Strahlentherapie November 2013
Sebastian Zimmermann B.Sc. Studien zum koinzidenten Nachweis Compton-gestreuter Photonen
November 2013
Markus Moritz PhD Measurements and improvements of the response of the PANDA-EMC prototype PTOTO60 to high energetic particles and photons in accelerator experiments September 2013
Jens Rabold State ex. Entwicklung eines Versuchskonzeptes zur Röntgen-Computertomographie June 2013
Kathrin Wohlfarth State ex. Entwicklung eines Versuchskonzeptes zur Magnetresonanztomographie June 2013
Frida Dietz PhD ω-photoproduction off Protons and Neutrons with CBELSA-TAPS March 2013
Stefan Diehl M.Sc. Ansprechverhalten eines Shashlyk-Kalorimeters für hochenergetische Photonen im Energiebereich von 100 MeV bis 770 MeV August 2012
Till Kuske Dipl. Stimulated Recovery of Radiation Damage in cooled PWO-Crystals for the PANDA Detector December 2011
Karoly Mankonyi PhD Searching for omega-mesic states in carbon

June 2011

Michaela Thiel PhD In-medium properties of the omega-meson studied in photonuclear reactions near the production threshold

November 2010

Stefan Diehl B.Sc. Neue Auslesekonzepte für elektromagnetische Kalorimeter September 2010
Daniel Mühlheim B.Sc. Rekonstruktion der Energie- und Ortsinformation eines elektromagnetischen Kalorimeters am Beispiel des PROTO60 August 2010
Wayne Lippert B.Sc. Konzept der Kalibration eines Prototyps des EM-Kalorimeters für PANDA August 2010
Daniel Bremer Dipl. Reconstruction of Electromagnetic Showers and Determination of the Position Resolution of a Prototype of the PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter March 2010
Tobias Eissner Dipl. Quality Control of PWO-Crystals for the PANDA Detector October 2009
Markus Moritz Dipl.  Ansprechverhalten des PROTO 60, Untereinheit des PANDA Detektors, auf hochenergetische Photonen 2009

Stefan Friedrich

Dipl. Teilchenidentifikation mittels Cerenkov- und Szintillationsdetektoren August 2008