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E-Learning at JLU - Contact Points and Information

Special Funding Opportunities for Teaching Projekts at JLU

  • Funding for "gender teaching assignments"
    Funding for teaching assignments that deal with subject-related topics of women's and gender studies or teach gender competence, is used to increase the number of gender-sensitive and gender-critical courses and to improve the quality of teaching at JLU. It is financed by QSL funds. Announcements are made semi-annually; applications must be submitted via the relevant institute. More 
  • Dr.-Herbert-Stolzenberg-Teaching Award
    On the initiative of the Dr. Herbert Stolzenberg Foundation and the Presidential Board of Justus Liebig University, the GCSC is able to offer awards every two years to promote scientific achievements of outstanding young scientists, including outstanding achievements in teaching. More
  • Funding opportunity for digitally supported teaching at JLU
    As part of the project "HessenHub - Netzwerk digitale Hochschullehre Hessen" (formerly digLL), teaching staff have been supported in the implementation of digital university teaching since 2019. Within the sub-project at JLU, the departments and service institutions are to be supported in the conception, implementation and creation of various digitally supported teaching formats. For this purpose, both material and personnel funds are available for projects at JLU within the framework of an annual call for proposals. The current call for proposals for the funding period 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024 can be found on the project website. More

Übersichtsgrafik zu den hochschuldidaktischen Anlaufstellen an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

Further Services at the JLU referring to Teaching and Higher Education Didactics


Service Point 'Teaching Evaluation'


In order to be able to give systematic feedback to the teachers, a service point for Teaching Evaluation is established at JLU. In addition to information on the standardized recording of student course feedback (in English), the homepage offers a list of alternative self-evaluation procedures in teaching (in German).

Public Learning Materials


The learning modules collected in this ilias magazine provide an overview of various aspects of scientific work, e.g. literature research, presenting, organizational techniques and even research methods. Students can work out the contents there independently or look them up. [partly in English]

Onlinemodul zu Recht im E-Learning


What do copyright, open educational resources or data protection actually mean for my teaching? In the project Teaching 4.0, a web-based training was developed that provides teachers with information and practical tips to facilitate the creation and implementation of e-learning events. [only in German]

Helpful Material by HD

Decorative image "Light bulb"Link
Here you soon will find helpful and proven materials, links and literature references for beginning teachers, which the HD has compiled and which can support you in making your entry into university teaching professional and effective. [in German]

Advice on Digital Accessibility and Inclusion in IT

Decorative image "Open" - Click here to get advice on digital accessibility and Inclusion in IT


The HRZ advises on digital accessibility and supports the creation of websites, files or e-learning content through handouts and training. [only in German]

Writing Training for Students in your Seminar by the Staff of ZfbK

Logo "Center for Foreign Language and Professional Field-Oriented Competencies (ZfbK)" - click here to visit their website

The Zfbk supports writing-intensive courses by providing writing exercises for students guided by experts from the Zfbk.


Further Contact Points at JLU for Training in Higher Education Didactics


Servicestelle Hochschuldidaktik (HD)


The HD offers a range of didactic consulting and further education events to support you in your personal development of teaching competences. In addition to workshops and individual advice the homepage provides a collection of ideas and material. [only in German]

Hochschuldidaktisches Netzwerk Mittelhessen (HDM)

Logo "University didactics Network Central Hesse  (HDM)" - click here to visit their  website


The HDM is a higher education teacher training organized by the three Hessian universities Philipps-University Marburg (UMR), Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU) and the TH Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences (THM). The aim of this cooperation is to provide the teaching staff at these universities with an university-didactic education and counseling service. The programme is also aimed at all junior researchers who have not (yet) taken on any teaching duties. [only in German]

As part of the programme, the certificate 'Professional Academic Qualification' can be completed.

"NIDIT" - Network for Impactful Digital International Teaching Skills

Logo Network for Impactful Digital International Teaching Skills (NIDIT) - click here to visit their website.


The joint project of the three Hessian universities, NIDIT, has aims to expand the competencies of teachers in the digital and international space. NIDIT ensures teaching quality and establishes digital teaching on a long-term basis in an international context.

If you have specific needs for further trainings in E-learning, please let us know and we will plan together future courses based on your needs.

HessenHub@JLU - Netzwerk digitale Hochschullehre Hessen

Logo HesenHub - click here to visit their website.

In this "Network for Digital University Teaching in Hessen", the Hessian universities have networked in innovation forums in order to work together on subject didactic, methodological or cross-sectional topics and to develop offers or solutions. [only in German]


Literature Tips and Links to Material Collections from other Institutions


  • Barbezat, Daniel P.; Bush, Mirabai: Contemplative Practices in Higher Education. Powerful Methods to Transform Teaching and Learning, Hoboken: Wiley 2013.
  • Becker, Lucinda M.; Denicolo, Pam: Teaching in Higher Education, London u.a.: SAGE 2013.
  • Berendt, Brigitte et al. (Hg.): Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre. Link:
  • Diamond, Robert M.: Designing and Assessing Courses and Curricula. A Practical Guide, 3rd Edition, San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass 2008.
  • Exley, Kate; Dennick, Reg: Giving a Lecture. From Presenting to Teaching, 2nd Edition, New York: Routledge 2009.
  • Hallet, Wolfgang: Lehren lernen. Didaktische Kompetenzen an der Hochschule, in: Nünning, Ansgar (Hg.): Handbuch Promotion. Forschung – Förderung - Finanzierung, Stuttgart: Metzler 2007, 211-227.
  • hooks, Bell: Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom, 12th Edition, New York: Routledge 1994.
  • Macke, Gerd et al.: Kompetenzorientierte Hochschuldidaktik. Lehren, vortragen, prüfen, beraten. Mit überarbeiteter Methodensammlung „Besser lehren“, 3. Auflage, Weinheim: Beltz 2016.
  • Paulsen, Michael B. (Hg.): Higher Education. Handbook of Theory and Research, Cham: Springer International Publishing 2016.
  • Tripp, Lucretia Octavia; Collier, Rhonda M.: Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference 2020.

 Decorative image: "Teaching Centres Bibliography for University Teaching" -  click here to download as pdf. Thematically sorted bibliography to download  

Share your most useful links on the topic of teaching with us
and we will include it in the list!


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik

The dghd defines itself as a "scientific professional association of all those interested in the topics of 'higher education didactics' and 'study reform' in the German-speaking world". In addition to event information and job offers, the homepage offers a variety of networking opportunities - explicitly also for doctoral students.

Inside Higher Ed

by Times Higher Education

Inside Higher Ed is a journalism organization that provides news, analysis and solutions for the higher education community.

Lehreladen. Downloadcenter für inspirierte Lehre

by Ruhr Universität Bochum, Zentrum für Wissenschaftsdidaktik Hochschuldidaktik

The download centre for inspired teaching "Lehre Laden" set up by the university didactics department of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum offers comprehensive information and helpful tips for teachers, for the planning and implementation of courses at the university, teaching formats and methods as well as e-learning for download.

Diversify! Lehre

by Hamburg Open Online University and Stabsstelle Gleichstellung of HAW Hamburg

On the website you will find strategies of empowerment, knowledge about discrimination in our society and ways to counteract it. There are also ideas, tips and practical examples for teachers on how to prepare, implement and follow up on anti-discriminatory and inclusive teaching.

Teaching Tools. Eine Plattform für die Lehre

by Zürich University (UZH)

The homepage of the University of Zurich's didactics department has extensive download material available: Didactic tips, suggestions and how-to's for lecturers.

Methodenpool der Uni Köln

Teaching methods in the constructive and systemic method pool - teaching, learning, methods for all areas of didactic action.

Teaching and Learning Guidance and Resources

by University of Plymouth

Information and resources on a range of teaching and learning topics including assessment, inclusivity, peer reviews and more.

Teaching & Learning Ressources

by University College Dublin

Practical and evidence-based resources to support teaching, from getting startet to resources for more experienced teachers, like quick guides, in-depth resources, templates and case studies.


Picture Credits:
Decorative image "Open" - Viktor Forgacs auf Unsplash
Decorative image "Light bulb" - Franziska Weisel
Decorative image "exclamation point" - Andreas Lischka, Pixabay