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Tips for the Preparation of Application Documents

When preparing your application documents, you should follow a few basic rules. Here we explain which these are.


Even though it is tempting: we advise you not to use a template from the internet.
Instead, show individuality and create your own format in terms of font, color and lines. If necessary, solely take a little inspiration from templates on the Internet.



As a rule, you should be able to provide a reference or certificate for all the stations you mention in your resume. Particularly important are your most recent job certificates, your diploma or (if you are still studying) your current transcript of records and, if applicable, a language certificate. You can also attach certificates of further training or special courses.

Unless otherwise requested, you should merge all documents (cover letter, CV, certificates) into one PFD file.


Response to your application

It may happen that an employer calls you spontaneously to clarify some details or to arrange an interview - so be prepared for this and always keep an overview of all your submitted applications.

And if there is no response at all? About 2 weeks after you have sent your application or after the application deadline, you can politely ask about the current status of the application process.


To gain more insights into the application process in Germany, register for our workshops on the topic of starting a career in Germany.
Here you can find our current programme.