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Conference: For What It’s Worth: Nostalgia, Sustainability and the Values of the Present


Apr 28, 2016 01:00 to Apr 30, 2016 07:00 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)


Phil I, GCSC, R. 001

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Provisional Schedule


Thursday, 28 April 2016


13:00-14:00  Registration (GCSC Foyer)


14:00-18:00  Master Class (MFR; special registration required)

  • Prof. Nicholas Brown (Illinois, Chicago), ‘Art as Object, Art as Commodity’


18:00-20:00  Reception and exhibition opening (Exhibition Space)


Friday, 29 April 2016


[90-minute panels with 3 speakers, 20 minutes each, and 30 minutes for questions]


09:00-09:30  Registration (GCSC Foyer)


09:30-10:00  Welcome and Introduction (MFR)


10:00-10:15   Break (GCSC Foyer)


10:15-11:45  Panel One: Past and Post- Utopias (MFR)


11:45-12:00  Break (GCSC Foyer)


12:00-13:30  Panel Two: Critical Narratives: Cycle or Progression? (MFR)


13:30-15:00  Lunch (Mensa)


15:00-16:30  Panel Three: Remembering Anew: Education and Memory (MFR)


16:30-16:45  Break (GCSC Foyer)


16:45-17:45  Talk with the Artists (MFR)


17:45-18:00  Break (GCSC Foyer)


18:00-20:00  Keynote Lecture 1 (MFR)

  • Prof. Mita Banerjee (Mainz)


20:00              Dinner (Venue TBC)


Saturday, 30 April 2016

09:30-11:30  Keynote Lecture 2 (MFR)

  • Prof. Nicholas Brown (Illinois, Chicago)


11:30-11:45 Break (GCSC Foyer)


[90-minute panels with 3 speakers, 20 minutes each, and 30 minutes for questions]


11:45-13:15   Panel Four: Temporalities of Praxis and Performance (MFR)


13:15-14:45   Lunch (Mensa)


14:45-16:15  Panel Five: Material Cultures: Becoming Future (MFR)


16:15-16:30  Break (GCSC Foyer)


16:30-18:00  Panel Six: Transnational and Post-human Identities (MFR)


18:00-19:00  Closing Discussion (MFR)