Document Actions

Research Sponsorship Fund

Aim of the funding


The fund is intended to support selected collaborative research projects in the form of start-up financing if, following university funding, there is a prospect of a successful application to a third-party funding provider and the proposed projects have the potential to further develop the university's specific research profile.




The fund promotes the interdisciplinary networking of research activities on the basis of the university's profile areas. Such networks should be at least the size of a DFG research group (approximately six to eight sub-projects). In particular, newly appointed professors who are based in a research focus area and have announced corresponding third-party funded projects in their appointment negotiations are invited to apply.

Funding from the fund has no thematic requirements. Funding is only available for projects that have the potential to lead to a third-party funded project within a short period of time (in particular collaborative research centers, research groups, research training groups, larger EU projects if JLU assumes the coordinator function). Further selection criteria are

  • proven research profile of the applicants


  • high interdisciplinary innovation potential of the application


  • compatibility with the university's planning in the profile-forming areas


  • promotion of young researchers


  • prospects for national and international networking.


Scope of funding

Funding in the 'Research Funding Fund' is provided for a maximum period of two years. The duration of university funding depends on the size and weighting of the planned third-party funding application. The application volume of individual applications should not exceed EUR 100,000.

Application procedure


Applicants are groups of researchers; individual proposals are generally excluded. The structure of the proposal outlines (up to ten pages) should be based on the DFG's templates for grants. The outlines must name a contact person responsible for the project, describe the content of the intended project, describe the status of the applicant's own preliminary work, document collaborations and existing networks, describe planned work steps and milestones on the way to the planned third-party funded project and include a clear quantification of the requested funds by cost type. The applicants' CVs and publication lists should be attached.

Before submitting the applications to the Presidential Board, the deans/GD of the scientific centers of the participating departments evaluate the planned project and comment on the innovative content and the benefits of the project for the profile and objectives of the department/institution and the university.

Scientists from the Faculty of Medicine can participate in the call for proposals if they are involved in interdisciplinary projects. Their financial support will be arranged after consultation with the Dean's Office of Department 11.

For information on the research funding fund, please also see the announcement for fund

Contact: If you have any questions about the call for applications, please contact the Research Department at forschung