Resuscitation Training
In this performance, the coming together of people is simulated as an emergency. So instead of preparing for an emergency, we meet to examine our coming together itself. We take apart gestures and positions and (re)assemble them anew. We sound out how we relate to each other and how we could relate to each other differently. A known situation becomes an unknown construction. Can we rehearse the serious case?
Concept & Performance: Felix Falczyk, Johanna Herschel
28.08.21, city hall underground car park, Gießen, 7 pm
Die Performance "Reanimationstraining" findet im Rahmen des ID_Tanzhauses Frankfurt Rhein-Main statt. Das ID-Tanzhaus Frankfurt Rhein-Main ist eine Initiative von ID_Frankfurt - Independent Dance and Performance e.V. Unterstützt durch DIEHL+RITTER/TANZPAKT RECONNECT, gefördert von den Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen der Initiative NEUSTART KULTUR. Hilfsprogramm Tanz
- Performance