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Katharina Wolf


Katharina Wolf is a doctoral candidate at the History Department and the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) of Justus Liebig University of Giessen. Her doctoral project deals with international child welfare after the Second World War, using the example of the founding and internationalisation processes of the 'SOS Children's Village' association. The focus is on patterns of argumentation around concepts of childhood and family as well as the aid practices linked to them.
From 2018 to 2023 she coordinated as research assistant the GCSC Teaching Centre's offers of further training in higher education didactics for doctoral candidates as well as the Predoctoral Programme for the Study of Culture, which is aimed at students interested in doing a doctorate. In the winter term 2022/23, she was a fellow at the Leibniz Institute for European History in Mainz. She has held teaching positions at the universities of Gießen and Mainz and works in the research network PRiNa on politics of reproduction. Prior to her time as a PhD candidate, she studied History, German and Philosophy (Master of Education) as well as Sociology and German studies (Magistra Artium) at the universities of Mainz and Istanbul.



Contributions in Edited Volumes & Journals

  • Wolf, Katharina (2022): Zum Wohle des Kindes? Kindesbedürfnisse als Argumente in Politiken der Reproduktion. In: Politiken der Reproduktion. Umkämpfte Forschungsperspektiven und Praxisfelder (= Gender Studies), Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 127–146.
  • Wolf, Katharina; Tiborra, Jana (2022): In_Visibilities. Self-representation, Othering, and Power in Visual Culture. In: In_Visibilities. On_Culture 13, <>.
  • Wolf, Katharina (2022): Mutterschaft als Berufsfeld. In: Lisa Yashodhara Haller, Alicia Schlender (Eds.): Handbuch Feministische Perspektiven auf Elternschaft. Leverkusen-Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich, pp. 179–192.
  • Stornig, Katharina; Wolf, Katharina (2020): Parenthood as Aid: "Fathers", "Mothers" and International Child Welfare fom the late 1940s to the 1970s. In: Esther Möller, Johannes Paulmann and Katharina Stornig (Eds.): Gendering Global Humanitarianism in the Twentieth Century. Practice, Politics and the Power of Representation (= Palgrave Macmillan Transnational History Series). London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 221–254.

Edited Volume& Special Issues

  • Tiborra, Jana; Wolf, Katharina (Eds.) (2022): In_Visibilities. On_Culture 13.
  • Fröhlich, Marie; Schütz, Ronja; Wolf, Katharina (Eds.) (2022): Politiken der Reproduktion. Umkämpfte Forschungsperspektiven und Praxisfelder (= Gender Studies). Bielefeld: transcript.

Conference Report and Review

  • Wolf, Katharina (2017): Tagungsbericht: Gender & Humanitarianism: (Dis-)Empowering Women and Men in the Twentieth Century, 29.06.2017–01.07.2017, Mainz. In: H-Soz-Kult, 28.09.2017 (here » available).
  • Wolf, Katharina (2016): Kulturalisierung und Popularisierung von Geschlecht. Rezension von: Langenohl, Andreas und Anna Schober (Eds.): Metamorphosen von Kultur und Geschlecht. Genealogien, Praktiken, Imaginationen. Paderborn: Fink. In: KULT_online 54 »
Presentations (Selection)

09.06.2023: “give up one bar of chocolate a month”: Mobilization of Children for Child Welfare and Aid of the SOS Children’s Villages (1949-1960s), Conference: Society for the History of Children and Youth’s 2023 biennial international conference, 08.-10.06.2023, Guelph.

24.01.2023: "Vom Tiroler 'Kinderdorf' zum Weltfrieden: Gesellschaftsvisionen und die Expansion von Kinderwohlfahrt, 1945-1979", Research Colloquium of the Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte, Mainz.

02.07.2021: "Vom Tiroler Waisenhaus zum Weltfrieden: Gesellschaftsvisionen und die Universalisierung von Kinderwohlfahrt vom Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs bis in die 1970er Jahre", Oberseminar für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte, Giessen [digital].

23.06.2021: "Gendering Childhood & Youth. Discourses on Boyhood and Girlhood in the Summer Camps of SOS Children's Villages (1949-1979)", Conference: Society for the History of Children and Youth’s 2021 biennial international conference, 13.-25.06.2021, Galway [digital].

18.11.2020: „Österreichische Kinderwohlfahrtspolitik im Kalten Krieg am Beispiel von SOS-Kinderdorf", BA-Seminar led by Dr. Lucile Dreidemy: Geschichte der österreichischen Entwicklungspolitik im internationalen Kontext, winter term 2020/21, Universität Wien [digital].

29.09.2020: „Hilfe für Kinder als grenzenlose Solidarität? Österreichische Kinderwohlfahrtspolitik im Kalten Krieg am Beispiel von SOS-Kinderdorf, ca. 1960-70", Workshop: Solidarity and Humanitarianism in the Global South between Decolonization and the Cold War (1960s-1980s), 28.-29.09.2020, Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin.

27.06.2019: "‘Guardian angels from Austria’? The international expansion of SOS Children’s Villages in South Asia during the 1960s", Conference: Society for the History of Children and Youth’s 2019 biennial international conference, 26.-28.06.2019, Sydney.

12.06.2019: "(De)Gendered Childhood. Discourses on Boys and Girls in Need within the Expansion of Aid of the SOS Children’s Villages in Austria, Germany and Italy (1949–c. 1970)", Conference: Integrating Gender in the History of Humanitarian aid: Europe (20th–21st century), 12.06.2019-13.06.2019, Angers.

18.10.2018: „Begriffe von Mutterschaft im Kontext von Kinderwohlfahrtsorganisationen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg“, Research Days of the GGS, 18.-19.10.2018, Rauischholzhausen.

PhD Project

Vom Tiroler "Kinderdorf" zur internationalen "Entwicklungshilfe". Kinderhilfe und Gesellschaftsvisionen, 1945-1979Arbeitstitel
(From Tyrolean "Children's Village" to international "Development Aid". Child Welfare and Visions of Society
, 1945-1979 (working titel))

  • Institute: Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Historical Institute
  • Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Katharina Stornig, Giessen; Prof. Dr. Johannes Paulmann, Mainz

Research Interests

  • History of international child welfare
  • Politics of reproduction
  • History of childhood
  • Gender history
  • Media history
Teaching & Workshops

winter term 2021/22 Seminar (B.A./M.A.) "A Global History of Human Rights", with Riley Linebaugh, Department of Political Science, JGU Mainz
winter term 2019/20 Übung (B.A.) „Forms of Transnational Solidarity in the 20th Century”, bi-lingual offer with Riley Linebaugh, Historical Institute, JLU Giessen
since 2017

Introductory workshop and final round of the Predoctoral Programme for the Study of Culture;
„Kick off of the Buddy Programme. Introduction to Mentoring“

winter term 2018/19 [As co-teacher] Gestaltung einzelner Seminarsequenzen im BA-Proseminar „Nazis in Deutschland, auf der Flucht und im Exil. Nationalsozialisten nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg (1945–1970)“ with Dr. Benjamin Brendel, Historical Institute, JLU Giessen

  • since 06/2019: Society for the History of Children and Youth (SHCY), London
  • since 04/2018: International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC), Giessen
  • since 01/2018: Politiken der Reproduktion, interdisziplinäre Nachwuchsforscherinnengruppe (PRiNa) (GGS, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen)
  • since 10/2017: Research Area 4  Visual and Material Culture Studies, GCSC
    2018–2019 Co-Speaker

12.-14.11.2019 with Jana Tiborra, Cathérine Ludwig-Ockenfels and Oliver Klaassen (GCSC, Gießen): Organisation of the conference "Renegotiating Minoritarian In_Visibilities" (Gießen) and subsequent publication project with On_Culture (see Publications)

with Marie Fröhlich and Maraike Henschel (PRiNa, Gießen): Organisation of the "Arbeitstagung Politiken der Reproduktion" (Rauischholzhausen) and subsequent publication project (see Publications)