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Postdoc-Network Eat and Meet


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After a previous postdoc welcome day a postdoc initiative was started. Dr Judith Delius would like to give you the following information as an outlook for next year:

You came to JLU as a postdoc in times of Corona and have hardly been able to meet postdocs from other institutes and departments? Maybe you have been here for a while and just want to continue networking? Anyway, our new format "Eat & Meet" in the Mensa is just right for you!

If you are interested in exchanging ideas, chatting and networking over lunch, please register on StudIP ( in the study group "Postdoc - MensaStammtisch - Eat and Meet": (Aktionen -> Studiengruppe beitreten) or contact Judith Delius ( Details of the MensaStammtisch will be announced in the StudIP group.

Furthermore, we have started a postdoc group in StudIP "Postdoc - network JLU":
The postdoc-network is meant to help you with networking. Become a member and feel free to announce local events and activities that might be of interest to other young scientists. All ideas are welcome!