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Orientation Days – VIP

Welcome to Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU)!


We are pleased that you as virtual students will be part of the Justus Liebig University Giessen in this winter semester.

We have prepared an orientation programme for you to ensure that you have a successful start to virtual studies at JLU. All of the events of the programme will be accessible through a virtual platform. This platform holds a lot more sessions, but they are primarily directed at students coming to Giessen to study full-time. Therefore, we have prepared a suitable selection for you (see below). We highly recommend you to participate in all of them. You can access this platform as well as all sessions and presentations without registration on:



 The presentations offered will be held using Cisco Webex Meetings. You can either open Webex Meetings in your browser (preferably Firefox, since Safari and Internet Explorer are not supported), or download the app here. You should do a technical test of Webex Meetings beforehand here. We recommend you to use a laptop/PC instead of your smartphone/tablet since some of the features will not be available if you are using a mobile device.

You should also make sure to sit down in a quiet place while participating in the sessions. You should be able to participate having all audio functionalities in place (video and microphone). However, usually you should be muted when entering a presentation, except for the Q&A session where we will inform you in the beginning how we will interact to answer your outstanding questions. Please note that the Q&A sessions are an exclusive offer for you as virtual students and will therefore take place in a separate WebEx meeting. Please find the login information for these meetings in the programme overview below.


In addition, please find an introduction with English subtitles to JLU’s course management system Stud.IP, which you will be using as of next week, here.

Please also keep in in the start of lectures on November 2nd and access your lectures via Stud.IP if not explained otherwise by your lecturer.



Access to all sessions and presentations:

October 29th

  • Official welcome for (virtual) international students, Prof. Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee, President, Justus Liebig University Giessen (asynchronous)
  • 09.00 am – 10.30 am (CET/UTC+1) Studying in Germany: The Academic System (Live presentation)
  • Campus Tour: click on “Contact” to find two videos on JLU campuses and the city of Giessen (asynchronous)
  • 4.00 pm – 5.30 pm (CET/UTC+1) Studying in Germany: The Academic System (Live presentation)
  • 7.00pm Quiz Night @Lokal International (Live)


October 30th

  • 09.00 am – 10.00 am (CET/UTC+1) Q&A Session for VIP students, Sigrid Jost & Jana Shrestha, Mobility Team, International Office (Live). You receive the link with the access information by e-mail.

  • 03.00 pm – 16.00 pm (CET/UTC+1) Q&A Session for VIP students, Sigrid Jost & Jana Shrestha, Mobility Team, International Office (Live) . You receive the link with the access information by e-mail.

  • 16.00 pm Giessen and surroundings – our favourite spots and activities (Live)

  • 19.00 pm Open Stage Session @Lokal International (Live)


November 2nd

  • Start of lectures: Please access your lectures via Stud.IP if not explained otherwise by your lecturer.