Singleton gene calculation
This feature allows the calculation of the Singletons of a genome in comparison to a set of comparison genome.
In the selection list on the left the reference genome is selected for which the singleton genes are calculated. In the right list the comparison genomes are selected to which the reference should be compared.
Important: The singleton calculation is not based on reciprocal best BLAST hits like all other calculations in EDGAR, but a single BLAST hit with an SRV exceeding the calculated threshold will remove a gene from the singleton list. A singleton shown here is a gene without any hit against any other genome than the own one.
Thus singleton numbers don't have to AND WILL NOT correspond to the numbers in the Venn diagrams. The Venn diagrams show the numbers of reciprocal best hits between subsets of genomes. But: A gene without reciprocal best hit to another genome does not necessarilly have to be a singleton.