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Strobel, S., Roswag, A., Becker, N.I., Trenczek, T. & Encarnação, J.A. (2013) Insectivorous bats digest chitin in the stomach using acidic mammalian chitinase. Plos One 8(9):e72770.

Roswag A., Becker, N.I., & Encarnação, J.A. (accepted, 2013) Factors influencing stable nitrogen isotope ratios in wing membranes of insectivorous bat species: A field study. Mammalian Biology.

Becker, N.I., Encarnação, J.A., Tschapka, M. & Kalko, E.K.V. (2013) Balancing the energy budget in free ranging male Myotis daubentonii bats. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 86(3):361-369.

Becker, N.I., Encarnação, J.A., Tschapka, M. & Kalko, E.K.V. (2013) Energetics and life-history of bats in comparison to small mammals. Ecological Research 28:249-258.

Baulechner, D., Becker, N.I., & Encarnação, J.A. (2013) Host specificity in spinturnicid mites: do parasites share a long evolutionary history with their host?. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 51(3):203-212.

Encarnação, J.A., Herzog, S., Eickmann, M., Becker, N.I., Hermes, N., & Herden, C. (2013) Landscape features and reservoir occurrence affecting the risk for equine infection with Borna disease virus. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 49(4):860-868.

Otto, M.S., Becker, N.I. & Encarnação, J.A. (2013) Cool gleaners: Thermoregulation in sympatric bat species. Mammalian Biology 78:212-215.


Becker, N.I., Encarnação, J.A., Kalko, E.K.V. & Tschapka, M. (2012) The effects of reproductive state on digestive efficiency in three sympatric bat species of the same guild. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology: Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 162:386-390.

Becker, N.I., & Encarnação, J.A. (2012) Cost-effectiveness of habitat-suitability maps using low-detailed data for elusive bat species. European Journal of Wildlife Research 58:945-953.

Encarnação, J.A., Baulechner D. & Becker, N.I. (2012) Seasonal variations of wing mite infestations in male Daubenton’s bats (Myotis daubentonii) in comparison to female and juvenile bats. Acta Chiropteriologica 14(1):153-159.

Encarnação, J.A., Otto, M.S. & Becker, N.I. (2012) Thermoregulation in male temperate bats depends on habitat characteristics. Journal of Thermal Biology 37:564–569.

Encarnação, J. A., Nöding, J., Reiners, T. E. & Becker, N. I. (2012): Ehrenamtlich erhobene Daten verbessern hessenweite Verbreitungsmodelle der FFH-relevanten Haselmaus (Muscardinus avellanarius). Natur und Landschaft 87 (5): 208-214.

Roswag A., Becker, N.I. & Encarnação, J.A. (2012) Inter- and intraspecific comparisons of retention time in insectivorous bat species (Vespertilionidae). Journal of Zoology 288:85-92.


Rothenwöhrer, C., Becker, N.I. & Tschapka, M. (2011). Resource landscape and spatio-temporal activity patterns of a plant-visiting bat in a Costa Rican lowland rainforest. Journal of Zoology, 283(2), 108-116.

Roswag, A., Becker, N.I., Mühlbach, E. & Encarnação, J.A. (2011) Mangelerscheinungen bei Fledermaus-Pfleglingen und vorsorgliche Gegenmaßnahmen. Nyctalus 16(4), 239-245.


Becker, N.I., Rothenwöhrer, C. & Tschapka, M. (2010). Dynamic feeding habits: efficiency of frugivory in a nectarivorous bat. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 88(8), 764-773.

Encarnação, J.A., Becker, N.I. & Ekschmitt, K. (2010). When do Daubenton’s bats (Myotis daubentonii) fly far for dinner? Canadian Journal of Zoology, 88, 1192-1201.





Oral Contributions

Herbsttagung des Arbeitskreises Fledermäuse Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.
- A. Roswag, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Ernährungsökologische Nischendifferenzierung sympatrischer Fledermäuse

- S. Strobel, A. Roswag., N.I. Becker, T.E. Trenczek, Encarnação, J.A. Fledermäuse und ihre Beute – Wie werden Insekten verdaut?

16th International Bat Research Conference & 43rd North American Symposium on Bat Research, San Jose, Costa Rica

- N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação, M. Tschapka, E.K.V. Kalko: Shifts in physiological and behavioral mechanisms let bats balance the need to feed and the urge to breed.

- S. Strobel, A. Roswag, N.I. Becker, T.E. Trenczek, J.A. Encarnação: Intraspecific differences in immunocompetence of European bats.

- A. Roswag, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Niche differentiation of sympatric gleaning bat species.

- M.S. Otto, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Thermoregulation during pregnancy in temperate forest-dwelling bats.

9th Internationale Conference on Behavior, Physiology & Genetic of Wildlife, Berlin

- N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação, M. Tschapka, E.K.V. Kalko: Balancing the need to feed and the urge to breed.

- M.S. Otto, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Thermoregulation during pregnancy in temperate forest-dwelling bats.

Herbsttagung des Arbeitskreises Fledermäuse Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.

- S. Strobel, A. Roswag, N.I. Becker, T.E. Trenczek, J.A. Encarnação: Fledermäuse und ihre Beute – Wie werden Insekten verdaut?

- A. Roswag, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Ernährungsökologische Nischendifferenzierung sympatrischer Fledermäuse.

Treffen der Fledermausforscher in Deutschland, Rottenburg-Ergenzingen

- S. Strobel, A. Roswag, N.I. Becker, T.E. Trenczek, J.A. Encarnação: Chitin digestion in the stomach of European vespertilionid bat species.

- A. Roswag, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Factors influencing the stable nitrogen isotope ratios in insectivorous bat species.


16th International Bat Research Conference & 43rd North American Symposium on Bat Research, San Jose, Costa Rica

- J.A. Encarnação, N.I. Becker: How about the conflict between wind turbines in temperate forests and strict forest-dwelling bats?

9th Internationale Conference on Behavior, Physiology & Genetic of Wildlife, Berlin

- A. Roswag, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Factors influencing the stable nitrogen ratios in wing membrane samples of insectivorous bat species: a field study.

- S. Strobel, A. Roswag, N.I. Becker, T.E. Trenczek, J.A. Encarnação: Insectivorous bats digest chitin in the stomach using acidic mammalian chitinase.

Treffen der Fledermausforscher in Deutschland, Rottenburg-Ergenzingen

- N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Cost-effectiveness of habitat-suitability maps for Myotis bechsteinii.

- A. Perino, N.I. Becker, S. Rossel, J.A. Encarnação: Habitat choice of forest dwelling gleaners M. bechsteinii, M. nattereri and P. auritus.

- M.S. Otto, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Roost characteristics influence thermoregulation of forest-dwelling bat species.

- J.A. Encarnação, M.S. Otto, N.I. Becker: Thermoregulation in temperate bats depends on the habitat.

3rd international Berlin bat meeting: Bats in the Anthropocene

- D. Baulechner, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Host specificity in spinturnicid mites: recent origin and frequent transmission between bat hosts suggests adaptive radiation of host-specific parasite species.

- N.I. Becker, M. Tschapka, E.K.V. Kalko, J.A. Encarnação: Changes in regulation of the energy budget in free ranging male bats.

- M.S. Otto, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Cool gleaners: thermoregulation in sympatric bat species.

- A. Perino, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Factors influencing habitat choice in temperate gleaning bats.

- A. Roswag, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Factors influencing intra-specific the stable nitrogen isotope ratio of temperate bats.

- S. Strobel, A. Roswag, N.I. Becker, T.E. Trenczek, J.A. Encarnação: Acidic mammalian chitinase in the gastrointestinal tract of insectivorous bat species.


Invited Talk

- N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação, M. Tschapka, E.K.V. Kalko: Energetics of three sympatric gleaning bat species. Universität Bern, Schweiz.


Oral Contributions

Treffen der Fledermausforscher in Deutschland, Loccum

- N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação, M. Tschapka, E.K.V. Kalko: Energieaufnahme und -ausgabe bei Gleanern.

Fledermäuse und ihre Nahrung: Beute – Jagd – Habitat, Roßla

- N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação, M. Tschapka, E.K.V. Kalko: Energetische Grundlagen für einen effektiven Habitatschutz / Relevance of movement ecology and energetics for bat conservation.

- A. Roswag, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Art- und geschlechtsspezifische Darmdurchgangszeiten bei mitteleuropäischen Fledermäusen.

104th annual conference of the German Zoological Association, Saarbrücken

- D. Baulechner, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Coevolution of wing mites and their bat hosts- codivergence or adaptive radiation?

- J.A. Encarnação, D. Baulechner, N.I. Becker: Seasonal, sex- and age-specific host-parasite relationship between bats and ectoparasites.


8th International Conference on Behaviour, Physiology and Genetics of Wildlife, Berlin

- N.I. Becker, M. Tschapka, E.K.V. Kalko, J.A. Encarnação: Energy compensation in males of a temperate insectivorous bat species: if not torpor what then?

12th European Bat Research Symposium, Vilnius, Litauen

- N.I. Becker, M. Tschapka, E.K.V. Kalko, J.A. Encarnação: Energy compensation in males of a temperate insectivorous bat species: if not torpor what then?

- J.A. Encarnação, N.I. Becker, M.S. Otto: Waste not, want not Thermoregulation in male Daubenton’s bats in relation to spermatogenic activity and habitat.

10. Fachtagung der BAG-Fledermausschutz im NABU, Benediktbeuern

- N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação, M. Tschapka, E.K.V. Kalko: Three peas in a pod? Energetics of three sympatric gleaning species.

- Roswag, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Sex-related differences of mean retention time of Common Pipistrelle bats.

- Roswag, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Verdauungsphysiologie europäischer Gleaner.

- M.S. Otto, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Waste not, want not Thermoregulation in male Daubenton’s bats in relation to spermatogenic activity and roost altitude.

- T.E. Reiners, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Verbreitung der Bechsteinfledermaus in Hessen Ergebnisse einer GIS-gestützten Habitatanalyse und Modellierung.

Populationsökologie und Habitatansprüche der Bechsteinfledermaus, Bad Nauheim

- A. Roswag, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Verdauungsphysiologie europäischer Gleaner.

- T.E. Reiners, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Verbreitung der Bechsteinfledermaus in Hessen -Ergebnisse einer GIS-gestützten Habitatanalyse und Modellierung.

Treffen der Fledermausforscher in Deutschland, Loccum

- A. Roswag, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Sex-related differences of mean retention time of Common Pipistrelle bats .

- M.S. Otto, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Waste not, Want not - Thermoregulation in male Daubenton's bats.

85th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy, Luxemburg, Luxemburg

- J.A. Encarnação, M. Tschapka, E.K.V. Kalko, N.I. Becker: Energy compensation in males of a temperate insectivorous bat species: if not torpor what then?

- J.A. Encarnação, N.I. Becker, M.S. Otto: Waste not, want not Thermoregulation in male Daubenton’s bats in relation to spermatogenic activity and habitat.


Oral Contributions

40th Anniversary Conference; Gesellschaft für Ökologie, Gießen

- N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação, M. Tschapka, E.K.V. Kalko: Relevance of movement ecology and energetics for bat conservation.

15th International bat research conference, Prag, Tschechische Republik

- N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação, M. Tschapka, E.K.V. Kalko: Three peas in a pod? Energetics of three sympatric gleaning bats.

17. Hessischer Faunistentag, Wetzlar

- N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Hauptsache Wasser? Verteilung jagender Wasserfledermäuse über ihre Nahrungsräume.


15th International bat research conference, Prag, Tschechische Republik

- N.I. Becker, E.K.V. Kalko, J.A. Encarnação: Basal metabolic rates of male Myotis daubentonii in relation to microclimate, habitat location and group size.

- J.A. Encarnação, N.I. Becker, K. Ekschmitt: Why do bats fly far for dinner?

84th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy, Berlin

- N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação, M. Tschapka, E.K.V. Kalko: Three peas in a pod? Energetics of three sympatric gleaning bats.

- J.A. Encarnação, N.I. Becker, K. Ekschmitt: Why do bats fly far for dinner?

40th Anniversary Conference; Gesellschaft für Ökologie, Gießen

- N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação, M. Tschapka, E.K.V. Kalko: Three peas in a pod? Energetics of three sympatric gleaning bats.

- A. Roswag, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Retention times of the gastrointestinal tract of Central European bats.

- M. Krafft, N.I. Becker, E.K.V. Kalko, J.A. Encarnação: Basal metabolic rates of male Myotis daubentonii in relation to microclimate, habitat location and group size.

- M.S. Otto, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Waste not. Want not - Thermoregulation in male Daubenton's bats.

103th annual conference of the German Zoological Association, Hamburg

- M.S. Otto, N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação: Waste not, want not - Thermoregulation in male Daubenton’s bats in relation to spermatogenic activity and roost altitude.



Treffen der Fledermausforscher in Deutschland, Frauenchiemsee

- J.A. Encarnação, N.I. Becker: Do mating roosts of Daubenton’s bats (Myotis daubentonii) exist at summer sites?


Oral Contributions

20th Anniversary Meeting of the Society for Tropical Ecology, Bonn

- N.I. Becker, C. Rothenwöhrer, M. Tschapka: Economy of frugivory in a nectar-feeding bat.

- C. Rothenwöhrer, N.I. Becker, M. Tschapka: Habitat use and activity of the nectarivorous bat Glossophaga commissarisi (Phyllostomidae: Glossophaginae).

Treffen der Fledermausforscher in Deutschland, Berlin

- N.I. Becker, C. Rothenwöhrer, M. Tschapka: Economy of frugivory in a nectar-feeding bat.

- C. Rothenwöhrer, N.I. Becker, M. Tschapka: Habitat use and activity of the nectarivorous bat Glossophaga commissarisi (Phyllostomidae: Glossophaginae).


14. International bat conference / 37. North American symposium on bat research, Merida, Mexiko

- N.I. Becker, C. Rothenwöhrer, M. Tschapka: Frugivory in a nectar feeding bat.

- C. Rothenwöhrer, N.I. Becker, M. Tschapka: Habitat use and activity of the nectarivorous bat Glossophaga commissarisi (Phyllostomidae: Glossophaginae).


Print Media

- Eta Green - Das B2B Magazin für smarte Energien: N.I. Becker, J.A. Encarnação (2013). Energie ist Leben.

- Hamburger Abendblatt: N.I. Becker (2013). Wie orientieren sich Fledermäuse?