Curriculum of Section 8
- Introduction Section 8
Chemical Design and Analysis of Molecular Systems
Prof. Dr. Bernd Smarsly
Physikal.-Chemisches Institut
Heinrich-Buff-Ring 58
35392 Giessen, Germany
Phone: +49 641 - 99 34590 or 34591
Fax: +49 641 - 99 34509
E-MailVice Speaker:
Prof. Dr. Gerd Hamscher
Professur für Lebensmittelchemie und Lebensmittelbiotechnologie
Heinrich-Buff-Ring 17-19
35392 Gießen
Phone: +49 641 - 99 34950
Curriculum of Section 8Please also refer to the GGL Study Calendar for current events in Section 8
- Seminars Overview
The curriculum of section 8 is repeated every three years and includes the following topics:
- General organic synthesis
- Environmental chemistry and toxicology
- Bioanalysis and “omics” methods
- Methods in design and analysis of molecular systems
- Current achievements in synthetic research
- Current achievements in analytical research
Additional seminar seriesSeminar Date/Time Venue Organisers Remarks Tuesdays/5:15 p.m. New Chemistry Building, Seminar Room C5b Prof. Dr. Doreen Mollenhauer Please refer to our Study Calendar Mass Spec Imaging Troubleshooting 20.11.2023
10:00 a.m.
TBA Max Müller In case of any questions related to this semiar please contact Dr. Parviz Ghezellou, Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie, Metal Compound Analysis by Mass Spectrometry Imaging 15.01.2024
10:00 a.m.
TBA Azar Rezaei In case of any questions related to this semiar please contact Dr. Parviz Ghezellou, Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie, Future Directions and Challenges in mass spectrometry imaging 02.05.2024
10:00 a.m.
TBA Carolin Morawitz In case of any questions related to this semiar please contact Dr. Parviz Ghezellou, Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie, Liebig College Seminars various dates
HBR 19, C 5b and C2 Various Please refer to our Study Calendar 3D printing in analytical chemistry 22.04.2024
10:00 a.m.
Raum C106 David Luh Please refer to our Study Calendar Advanced statistical methods for MSI data analysis 15.07.2024
10:00 a.m.
TBA Annika Mokosch Please refer to our Study Calendar