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Bioanalytics with TOF-SIMS

Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is a classical method for inorganic materials analysis. Within the last two decades the application of this method is capturing the life sciences (organic and biological samples). In collaboration with the medical department we use the method for systematic investigations of bone, bone cells and the bone/implant interface.

Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is a classical method for inorganic materials analysis. Within the last two decades the application of this method is capturing the life sciences (organic and biological samples). In collaboration with the medical department we use the method  for systematic investigations of bone, bone cells and the bone/implant interface. 

For the analysis two SIMS machines are available:

1) ToF-SIMS 5-100 (IonTOF Company, Münster, Germany). The machine is equipped with a 25 keV Bi-Cluster Primary ion gun, 2 keV Cs and O2 gun for sputtering, 20 keV Ga gun for FIB and a 20 keV Ar-Cluster gun for sputtering and analysis. 

2) Hybrid SIMS M6 (IonTOF Company, Münster, Germany). The machine is equipped with a 30 keV Bi-Cluster nano probe, 2 keV Cs and O2 gun for sputtering, 20 keV GCIB, which can be operated with Ar and O2, for sputtering and analysis. The speciality of the machine is a Orbitrap detector (Q exactive HF, Thermofischer), which allows a mass resolution of up to mm = 480.000.

Both machines are equipped with a cryo stage and the Leica transfer system VCT500 with cooling option. 

Link to press release for new Hybrid SIMS at JLU