Prof. Dr. Bianca Jovanovic (apl.)
Akademische Rätin
Phone +49 (0) 641/99-26004
Fax +49 (0) 641/99 26079
E-Mail: bianca.jovanovic
Raum 119
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Fachbereich 06 Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft
Abteilung fuer Entwicklungspsychologie
Otto-Behaghel-Straße 10 F
35394 Giessen
- Ausstellung von BAföG-Bescheinigungen
Für den Leistungsnachweis für das BAföG-Amt (Formular 5) reichen Sie bitte das Formular (oberer Teil ausgefüllt) mit dem Leistungsnachweis (Transcript of Records) eingescannt per E-Mail ein!
- Mitgliedschaft in der Ethikkommission
- Entwicklung des Werkzeuggebrauchs
- Wahrnehmung und Handlung im Säuglings- und Kindesalter
- Entwicklung der visuo-haptischen Integration
- Soziale Kognition / Theory of Mind
Curriculum Vitae
- 1993 - 1999 Psychologiestudium an der Ruhr-Universität in Bochum
- 1999 - 2003 Doktorandin am Max-Planck-Institut für Psychologische Forschung in München, Abteilung "Entwicklung von Kognition und Handlung"
- 2003: Promotion an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in München
- Seit 2004: Hochschulassistentin / Akademische Rätin in der Abteilung für Entwicklungspsychologie der Justus-Liebig-Universität in Giessen
- 2017: Habilitation, venia legendi für Psychologie
Bücher, Buchkapitel und Herausgeberschaften:
- Schwarzer, G., Jovanovic, B., Kubicek, C. & Hegele, M. (2018). Object processing and motor development. Journal of Motor Learning and Development, 6 (1).
- Schwarzer, G. & Jovanovic, B. (2015). Entwicklungspsychologie der Kindheit. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
- Jovanovic, B. & Schwarzer, G. (2011). Entwicklung der Wahrnehmung. In H. Keller (Ed.), Handbuch der Kleinkindforschung (4. Aufl., S. 518-544). Bern: Huber.
- Schwarzer, G. & Jovanovic, B. (2007). Kleinkindalter. In M. Hasselhorn & W. Schneider (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Entwicklungspsychologie (S. 153-163). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Zeitschriftenartikel (peer-reviewed):
- Schwarzer, G., & Jovanovic, B. (2024). Infants' predictive minds: The role of motor experience. Child Development Perspectives, 18 (3), 123-128.
- Jovanovic, B., Filk, J., & Schwarzer, G. (2022). The influence of tool use experience on efficient grasping in children. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 19 (4), 616-631.
- Gehb, G., Jovanovic, B., Kelch, A. & Schwarzer, G. (2022): The influence of active and passive motion experience on infants' visual prediction abilty. Perceptual and Motor Skills, (online first).
- Schwarzer, G., Gehb, G., Kelch, A., Gerhard-Samunda, T. & Jovanovic, B. (2022). Locomotion contributes to 6-month-old infants' mental rotation ability. Human Movement Science, 85, 102979.
Gehb, G., Vesker, M., Jovanovic, B., Bahn, D., Kauschke, C., & Schwarzer, G. (2022). The relationship between crawling and emotion discrimination in 9- to 10-month-old infants. Brain Science, 12(4), 479.
Preißler, L., Jovanovic, B., Munzert, J., Schmidt, F., Fleming, R. W., & Schwarzer, G. (2021). Effects of visual and visual-haptic perception of material rigidity on reaching and grasping in the course of development. Acta Psychologica, 221, 103457.
Jovanovic, B., Bezold, L., & Schwarzer, G. (2021). Children’s planning of efficient tool use in a social context. Developmental Psychobiology, 63(7), e22188.
Kelch, A., Schwarzer, G., Gehb, G., & Jovanovic, B. (2021). How 9-month-old crawling infants profit from visual-manual rotations in a mental rotation task. Infant Behavior and Development, 65, 101642.
Gerhard-Samunda, T., Jovanovic, B., & Schwarzer, G. (2021). Role of manually-generated visual cues in crawling and non-crawling 9-month-old infants’ mental rotation. Cognitive Development.
- Gehb, G., Kubicek, C., Jovanovic, B. & Schwarzer, G. (2019). The positive influence of manual object exploration on predictive grasping for a moving object in 9-month-old infants. Journal of Vision, 19(14), doi: 10.1167/19.14.13.
- Kubicek, C., Gehb, G., Jovanovic, B., & Schwarzer, G. (2019). Training of 7-month-old infants’ manual object exploration skills: Effects of active and observational experience. Infant Behavior and Development, 57, doi:10.1016/j.infbeh.2019.101353
- Schwarzer, G., Jovanovic, B. Kubicek, C. & Hegele, M. (2018). Introduction: Object Processing and Motor Development. Journal of Motor Learning and Development, 6(1), S1-S5.
- Jovanovic, B., & Schwarzer, G. (2017). The influence of grasping habits and object orientation on motor planning in children and adults. Developmental Psychobiology, 59 (8), 949-957.
- Ransburg, N., Reiser, M., Munzert, J., Jovanovic, B., & Schwarzer, G. (2017). Concurrent anticipation of two object dimensions during grasping in 10-month-old infants: A quantitative analysis. Infant Behavior and Development, 42, 164-174.
- Kubicek, C., Jovanovic, B. & Schwarzer, G. (2017). How manual object exploration is associated with 7- to 8-month-old infants’ visual prediction abilities in spatial object processing. Infancy, 22 (6), 857-873.
- Kubicek, C., Jovanovic, B. & Schwarzer, G. (2017). The relation between crawling and 9-month-old infants' visual prediction abilities in spatial object processing. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 158, 64-76.
- Jovanovic, B. & Schwarzer, G. (2017). The development of the grasp-height effect as measure of efficient action planning in children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 153, 74-82.
- Jovanovic, B. & Drewing, K. (2014). The influence of intersensory discrepancy on visuo-haptic integration is similar in 6-year-old children and adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 5: 57. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00057
- Schum, N., Franz, V.H., Jovanovic, B. & Schwarzer, G. (2012). Object processing in visual perception and action in children and adults. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 112 (2), 161-177.
- Jovanovic, B. & Schwarzer, G. (2011). Learning to grasp efficiently: the development of motor planning and the role of observational learning. Vision Research, 51(8), 945-954.
- Schum, N., Jovanovic, B. & Schwarzer, G. (2011). Ten- and twelve-month-olds' visual anticipation of orientation and size during grasping. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 109 (2), 218-231.
- Drewing, K. & Jovanovic, B. (2010). Visuo-haptic length judgments in children and adults. In A.M.C. Kappers, J.B.F. van Erp, W.M. Bergmann Tiest, & F.C.T. van der Helm (eds.), Haptics: generating and perceiving tangible sensations. Proceedings of the Eurohaptics 2010 (pp. 438-444). Berlin: Springer.
- Schwarzer, G., Kretzer, M., Wimmer, D. & Jovanovic, B. (2010). Holistic face processing among school children, younger and older adults. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 7 (4), 511-528.
- Schwarzer, G. & Jovanovic, B. (2010). The relationship between processing facial identity and emotional expression in 8-month-old infants. Infancy, 15 (1), 28-45 .
- Jovanovic, B. & Schwarzer, G. (2009). Infants segment actions into basic movement-effect units. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 41 (4), 225-232.
- Schwarzer, G., Jovanovic, B., Schum, N. & Dümmler, T. (2009). Analytische und konfigurale Verarbeitung von Objekten im Säuglingsalter. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 41 (4), 189-197.
- Jovanovic, B., Duemmler, T. & Schwarzer, G. (2008). Infant development of configural object processing in visual and visual-haptic contexts. Acta Psychologica, 129 (3), 376-386.
- Aschersleben, G., Hofer, T. & Jovanovic, B. (2008). The link between infant attention to goal-directed action and later theory of mind abilities. Developmental Science, 11 (6), 862-868.
- Duemmler, T., Franz, V. H., Jovanovic, B., & Schwarzer, G. (2008). Effects of the Ebbinghaus illusion on children's perception and grasping. Experimental Brain Research, 186(2), 249-260.
- Jovanovic, B., Kiraly, I., Elsner, B., Gergely, G., Prinz, W. & Aschersleben, G. (2007). The role of effects for infants’ perception of action goals. Psychologia, 50(4), 273-290 .
- Schwarzer, G. & Jovanovic, B. (2007). Kleinkindalter. In M. Hasselhorn & W. Schneider (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Entwicklungspsychologie (S. 153-163). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
- Jovanovic, B. & Schwarzer, G. (2007). Infant perception of the relative relevance of different manual actions. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 4 (1), 111-125.
- Schwarzer, G., Zauner, N., & Jovanovic, B. (2007). Evidence of a shift from featural to configural face processing in infancy. Developmental Science, 10 (4), 452-463.
- Kiraly, I., Jovanovic, B., Prinz, W., Aschersleben, G. & Gergely, G. (2003). The early origins of goal attribution in infancy. Consciousness and Cognition, 12 (4), 752-769.
- Jovanovic, B., Elsner, B. & Aschersleben, G. (2000). Wie verstehen Säuglinge die Welt? fiduz, 3 (2), 5-9.
- Jovanovic, B., Spanke, C. & Kastner, M. (1999) Geringfügige Beschäftigung - ein Risiko für Sicherheit und Gesundheit? In M. Kastner (Hrsg.), Gesundheit und Sicherheit in neuen Arbeits- und Organisationsformen (S. 233-242). Herdecke: Maori-Verlag.