Pedro Alarcón
- Kontakt
- Akademischer Werdegang
- Akademischer Werdegang
- 2024 Gastprofessor am Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Universität Wien
- 2023 trAndeS postdoctoral fellowship am Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, Económicas, Políticas y Antropológicas (CISEPA) der Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP)
- 2022 Postdoctoral fellowship am Projekt Rohstoffextraktivismus in Lateinamerika und dem Maghreb der Universität Kassel
- 2021 Promotion am Fachbereich Development Economics der Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales sede Ecuador (FLACSO)
- Forschungsschwerpunkte
- Forschungsschwerpunkte
- Entwicklungstheorien, Rentierstaaten, Politische Ökologie, (Neo-) Extraktivismus, Lateinamerikanische Mittelschichten undSoziale Ungleichheiten, Energie und Klimawandel
- Regionaler Schwerpunkt: Lateinamerika
- Publikationen
- Publikationen
Alarcón P (2024) What Next for Supply-Side Policy in the South: Emerging Lessons from Ecuador‘s Yasuní Initiative. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, forthcoming.
Lehmann R/Alarcón P (2023) ‘Just transition’ in the Global South: Mission Impossible? The Perils of the Transition in Mexico and Ecuador. Journal für Entwicklungspolitik 39(3), 37–61.
Alarcón P (2023) Old and New Challenges of the Energy Transition: Insights from South America. South African Journal of International Affairs 30(2), 263–278.
Alarcón P (2023) The Extractivist Development Model, Socio-Environmental Conflicts, and Indigenous Rights in Latin America. Nordic Journal of Human Rights 41(3), 345–349.
Alarcón P (2023) Energy Transition – Quo Vadis: Revisiting Supply-Side Policies in Ecuador. EXTRACTIVISM Policy Brief No. 01-2023. Kassel: Rohstoffextraktivismus in Lateinamerika und dem Maghreb.
Alarcón P (2022) Dependency Revisited: Ecuador’s (Re)Insertions into the International Division of Nature. Latin American Perspectives 49(2), 207–226.
Alarcón P/Combariza N/Schwab J/Peters S (2022) ‘Just Transition’: Critical Reflections for the Global South. TRAJECTS Policy Brief No. 01-2022. Berlin: Transnational Centre for Just Transitions in Energy, Climate & Sustainability.
Alarcón P (2021) The Ecuadorian Oil Era: Nature, Rent, and the State. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Alarcón P (2020) Latin American Environmental Thinking Revisited: The Polyphony of Buen Vivir. Diálogos: Revista Electrónica de Historia 21(2), 215–236.
Alarcón P/Peters S (2020) Ecuador After the Commodities Boom: A Rentier Society’s Labyrinth. Cadernos do CEAS 45(250), 251–278.
- Thesis Abstract
- Oil rent and the state: economic diversification in a small economy (Ecuador 1972–2017)
Pedro Alarcón
Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) Ecuador
By including the state into the ongoing academic debates if oil is a blessing or a curse, the dissertation advocates for a further dimension to approach the relentless quest of development in natural resources’ rich countries. Since economic diversification has been regarded as the epitome of development within oil dependent countries for the last decades, the dissertation tackles with fifty years of recent Ecuadorian economic history. The diachronic comparative approach of two oil booms, 1) during the 1970s, and 2) coinciding with the 21stcentury commodities’ boom (2003-2014), shows continuities and ruptures within state’s enterprise. Debatable outcomes of economic diversification as well as temporary achievements regarding social and economic indicators are pictured from an economic perspective. Though, the discussion of the outcomes and structural explanations are approached from a broader perspective which includes external conditions and domestic circumstances. The first oil boom is mainly approached through a political economy perspective which highlights the importance of oil within the ongoing capitalist modernization project. On the other hand, a political ecology perspective supplies the adequate tools to approach the second oil boom, since it emphasizes the evolution of the views of development which manifested since the beginning of the new century.
Keywords: Latin America, nature, state, development, extractivism, rent