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Dr. Michael Hübler

Dr. Michael Hübler

Focal points of interest

Michael Hübler joined the Justus Liebig University Giessen in 2019. Before, he was Junior Professor at the Institute for Environmental Economics and World Trade at the Leibniz University Hannover. Previously, he worked at the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW). He received his doctoral degree from the University of Kiel.

Research topics:

(1) Climate and energy policy, renewable energies, sustainable resource use

(2) International trade (policy), foreign direct investment, migration, foreign aid

(3) Economic development, technical progress, technology diffusion, South-North convergence

Research regions:

(1) Developing/emerging economies, China, Southeast Asia, Uganda, India

(2) European Union

(3) (North) Germany

Research methods:

(1) Micro- and macro-econometrics

(2) Computable general equilibrium and energy-economy models

(3) Theoretical algebraic models

Recently completed project

ROCHADE: Mitigation Policies in a Globalized and Developing World: The Role of Structural Change and Distributional Effects, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). More information

Recently cited publication

F.A.Z. online, Oliver Becht: Aktueller UNEP-Bericht: Wie eine Sandkrise noch abgewendet werden kann. Link


Room: 131
Phone: +49 (0) 641 99-37052
Institute of Agricultural Policy and Market Research
Senckenbergstraße 3, Zeughaus
35390 Giessen

Personal details


  • Center for International Development and Environmental Research (ZEU) More information


  • Environmental Economics; Energy Economics; Resource Economics, Sustainability and Environmental Management; Climate and Development
  • World Trade; Trade and Competitiveness; International Technology Transfer; Development Economics
  • Micro, Macro and Trade Models; Introduction to Computable General Equilibrium Modelling; Econometrics and Economic Modelling


Research profile

  • Google Scholar: Link
  • Research Gate: Link

Current working papers

  • Hübler, Michael, Marius Braun and Nils Keimes (2024). Regional Policy Analysis in Germany. Working Paper. Download
  • Hübler, Michael and Dorothee Bühler (2023). Technologies Follow Technologies and Occasionally Social Groups. TVSEP Working Paper WP-036. Download
  • Ogenrwoth, Brian, Ronald Walusimbi, Peter Ssali, Michael Hübler, Jackline Bonabana and Samuel Kyamanywa (2023). The Impact of Climate Change on Food Security in Uganda: A Panel Regression Analysis. Working paper. Download

Refereed journal articles

  • [42] Leimbach, Marian, Michael Hübler, Hendrik Mahlkow, Lorenzo Montrone, Eduard Bukin, Gabriel Felbermayr, Matthias Kalkuhl, Johannes Koch, Marco Marcolino, Frank Pothen and Jan Steckel (2024). Macroeconomic Structural Change Likely Increases Inequality in India more than Climate Policy. Environmental Research Letters 19, 044070. Download
  • [41] Hübler, Michael, Malin Wiese, Marius Braun and Johannes Damster (2024). The Distributional Effects of CO2 Pricing at Home and at the Border on German Income Groups. Resource and Energy Economics 77, 101435. Download
  • [40] Hübler, Michael and Gregor Schwerhoff (2023). Climate Change, Economic Policy and Technology Choice of Heterogeneous Producers. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 10(5), 36 pp. Download
  • [39] Hübler, Michael, Eduard Bukin and Yuting Xi (2022). The Effects of International Trade on Structural Change and CO2 Emissions. Environmental and Resource Economics 83, 579-604. Download
  • [38] Fischer, Carolyn, Michael Hübler and Oliver Schenker (2022). More Birds than Stones – A Framework for Second-best Energy and Climate Policy Adjustments. Journal of Public Economics 203, 104515. Download
  • [37] Hübler, Michael and Frank Pothen (2021). Can Smart Policies Solve the Sand Mining Problem? PLOS ONE 16(4), e0248882. Download
  • [36] Pothen, Frank and Michael Hübler (2021). A Forward Calibration Method for Analyzing Energy Policy in New Quantitative Trade Models. Energy Economics 100, 105352. Download
  • [35] Hübler, Michael and Axel Herdecke (2020). The US Trade Dispute: Blunt Offence or Rational Strategy? Applied Economics Letters 27(9), 690-696. Download
  • [34] Hübler, Michael (2019). How Trade in Ecotourism Services can Save Nature: A Policy Scenario Analysis, Development Southern Africa 36(1), 127-143. Download
  • [33] Pothen, Frank and Michael Hübler (2018). The Interaction of Climate and Trade Policy, European Economic Review 107, 1-26. Download
  • [32] Hübler, Michael (2017). The Inequality Emissions Nexus in the Context of Trade and Development: A Quantile Regression Approach, Ecological Economics 134, 174-185. Download
  • [31] Hübler, Michael and Frank Pothen (2017). Trade-induced Productivity Gains Reduce Incentives to Impose Strategic Tariffs, Economic Modelling 61, 420-431. Download
  • [30] Hartje, Rebecca and Michael Hübler (2017). Smart Phones Support Smart Labor (with household data from Southeast Asia), Applied Economics Letters 24(7), 467-471. Download
  • [29] Hübler, Michael (2017). The Future of Development Aid in a Globalizing World with Climate Change, Global Policy 8(1), 41-51. Download
  • [28] Hübler, Michael and Rebecca Hartje (2016). Are Smartphones Smart for Economic Development? (with household data from Southeast Asia), Economics Letters 141, 130-133. Download
  • [27] Hübler, Michael (2016). Does Migration Support Technology Diffusion in Developing Countries? (with household data from Southeast Asia), World Development 83, 148-162. Download
  • [26] Hübler, Michael (2016). How to Curb Poverty-Related Deforestation? (with household data from Southeast Asia), Applied Economics Letters 24(6), 374-380. Download
  • [25] Hübler, Michael, Alexander Glas and Peter Nunnenkamp (2016). Indicators of Absorptive Capacity and Import-induced South-North Convergence in Labor Intensities, The World Economy 39(11), 1756-1791. Download
  • [24] Hübler, Michael (2016). A Trade Network Theory: What Economists can Learn from Engineers, Economic Modelling 55, 115-126. Download
  • [23] Glas, Alexander, Michael Hübler and Peter Nunnenkamp (2016). Catching up of Emerging Economies: The Role of Capital Goods Imports, FDI Inflows, Domestic Investment and Absorptive Capacity, Applied Economics Letters 23(2), 117-120. Download
  • [22] Hübler, Michael (2015). Labor Mobility and Technology Diffusion: a New Concept and its Application to Rural Southeast Asia, Journal of Asian Economics 39, 137-151. Download
  • [21] Hübler, Michael (2015). A Model of Endogenous Growth that Elucidates the Complexity of South-North Convergence, The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development 24(5), 724-750. Download
  • [20] Hübler, Michael (2015). A Theory-Based Discussion of International Technology Funding (Special Issue: Energy and Climate Economics and Policy for the 120th Anniversary of Tianjin University), Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 17(2), 313-327. Download
  • [19] Hübler, Michael and Alexander Glas (2014). The Energy-Bias of North-South Technology Spillovers – A Global, Bilateral, Bisectoral Trade Analysis, Environmental and Resource Economics 58(1), 59-89. Download
  • [18] Hübler, Michael, Sebastian Voigt and Andreas Löschel (2014). Designing an Emissions Trading Scheme for China – An Up-to-Date Climate Policy Assessment (Special Section: Emissions Trading in China: Emerging Experiences and International Lessons), Energy Policy 75, 57-72. Download
  • [17] Hübler, Michael (2014). Internalizing the Social Costs of a Small Number of Powerful, Overindebted Firms, Review of Social Economy 72(3), 280-310. Download
  • [16] Kretschmer, Bettina, Michael Hübler and Peter Nunnenkamp (2013). Does Foreign Aid Reduce Energy and Carbon Intensities of Developing Economies? Journal of International Development 25(1), 67-91. Download
  • [15] Jakob, Michael, Robert Marschinski and Michael Hübler (2013). Between a Rock and a Hard Place: A Trade-Theory Analysis of Leakage under Production- and Consumption-Based Policies, Environmental and Resource Economics 56(1), 47-72. Download
  • [14] De Cian, Enrica, Ilkka Keppo, Johannes Bollen, Samuel Carrara, Hannah Förster, Michael Hübler, Amit Kanudia, Sergey Paltsev, Ronald Sands and Katja Schumacher (2013). European-led Climate Policy versus Global Mitigation Action: Implications on Trade, Technology, and Energy (Special Issue The EMF28 Study on Scenarios for Transforming the European Energy System), Climate Change Economics 4, Suppl. 1, 28 pp. Download
  • [13] Förster, Hannah, Katja Schumacher, Enrica De Cian, Michael Hübler, Ilkka Keppo, Silvana Mima and Ronald Sands (2013). European Energy Efficiency and Decarbonization Strategies beyond 2030 – A Sectoral Multi-model Decomposition (Special Issue The EMF28 Study on Scenarios for Transforming the European Energy System), Climate Change Economics 4, Suppl. 1, 29 pp. Download
  • [12] Hübler, Michael and Michael Finus (2013). Is the Risk of North-South Technology Transfer Failure an Obstacle to a Cooperative Climate Change Agreement? International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 13(4), 461-479. Download
  • [11] Hübler, Michael and Andreas Löschel (2013). The EU Decarbonisation Roadmap 2050: What Way to Walk? Energy Policy 55, 190-207. Download
  • [10] Hübler, Michael and Jan Steckel (2012). Economic Growth, Decarbonization, and International Transfers, Climate and Development 4(2), 88-103. Download
  • [9] Weitzel, Matthias, Michael Hübler and Sonja Peterson (2012). Fair, Optimal or Detrimental? Environmental vs. Strategic Use of Border Carbon Adjustment (Special Issue The Role of Border Carbon Adjustment in Unilateral Climate Policy: Results from EMF 29), Energy Economics 34(2), 198-207. Download
  • [8] Hübler, Michael, Lavinia Baumstark, Marian Leimbach, Ottmar Edenhofer and Nico Bauer (2012). An Integrated Assessment Model with Endogenous Growth, Ecological Economics 83, 118-131. Download
  • [7] Hübler, Michael (2012). Carbon Tariffs on Chinese Exports: Emissions Reduction, Threat, or Farce? Energy Policy 50, 315-327. Download
  • [6] Hübler, Michael and Thomas Lontzek (2012). Socially Optimal North-South Capital Transfer and Technology Diffusion, The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development 21(6), 921-940. Download
  • [5] Hübler, Michael (2011). Technology Diffusion under Contraction and Convergence: A CGE Analysis of China, Energy Economics 33(1), 131-142. Download
  • [4] Hübler, Michael (2011). Avoiding the Trap: The Dynamic Interaction of North–South Capital Mobility and Technology Diffusion, The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development 20(3), 401-427. Download
  • [3] Hübler, Michael and Andreas Keller (2010). Energy Savings via FDI? Empirical Evidence from Developing Countries, Environment and Development Economics 15(1), 59-80. Download
  • [2] Hübler, Michael, Gernot Klepper and Sonja Peterson (2008). Costs of Climate Change – The Effects of Rising Temperatures on Health and Productivity in Germany, Ecological Economics 68(1-2), 381-393. Download
  • [1] Hübler, Michael (2008). The Labor Market Effects of Outsourcing Parts and Components: A Simple Model with Cournot Competition, Aussenwirtschaft 63(2), 167-194. Download

Book chapters

  • Hübler, Michael (2012). Foreign Direct Investment and Technological Convergence. In: Hveem, H. & C.H. Knutsen (eds., University Oslo), Governance and Knowledge – The Politics of Foreign Investment, Technology and Ideas, Routledge, UK, USA, Canada, 119-132. Download
  • Hübler, Michael (2008). Sozio-ökonomische Bewertung von Gesundheitseffekten des Klimawandels in Deutschland. In: J. L. Lozán, H. Grassl, G. Jendritzky, L. Karbe & K. Reise (eds.), Warnsignal Klima: Gesundheitsrisiken - Gefahren für Menschen, Tiere und Pflanzen, GEO Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, Hamburg, 299-306. Download Online access Warnsignal Klima. Download
  • Hübler, Michael (2008). Prognose und Bewertung der zukünftigen Hitzebelastung in Bayern. In: J. G. Gostomzyk & M. Enke (eds.), Globaler Klimawandel und Gesundheit, Schriftenreihe der Landeszentrale für Gesundheit in Bayern, Bd. 19, 113-125. Download

Policy papers

  • Kriegler, Elmar, Ramona Gulde, Arwen Colell, Christian von Hirschhausen, Jan C. Minx, Pao-Yu Oei, Paola Yanguas-Parra, Nico Bauer, Hanna Brauers, Lisa Hanna Broska, Elke Groh, Achim Hagen, Karlo Hainsch, Franziska Holz, Michael Hübler, Michael Jakob, Mohammad M. Khabbazan, Marian  Leimbach, Niccolo  Manych, Mariza  Montes  de  Oca  León, Nils Ohlendorf, Sebastian Osorio, Michael Pahle, Hawal Shamon, Jan Steckel, Jessica Strefler, Colin Vance, Stefan Vögele, Georg von Wangenheim, Paula Walk, Inga Wittenberg, Stefan Zunde (2020). Phasing out Fossil Fuels - How to Achieve a Just Transition? Background paper for the BMBF Forum Climate Economics 7. Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung, 43 p. Download
  • Förster, Hannah, Katja Schumacher, Enrica De Cian, Michael Hübler, Ilkka Keppo, Silvana Mima and Ronald Sands (2014). Low-carbon technologies are key to meeting EU emissions targets, Science for Environment Policy, European Commission, DG Environment, Brussels. Download
  • Hübler, Michael (2013). Klimapolitik, Technologieoptionen und ökonomische Wachstumsmuster, ZEW Wachstums- und Konjunkturanalysen, 16(1), 10-11. Download

Technical papers

  • Blank, Marita, Christoph Blaufuß, Markus Glötzel, Julien Minnemann, Astrid Nieße, Frank Pothen, Christian Reinhold, Jan Sören Schwarz, Katharina Stahlecker, Farina Wille, Tobias Witt, Torsten Rendel, Frank Eggert, Bernd Engel, Jutta Geldermann, Lutz Hofmann, Michael Hübler, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Niko Paech and Michael Sonnenschein (2016). Process for Simulation-based Sustainability Evaluation of Future Energy Scenarios. Whitepaper. Download
  • Ignaciuk, Adriana, Sonja Peterson, Michael Hübler, Rob Dellink, Paul Lucas and Henk Hilderink (2009). An economy model for GISMO: DART-PBL technical documentation. Download
  • Hübler, Michael (2009). The Labor Market Effects of Outsourcing Parts and Components: Adverse Cournot Competition, technical notes on Hübler (2008), Kiel Working Paper 1564. Download

Project reports

  • Leimbach, Marian, Michael Hübler, Hendrik Mahlkow, Lorenzo Montrone, Gabriel Felbermayr, Matthias Kalkuhl, Johannes Koch, Marco Marcolino and Jan Steckel (2022). Final composite report – Mitigation Policies in a Globalized and developing World: The Role of Structural Change and Distributional Effects January 2019 - June 2022. Download
  • Blaufuß, Christoph, Christian Busse, Marcel Dumeier, Jutta Geldermann, Michael Hübler, Maren Kleinau, Henning Krause, Julien Minnemann, Marvin Nebel-Wenner, Christian Reinhold, Jan Sören Schwarz, Farina Wille, Tobias Witt, Julia Seidel (2019). Development of a Process for Integrated Development and Evaluation of Energy Scenarios for Lower Saxony, Final report of the research project NEDS – Nachhaltige Energie­versorgung Nieder­sachsen, Schriftenreihe des Energie­-Forschungs­zentrum Nieder­sachsen efzn, Band 61, Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen.
  • Hübler, Michael, Sebastian Voigt, Andreas Löschel and Victoria Alexeeva-Talebi (2012). A Sectoral Assessment of the EU Decar­bonisation Roadmap 2050, EU Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry, Brussels.
  • Hübler, Michael and Gernot Klepper (2007). Kosten des Klimawandels: Die Wirkung steigender Temperaturen auf Gesundheit und Leistungsfähigkeit, WWF Germany, Hamburg. Download

Dictionary contribution

  • Hübler, Michael (2023). Second-best. In: Brent M. Haddad and Barry D. Solomon (eds.), Dictionary of Ecological Economics – Terms for the New Millennium. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, USA. Download

Media appearances

  • Fabian Ritters (2015). Wenn Apps gegen die Armut helfen. In: WirtschaftsWoche 28/2015, Rubrik Der Volkswirt, based on “Are Smartphones Smart for Economic Development?”
  • WWF press conference on the climate change and human health study with Gernot Klepper in Hamburg, dissemination via dpa, reported in newspapers and TV news.


  • For scientific journals: Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, The World Bank Economic Review, PLOS ONE, Economic Dynamics and Control, World Development, The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, The World Economy, Environmental and Resource Economics, Resource and Energy Economics, The Energy Journal, Energy Economics, Ecological Economics, Environmental Research Letters, Environment and Planning A, Empirical Economics, Economic Modelling, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, Journal of Development Studies, Environment and Development Economics, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, China Economic Review, The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, Energy Policy, Annals of Regional Science, British Journal of Political Science, Economic Analysis and Policy, Applied Economics Letters, Climate Policy, Climatic Change, Climate Change Economics, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies and many more...


  • ROCHADE: Mitigation Policies in in a Globalized and Developing World: The Role of Structural Change and Distributional Effects funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
  • NEDS: Sustainable Energy Supply Lower Saxony, funded by Lower Saxony and the Volkswagenstiftung.
  • CLIPON: Climate Policy and the Growth Pattern of Nations funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
  • SEEK: Project within Strengthening Efficiency and Competitiveness in the European Knowledge Economies, funded by Baden-Württemberg.
  • Emissions trading in China, funded by the European Commission, DG Climate Action.
  • The EU climate policy Roadmap 2050, funded by the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry.
  • EMF: Energy Modelling Forum 28 and 29 on EU climate policy and border carbon adjustments, Stanford University.
  • PAKT: Project work within Pakt for Research and Innovation, funded by the German Joint Initiative for Research and Innovation.
  • Economic modelling work for the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL).
  • Project work on climate change and technology, funded by the Leibniz Association.
  • Costs of Climate Change: health risks in Germany, funded by WWF Germany.


  • 2023: Center for International Development and Environmental Research (ZEU) in Giessen.
  • 2022: Rochade final project workshop at Vienna University (WU).
  • 2020: Rochade stakeholder project workshop at the Mercator Institute (MCC) in Berlin.
  • 2019: Canadian Economics Association annual conference in Banff; international conference on Economic Modelling in Ponta Delgada; final symposium of the NEDS project in Hannover.
  • 2018: Monte Verità Conference on Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics in Ascona; seminar at Università Ca’Foscari Venezia.
  • 2017: European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists annual conference in Athens; conference on Agriculture and Rural Transformation in Asia in Bangkok; seminar at Maastricht University.
  • 2016: Allied Social Science Associations annual conference in San Francisco; European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists annual conference in Zürich; Verein für Socialpolitik, research group on Development Economics annual conference in Heidelberg.
  • 2015: American Association of Environmental and Resource Economists annual summer conference in San Diego.
  • 2014: International conference on Economic Modelling in Bali; Verein für Socialpolitik, research group on Development Economics annual conference in Passau; symposium on Society and Resource Management in Hannover; research seminars at the Universities Oldenburg and Göttingen.
  • 2013: Final SEEK project workshop in Dublin; CliPoN project workshop in Leipzig; research seminar at University Heidelberg.
  • 2012: International Society for Ecological Economics conference within the Rio+20 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro; ZEW-PIK PAKT final project workshop and inaugural celebration of the Mercator Research Institute (MCC) in Berlin; workshops in Florence and Potsdam; European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists in Prague; brownbag seminar of the European Commission in Brussels.
  • 2011: European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists annual conference in Rome; GTAP 14th annual conference on Global Economic Analysis in Venice; Eberbacher Klostergespräche.
  • 2010: Workshop on Governance and Knowledge in Oslo; RIEF Xth Doctoral Meeting in Kiel; 4th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists in Montreal.
  • 2009: GARNET Network (FAO, IFAD etc.) annual conference in Rome; European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists in Amsterdam; international workshop on Technology and Climate Change in Kiel.
  • 2008: Verein für Socialpolitik annual conference in Graz; Verein für Socialpolitik, research group on Environmental and Resource Economics young academics workshop in Regensburg.
  • 2007: ISOS lecture series: The Future Ocean in Kiel.
  • 2006: Earth System Science Partnership Open Science Conference in Beijing.