IRTG "The Brain in Action" (DFG-1901)
The International Research Training Group (IRTG) "The Brain in Action" (DFG-1901) is an international research alliance of the Philipps University Marburg and the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen together with three Canadian Universities. Speakers of the IRTG are Frank Bremmer (Phillipps University Marburg) and Katja Fiehler (JLU Giessen). The canadian partner institutions are York University in Toronto, Queen's University in Kingston and Western University in London.
The key goal of the IRTG is to deepen our understanding of the neural systems and processes that underlie perception and action in everyday living. The research group Human Movement Science and Psychology of Sports cooperates with the Biomotion Lab at Queen's University in Kingston to conduct several projects of perception and action in sports.
Kick-off of the IRTG: 01. October 2013
- DFG-IRTG 1901: The Brain in Action