Document Actions

Prof. Dr. Simone Abendschön



Justus Liebig University Giessen
Department of Political Science

Karl-Gloeckner-Str. 21E

D-35394 Giessen


fa fas-home Philosophikum II, House E, Room E117
fa fas-phone +49 641 99-23050
Office hours

Please make an appointment for consultation-hours on Stud.IP. Consultation-hours take place via MS Teams (you will receive the code after registering an appointment in Stud.IP).

Competent Secretariat

fa fas-home Philosophikum II, House E, Room E119a
fa fas-phone +49 641 99-23 145
fa fas-phone +49 641 99-23 139
Current Information

You can find the recent exam dates here.
You can find frequently asked questions about exams and the recent exam days here (in German).

If you are interested in a thesis at the professorship for methods, you will find a selection of previous theses in ILIAS. Please contact the supervisor via e-mail. 

Requests for recognition of achievements in the BA Socia Sciences or the BA minor Political Sciences can be directed to the .

Please send your requests on an exam grade to the following e-mail address:





Mical Gerezgiher

Junior Researcher
at the Department for Political Science


fa fas-home Philosophikum II, House E, Room E102
fa fas-phone +49 641 99-23130
Patricia Kamper

Junior Researcher
at the Department for Political Science


fa fas-home Philosophikum II, House E, Room E102
fa fas-phone +49 641 99-23130
Dr. Philipp Kleer

Postdoc (fa fas-people-talk he/him)
in the EU-funded Horizon project G-EPIC


Philosophikum II Room E118

☎ +49 641 99 23 051

Angelika Wicke

at the Department of Political Science


fa fas-home Philosophikum II, House E, Room E119a
fa fas-phone +49 641 99-23 145
fa fas-phone +49 641 99-23 139
Student Assistants

Student Assistants

  • Ragna Diemer 
  • Oliver Platt
  • Meike Schulz-Narres 




since 11/2021 Professor for Political Science with focus on Methodology of Political Science with due regard to Democracy and Political Socialization Research

since 10/2015

Professor of Political Science with focus on Methodology of Political Science, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen

2008 - 09/2015

Research Fellow, Department of Sociology (Chair of Sociology with focus on Social Conflict and Social Change, Prof. Dr. Sigrid Roßteutscher), Goethe-University Frankfurt

Winter term


Interim Professor of "Political Sociology", Department of Political Science, University Bamberg

2004 - 2009

(Doctoral) Research Fellow, Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung (MZES), DFG-Project "Demokratie Leben Lernen. Politische Sozialisation von Grundschülern"

2003 - 2004

Research Fellow, Chair of Political Science and Comparative Social Research, Department of Political Science, University Mannheim (Prof. Dr. Jan W. van Deth)


Magister Artium Degree and 1st state examination, University Mannheim, Magister Thesis "Politische Öffentlichkeit im Internet"

1998 –


Continuation of Studies (State examination and Magister Artium), University Mannheim

1996 - 1997

Assistant Teacher, Birmingham (United Kingdom)

1994 - 1996

Studies of History, Sociology, Political Science and Anglistics, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg

Fields of Work

Fields of Work

Fields of Work and Research Interests

  • Democracy Research, Political Socialization, Civic Education, Political Attitudes and Behaviour, particularly with a focus on Social Inequality and Gender Gap
  • Methods of Empirical Social Research



  • American Political Science Association
  • German Political Science Association
  • Lorenz-von-Stein-Gesellschaft (Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung)


Review Activities

  • American Sociological Review
  • Acta politica
  • European Journal for Political Research
  • International Journal for Political Science Review
  • Young
  • Comparative Education Review
  • International Journal of Intercultural Relations
  • Political Studies
  • Political Psychology
  • Politische Vierteljahresschrift
  • Bertelsmann-Stiftung
  • OeAD (Österreichische Austauschdienst)-Gesellschaft, „Sparkling Science“
  • Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
  • Israeli Science Foundation


  • Chair of the Workshop "New Directions of Political Socialization Research", ECPR Joint Sessions, Münster 2010
  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Journal "Politische Psychologie"
  • Board Member of the ECPR Standing Group "Citizenship"
  • Panel Convenor "Children and Politics", IPSA World Congress, Montréal, Juli 2014
  • Chair and Discussant of numerous international Conferences
  • External Faculty Examiner, PhD-Committee of Sofia Sohl, Örebro-University, Sweden 25.09.2014



Research Projects

G-EPIC: Gender Empowerment Through Politics in Classrooms

Duration: 02/2023 - 01/2026
Funded with means of EU-Horizon
Project Head: Simone Abendschön (Germany)
Project Staff: Philipp Kleer, Tim Schmidt

G-EPIC aims to support the development of political self-confidence of girls who are experiencing multiple forms of disadvantage. Therefore, the project will begin by establishing the state of play through classroom observations and reanalysis of existing quantitative data to understand how inequalities in attitudes and dispositions towards political engagement are learnt. G-EPIC will then create experiments in schools and pilot design-based interventions co-developed with civil-society, teachers and students. These experiments and interventions will be rigorously evaluated in comparisons with control groups and will lead to the development of the Gender Empowerment in Classroom intervention. The toolbox generated during the project will become an international reference of best practice to foster gender equity in politics from the classroom onwards boosting more girls to get involved in politics when they reach adulthood. It will be disseminated and delivered in schools across Europe creating the possibility for real change and the reduction of gender inequalities in political leadership.

Demokratie Leben Lernen 2.0: Politische Sozialisation zu Beginn der Sekundarstufe I

Duration: 3 years (starting spring 2022)
Funded with means of DFG
Project Heads: Simone Abendschön, Markus Tausendpfund (FU Hagen)
Project Staff: Mical Gerezgiher, Patricia Kamper

In this DFG-project we focus on the transition from primary to secondary schools and its effects from a political socialization perspective. In addition this project focusses on the influence of different types of secondary schools and other school factors as well as the social background on the development of political value orientations and political knowledge at the beginning of the secondary education. At the same time, this research connects the research of political value orientations and political knowledge from a socialisation perspective.

Informing about politics in the pandemic

Project on political interest, media use, and political knowledge in the pandemic of 15 to 24 year old youth (online survey, non-randomized sample).

Children in a German State Parliament: lasting learning experiences of primary school children?

Duration: 12/2017 – 08/2018
Project Head: Simone Abendschön, Thorsten Faas (FU Berlin)
Project Staff: Luisa Wingerter, Philipp Kleer

Research project in cooperation with the State Parliament of Rhineland-Palatinate (funded with means of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate). In this project, we evaluated a newly introduced visiting program for primary schoolchildren at the Landtag.

Abendschön, S., Kleer, B. P., & Faas, T. (2022). Out-of-school learning as an effective tool of civic education in elementary school? Evidence from Germany. Citizenship, Social and Economic Education, 21(3), 153–171. 

Research association antidemocratic attitude (Faculty 03, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen)


Teaching projects

Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe in der angewandten Statistik mit SPSS (Teaching project)

Duration: 02/2023 – 09/2023
Funded by means of HessenHub - Netzwerk digitale Hochschullehre Hessen
Project Head:
Simone Abendschön
Project Staff: Philipp Kleer
Project Student Staff: Oliver Platt

In this project, additional learning material will be created as web-based training that covers the canon of social science introductory courses in SPSS and will thus also be made available to other teachers/universities as OER. For students, this web-based training to be created will also serve as a reference work.

Statistik+: Einstieg in R erleichtern (Teaching project)

Duration: 10/2021 – 09/2022
Funded with means of QSL-D
Project Heads: Philipp Kleer, Simone Abendschön
Project Student Staff: Leon Klemm, Meike Schulz-Narres

The aim of this project to renew and upgrade the course of "introduction to R" and its teaching materials considering recent research on how to teach statistics in higher education. Special focus of this project is on students who do not have much programming or computer experience (except of smartphones and tablets).

Method Days and Method Consulting (Teaching project)

Duration: 04/2019 – 03/2022
Funded with means of QSL-D/QSL-Z
Project Heads: Simone Abendschön, Elmar Schlüter
Project Staff: Philipp Kleer, Manuel Kleinert

In this special project, we introduced method days (one week of workshops) on which students could gain practical knowledge about specific methods (such as logistic regression, structural equation modelling, multi-level-modelling, text analysis). Aim of these method days was to further strengthen students' ability to apply learned methods on their own research interests. Furthermore, we launched the method consulting, where students (all levels from BA to PhD) could get consulting for their works (seminar paper, thesis, research paper, PhD) regarding the empirical methods they used. 

Introducing/ creating a web-based training within the Master Degree Democracy and Governance 

Duration: 03/2018-02/2019
Funded with means of QSL-D
Project Heads: Simone Abendschön, Philipp Kleer
Project Student Staff: Lena Müller, Charlotte Gemmeke, Dennis Klose

In this project, we created and introduced an extensive web-based-training for MA students, who studied Politics or Sociology only as minor in their BA studies. Students can go through five comprehensive module in this web-based-training to gain basic knowledge of empirical social research. 



 Books and Editorships

2017 Special Issue "Children and Politics", American Behavioral Scientist 61(2). (editorship)
2013 Growing into Politics. Contexts and Timing of Political Socialization, Colchester: ECPR Press. (editorship)
2010 Die Anfänge demokratischer Bürgerschaft. Sozialisation von politischen und demokratischen Werten im jungen Kindesalter. Baden-Baden: Nomos. (dissertation University of Mannheim)

Kinder und Politik. Politische Einstellungen von jungen Kindern im ersten Grundschuljahr. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag. (in collaboration with Jan W. van Deth, Julia Rathke and Meike Vollmar)


Journals (peer-reviewed)

2022 Out-of-school learning as an effective tool of civic education in elementary school? Evidence from Germany. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education. DOI: 10.1177/14788047221120682 (in collaboration with B. Philipp Kleer und Thorsten Faas)
2021 It’s a man’s (online) world. Personality traits and the gender gap in online political discussion, Information, Communication & Society, DOI: 10.1080/1369118X.2021.1962944 (in collaboration with Gema García-Albacete)
2019 Rising start-up costs of voting: political inequality among first-time voters, West European Politicsonline first 26.07.2019 (in collaboration with Armin Schäfer and Sigrid Roßteutscher)

Introduction, American Behavioral Scientist 61(2), S. 163-166.

Political knowledge differences between children. Special Issue “Children and Politics” American Behavioral Scientist 61(2), S.204-221 (in collaboration with Markus Tausendpfund)
Children's Political Learning in Primary School - Children's political learning in primary school – evidence from Germany. Education 3-13 45(4), S. 450-461 (online first published 2015).
2014 The Gender Gap in Voting Revisited - Women’s Party Preferences in a European Context, Social Politics, 21(2), S. 315-344 (in collaboration with Stephanie Steinmetz)
2011 Children and Politics: An Empirical Reassessment of Early Political Socialization, Political Psychology 32(1), S. 147-173 (in collaboration with Jan van Deth and Meike Vollmar.

The Beginnings of Democratic Citizenship. Value Orientations of Young Children, Politics, Culture and Socialization 1(1), S. 59-82.

2005 Politische Online-Öffentlichkeit - abseits vom Mainstream der Printmedien?, WeltTrends 13(48), S. 27-42.


Contribution in Editions

2018 Was wissen Kinder von Europa? In Detterbeck, Klaus und Helmar Schöne: „Europabildung in der Grundschule“. Schwalbach: Wochenschau Verlag (in collaboration with Markus Tausendpfund)
2016 Wahlbeteiligung junger Erwachsener – Steigt die soziale und politische Ungleichheit? In Roßteutscher, Sigrid/Thorsten Faas/Ulrich Rosar (eds.) Bürger und Wähler im Wandel der Zeit. 25 Jahre Wahl- und Einstellungsforschung in Deutschland, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, S. 67-92 (in collaboration with Sigrid Roßteutscher)
2015 Political Socialization and Inequality: The role of primary schools. In Poguntke, Thomas, Roßteutscher, Sigrid, Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger and Zmerli, Sonja (eds.): Citizenship and Democracy in an Era of Crisis. London: Routledge, S. 135-154 (in collaboration with Sigrid Roßteutscher)
2014 Politische Sozialisation im Kindesalter. In Sünker, Heinz/Braches-Chyrek, Rita/Röhner, Charlotte und Hopf, Michaela (eds.) Handbuch frühe Kindheit, Barbara Budrich, S. 63-72.

Introduction. In Abendschön, Simone (eds.) Growing into Politics. Contexts and Timing of Political Socialization. ECPR Press, S. 1-10.

Children’s socialization of politically relevant value orientations within the family context. In Abendschön, Simone (eds.) Growing into Politics. Contexts and Timing of Political Socialization. ECPR Press, S. 33-72.
„Der Kanzler ist der Chef von Deutschland“. Empirische Untersuchungen zum Politikverständnis von Kindern. In Kilian, Jörg und Thomas Niehr (eds.): Politik als sprachlich gebundenes Wissen, Bremen: Hempen, S. 197-213.
Demokratische Bürgertugenden. In van Deth, Jan und Markus Tausendpfund (eds.) Politik im Kontext: Ist alle Politik lokale Politik? Wiesbaden: Springer, S. 93-132.
2011 Jugend und Politik: Verliert die Demokratie ihren Nachwuchs? In Bytzek, Evelyn und Sigrid Roßteutscher (eds.) Der unbekannte Wähler? Mythen und Fakten über das Wahlverhalten der Deutschen. Frankfurt: Campus, S. 59-80. (in collaboration with Sigrid Roßteutscher)
2007 Demokratische Werte und Normen. In van Deth, Jan W., Simone Abendschön, Julia Rathke, Meike Vollmar: Kinder und Politik. Politische Einstellungen von jungen Kindern im ersten Grundschuljahr. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, S. 161-203.
Kinder, Politik und die Zukunft der Demokratie: Können Kinder „Demokratie leben lernen“? In van Deth, Jan W., Simone Abendschön, Julia Rathke und Meike Vollmar: Kinder und Politik. Politische Einstellungen von jungen Kindern ersten Grundschuljahr. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, S. 205-223 (in collaboration with Meike Vollmar)
Ungleichheitsvorstellungen von Grundschulkindern – empirische Analysen mit den EDUCARE-Daten. In Betz, Tanja u.a.: Leitbilder ‚guter‘ Kindheit und ungleiches Kinderleben


Book Reviews

2017 Tom Mannewitz. 2015. Politische Kultur und demokratischer Verfassungsstaat. Ein subnationaler Vergleich zwei Jahrzehnte nach der deutschen Wiedervereinigung, Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 11(3), S. 427-429.
2012 Veronika Kneip: Consumer Citizenship und Corporate Citizenship. Bürgerschaft als politische Dimension des Marktes, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 53(3), S. 575-576
2007 Alan S. Zuckerman (eds.): The Social Logic of Politics. Personal Networks as Contexts for Political Behavior, Politische Vierteljahresschrift 47(2), S. 333-334 (in collaboration with Martin Elff)



2018 Kinder im Landtag: Nachhaltige Lernerlebnisse von Grundschulkindern?, Final report October 2018 (in collaboration with Thorsten Faas, Benedikt Philipp Kleer and Luisa Wingerter)
2012 Kinder und Politik? Ergebnisse aus dem Mannheimer Projekt „Demokratie Leben Lernen“, eNewsletter Wegweiser Bürgergesellschaft 8 vom 27.04.2012



Conferences & Public Talks (selection)


"Young people’s political participation in Europe – the rise of political inequality? (in collaboration with Sigrid Roßteutscher), Conference Paper, ISPP Convention, Rom (Juli 2014)

“A tree must be bent while it’s young” - “A tree must be bent while it’s young”: Political knowledge gaps in early childhood. Paper für den Workshop “Resources, abilities, motivation and what else? Studying Inequalities in Political Knowledge” - ECPR Joint Sessions, Salamanca (in collaboration with Markus Tausendpfund)

„Politisches Verständnis von Grundschulkindern“. Public Talk, Alice-Salomon-Hochschule Berlin



"Children's political learning in primary school". ECPR General Sessions, Bordeaux, 4/9-7/9 2013



"Politische Partizipation junger Erwachsener in Deutschland im Zeitverlauf". Public Talk, Convention of AK Wahlen (GPSA), Frankfurt (in collaboration with Sigrid Roßteutscher)



Chair of the Panel "Citizens' attitudes towards the state: What has changed in the relationship? Why?",  Symposium "The Governance of Large-Scale Projects", Hertie School of Governance, Berlin

"Zum Politikverständnis von Kindern – Empirische Ergebnisse aus der Studie „Demokratie leben lernen“,  Public Talk, Convention „Gebt den Kindern das Kommando“ of the "Arbeitsstelle für Jugendseelsorge der DBK und der Evangelischen Akademie Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.", Lutherstadt Wittenberg

„Der Kanzler ist der Chef von Deutschland“ – Empirische Untersuchungen zum politischen Wissen von Grundschulkindern, Public Talk, Convention of the working group "Sprache in der Politik", University Kiel

Kinder und Politik – Empirische Ergebnisse aus der Studie „Demokratie leben lernen“, Vortrag im Kolloquium von Prof. Dr. Helmar Schöne, PH Schwäbisch Gmünd



Does school make a difference? First findings of school influences on children’s support for politically relevant values, Conference Paper, Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, San Francisco, USA (DAAD scholarship)

Organisator and Chair of the Workshop "New Directions of Political Socialisation Research", ECPR Joint Sessions, Münster

"Children’s socialization of politically relevant value orientations within the family context", Conference Paper, ECPR Joint Sessions, Münster



"The Impact of Family Factors on Children’s Political Value Socialization", Conference Paper, ECPR General Conference, Potsdam

"Family Influences on Political Value Orientations of Young Children", Conference Paper, IPSA World Congress, Santiago, Chile



"Are Children Really a Chip off the Old Block? Family Influences on Young Children’s Value Orientations." Conference Paper, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 30. August – 2. September 2007, Chicago, USA

„Demokratie leben lernen“. Ergebnisse einer Studie zur politischen Sozialisation von jungen Kindern. Public Talk, PH Ludwigsburg



"The Beginnings of Democratic Citizenship: Value Orientations of Young Children." Conference Paper, IPSA World Congress, Fukuoka, Japan



Teaching at Justus-Liebig-University Giessen


Summer Term 2024

  • Statistik II (Lecture, BA SocSc)
  • Datenanalyse mit SPSS (Tutorial, BA SocSc)
  • Datenanalyse mit SPSS (e-Learning, Tutorial, BA SocSc)


Winter Term 2023/24

  • Statistik I (Lecture, BA SocSc)
  • Forschungsdesign und Forschungsmethodik (Tutorial, MA DuG)
  • Einführung in die politische Bildung: Politische Sozialisation (A) (Proseminar, Lehramt)
  • Einführung in die politische Bildung: Politische Sozialisation (B) (Proseminar, Lehramt)


Summer Term 2023

  • Statistik II (Lecture, BA SocSc)
  • Sozialwissenschaftliche Datenanalyse mit SPSS (2 Tutorials, BA SocSc)
  • Einführung in die Statistik mit SPSS (Seminar, Lehramt)


Winter Term 2022/23

  • sabbatical term 


Summer Term 2022

  • Statistik II (Lecture, BA SocSc)
  • Sozialwissenschaftliche Datenanalyse mit SPSS (2 Tutorials, BA SocSc)
  • Jugend und Politik (Research project (part II), BA SocSc)


Winter Term 2021/22

  • Statistik I (Lecture, BA SocSc)
  • Befragungen (Seminar, MA DuG)
  • Jugend und Politik (Research project (part I), BA SocSc)


Summer Term 2021

  • Statistik II (Lecture, BA SocSc)
  • Befragungen von und mit Kindern (Seminar, BA SocSc)
  • Sozialwissenschaftliche Datenanalyse mit SPSS (3 Tutorials, BA SocSc)


Winter Term 2020/21

  • Statistik I (Lecture, BA SocSc)
  • Analyzing political orientations with secondary data (Tutorial, MA DuG)
  • Befragungen (Seminar, MA DuG)
  • Methoden der empirischen Politikforschung (Seminar, MA DuG)


Summer Term 2020

  • Statistik II (Lecture, BA SocSc)

  • Sozialwissenschaftliche Datenanalyse mit SPSS (2 Tutorials, BA SocSc)

  • Sekundärdatenanalyse am Beispiel politischer Einstellungsforschung (Seminar, BA SocSc)


Winter Term 2019/20
  • Kinder, Jugendliche und Politik (Research Project, 2nd part, BA SocSc)
  • Empirische Demokratieforschung (Seminar, MA DuG)
  • Research Designs (Seminar, MA DuG)


 Summer Term 2019

  • Praktiken der Datenerhebung (Lecture, BA SocSc)
  • Statistik II (Lecture, BA SocSc)
  • Sozialwissenschaftliche Datenanalyse mit SPSS (Tutorial, BA SocSc)
  • Kinder, Jugendliche und Politik (Research Project, 1st part, BA SocSc)
  • Politics and Entertainment (Seminar, MA DuG)


Winter Term 2018/19

  • sabbatical term


Summer Term 2018

  • Quantitative Datenerhebung (Lecture, BA SocSc)
  • Einführung in die empirische Sozialforschung am Beispiel von Bildungsforschung (Seminar, Lehramt)
  • Sozialwissenschaftliche Datenanalyse mit SPSS (A) (Tutorial, BA SocSc)
  • Sozialwissenschaftliche Datenanalyse mit SPSS (B) (Tutorial, BA SocSc)


Winter Term 2017/18 

  • Einführung in die quantitative Sozialforschung (Lecture, BA SocSc)
  • Forschungsprozess und Forschungsdesign (Seminar, MA DuG)
  • Politische Einstellungenund Verhalten analysieren (Seminar, MA DuG)
  • Sozialwissenschaftliche Datenanalyse mit SPSS (Tutorial, BA SocSc)


Summer Term 2017

  • Quantitative Datenerhebungsverfahren (Lecture, BA SocSc)
  • Einführung in SPSS (A) (Tutorial, BA SocSc)
  • Einführung in SPSS (B) (Tutorial, BA SocSc)
  • Statistik II (Lecture, BA SocSc)


Winter Term 2016/17

  • Einführung in die quantitative Sozialforschung (Lecture, BA SocSc)
  • Forschungsdesigns (Seminar, MA DuG, Course 1: Beginner, Course 2: Advanced)
  • Politische Öffentlichkeit in der Mediengesellschaft (Seminar, Lehramt)


Summer Term 2016

  • Datenanalyse mit SPSS (Tutorial BA SocSc, 2 courses)
  • Methoden der Kindheits- und Jugendforschung - quantitative Ansätze (Seminar, Lehramt)
  • Quantitative Techniken der empirischen Sozialforschung (Lecture, BA SocSc)


Winter Term 2015/16

  • Einführung in die Methoden der quantitativen Sozialforschung (Lecture, BA SocSc)
  • Einstellungs- und Verhaltensforschung mit Surveydaten (Seminar, BA SocSc)
  • Forschen mit Kindern und Jugendlichen (Seminar, BA SocSc)
  • Politische Öffentlichkeit in der Mediengesellschaft (Seminar, Lehramt)