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Orientation Days for Master's Students

The aim of the Orientation Days for Master's Students (StET) is to ensure the smoothest possible transition to the new study phase and a successful start to the Master's programme. You will be accompanied by mentors in small groups and supported in clarifying important organisational matters.

Image: JLU/Katrina Friese


Orientation Days for Master's Students during the Winter Semester 2024/25

Dear Master's students,

welcome to your new study programme at Justus Liebig University Giessen! We are delighted that you have decided to study a Master's programme at JLU. To ensure a successful start to your studies, we would like to invite you to our student orientation days, where you will receive all the important information you need to start your Master's degree programme and have the opportunity to get to know other first-year students in your degree programmes, exchange ideas and make contacts. 

Orientation Days for Master's Students
October 10 and 11, 2024

You will first be welcomed at an opening event (see ‘Dates’) before spending the remaining days in small groups, where you will be accompanied by student mentors - students from higher semesters of your degree programme. In addition, every year there is a subject-specific programme and advisory service for all Master's students in their first semester.

Your Master's degree programme will then start at the beginning of the lecture period on 14 October 2024.

We wish you a great start to your studies and a successful start to your Master's programme!

Did you miss the study introduction? Did you get a spot at short notice or were you unable to take part in the orientation programme for another reason? Find important information about starting your degree programme here.

