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Career Options

Career Options


Professional fields

The job opportunities for chemists are manifold. Chemical expertise is in demand in all areas of society, and the chemical industry is a mainstay of the German economy.
Many chemists, about 35 % of graduates, find their way directly into the chemical industry after graduating. Here they work in research and development ("R&D") or in production, improving products and processes or developing entirely new products and processes. Close cooperation with engineers and measurement and control technicians is required in process engineering; here, new processes are implemented from laboratory to operational scale.

A very promising field of application is chemical analysis. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of substances is important for production, environmental protection, quality management and for law enforcement officers.

Many other areas such as environmental protection, marketing, patenting, documentation, public relations and communication are open to chemists in the industry.


Doctoral Studies

As one of the first chemistry departments in Germany,  JLU Giessen offers a ''fast track'' access to doctoral studies with the so-called PreProChem programme. This enables excellent students to start their doctorate directly after completing their bachelor's degree and thus enter scientific work directly.

After successfully completing a Master's degree, doctoral studies are also possible.

International Giessen Graduate Centre for the Life Sciences: