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Composition of the Study Programme

Composition of the Study Programme


1st semester                         2nd semester
Electrical Engineering I (8 CP) Electrical Engineering II (7 CP)
Informatics for Engineers I (5 CP) Informatics for Engineers II (5 CP)
Experimental Physics I (6 CP) Experimental Physics II (6 CP)
Experimental Physics I - practical training (3 CP) Experimental Physics II - practical training (3 CP)
Mathematical methods I (6 CP) Measuring Technology (5 CP)
Tutorial on Space Travel I (2 CP) Tutorial on Space Travel II (2 CP)


3rd semester4th semester
Technical internship (4 CP) Control engineering (7CP)
Electronics (7 CP)

Theoretical Physics II: Electrodynamics and Thermodynamics (8 CP)
Transformations (6 CP)
  • Elective module II
  • Elective module III         (15 CP in total for elective modules II and III)
Theoretical Physics I: Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics (8 CP)
Elective module I (6 CP)


5th semester6th semester
Technology in Space (6 CP) External internship                     
Physics in Space (6 CP) Thesis Colloquium (3 CP)
Experimental Physics III for Physicists: Atomic- and Molecule Physics (6 CP) Bachelor Thesis (12 CP)
Elective module IV (5 CP)
Study Project (7 CP)


Examples of possible required elective modules 1 in the winter semester:

  • Fundamentals of Micro- and Nanostructuring (JLU, Faculty 07, Physics) 6 CP
  • Design of Circuit Boards and Devices (THM, Faculty 02, Elektrical Engineering) 7 CP
  • Fundamentals of VLSI-Design (THM, Faculty 02, Elektrical Engineering) 7 CP
  • Power Electronics (THM, Faculty 02, Elektrical Engineering) 7 CP
  • Simulation with Matlab and Simulink (THM, Faculty 02, Elektrical Engineering) 3 CP
  • General Chemistry (JLU, Faculty 08, Chemistry) 6 CP
  • Numerical Mathematics 1 (JLU, Faculty 07, Mathematics) 9 CP

Examples of possible required elective modules 2 and 3 in the summer semester

  • Experimental Physics IV: Solid State Physics (JLU, Faculty 07, Physics) 6 CP
  • Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) (THM, Faculty 02, Elektrical Engineering) 5 CP
  • Elektromagnetic Compatability (THM, Faculty 02, Electrical Engineering 7 CP
  • Microcomputer Systems (THM, Faculty 02, Elektrical Engineering) 7 CP
  • General Chemistry (JLU, Faculty 08, Chemistry) 6 CP
  • Chemistry: Practical Training (JLU, Faculty 08, Chemistry) 6 CP
  • Numerical Mathematics 2 (JLU, Faculty 07, Mathematics) 9 CP

Additional required elective modules (from physics, advanced materials, informatics, mathematics, chemistry, electronical engineering- and information technology or mechanical engineering) can be found in the course cataloge of the JLU and the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen-University of Applied Scienes

Course catalogue of JLU

Courses offered by the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen-University of Applied Sciences


Information on the composition of the degree programme can be found in the special regulations of JLU

special regulations (in German)