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Composition of the Study Programme

Composition of degree programme

The curriculum is divided into a 2-semester introductory phase, a 3-semester core phase and a final semester:
The first year of studies (semesters 1+2) allows for basic lectures generating a sufficiently broad foundation for the following project study phase (semesters 3 to 5).
The core of the "Giessen Bachelor Model" is formed by the six project modules to be done in semesters 3 to 5, each with 9 credit points. Each project module is a content-integrated course with the aim of promoting individual acquisition of methodological knowledge and skill, which consists of

  • an introductory, content-based class (module block 1).
  • a methodological block (module block 2). The methodological block, e.g. Statistics for Geographers or GIS or Laboratory Methodology, deals with the basics of each method and explains these, using an example of their application from the subject of the relevant class.
  • a practical class (module block 3) in which individual tasks are dealt with using the methods and content that have been learned, with learners working individually and on their own responsibility
  •  a term paper and a presentation.

The project modules of this pattern belong to the group in the 3rd and 4th semesters (basics), those for advanced learners (4th and 5th semester) as well as on-site and excursion modules. Project modules offer the possibility of integrating knowledge from the minor subjects in the topic being dealt with individually, the presentation and the term paper.


The modules of the introductory phase – a survey:

1st semester2nd semester
Propadeutics (9 CP) Geoinformatics (9 CP)         
Introduction to physical geography / climate geography (6 CP) Introduction to anthropogeography / economic geography (6 CP)                        


quantitative and qualitative methodology/empirical social research OR methodology of physical geography

Introduction to area planning, transport geography and mobility research  (6 CP)



Core phase

In the 3rd, 4th and 5th semesters the project-based studies follow. 2 project modules must be done each semester and each project must have a volume of 9 CP.

For example, project modules can deal with the following topic areas:

  • teaching and study projects with an excursion or mainly in the area of geologic field work
  • economic/geographical basics project "Regional-economic analysis of China"
  • climatic/geographical basics project "Climatological area analysis and evaluation of locations, using examples in Hessen"
  • economic geographic advanced project, "location analysis in retail"
  • advanced project in area planning "Area planning for an urban renewal area"
  • project "Excursion for geographic development research"
  • physical-geographic project "Paleo-Environment construction in middle Hesse on the basis of sediment archives"

Final phase

In the 6th semester or, if wished, at an earlier point in the course, a vocational training of 11 weeks (15 CP) is completed. Studies are then completed with the Bachelor's thesis (12 CP) and a parallel seminar (3 CP).

Modules in one big or two small minor subjects (36 CP for the "big minor subject" and 18 CP for the "small minor subject") and in electives (AfK - 6 CP) will be distributed over the course (about 10 CP per semester).


Possible minor subjects are:

  • public law
  • economics: business administration, economics, economy or economics with the emphasis on transformational economics
  • political science
  • sociology
  • agricultural economics
  • environmental management

Other minor subjects to the extent of 18 CP can be approved on request.


Bachelor's Thesis

In the thesis the students are to demonstrate that they are able to work independently for a limited period on a concrete, clearly defined topic and to present this work to teachers and fellow students.


Practical application

In the 6th semester or, if wished, at an earlier point in the course, a vocational training of 11 weeks (15 CP) is completed.