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Comparative Studies - Comparative Literature and Culture (B.A.)

Taught in German




The Bachelor's programme "Comparative Studies" (Comparative Literature and Culture) will start in the winter semester 2020/21. The programme offers an introduction to the methods and subjects of general and comparative literature, deals with key texts of European and international literature, as well as the worldwide networking of literary texts and their different reception histories and interaction with other arts and media. Various systematic approaches to dealing with texts, media and their diverse cultural contexts will be acquired. Reading courses, optional language courses, an internship module or a semester abroad and different areas of specialisation also open up individual design possibilities.


After completion of the Bachelor's degree, the studies can be continued in the Master's programme "Comparative Studies - Comparative Literature and Culture (MA)".


Duration of studies

6 semesters - 180 credit points (CP)

Composition of the Study Programme

Composition of the Study Programme

Composition of the study programme

The programme consists of 14 compulsory/elective modules.

Students can choose between a semester abroad (30 CP) or an internship (20 CP) plus extra-curricular competences (10 CP)

The programme provides qualifications for a wide range of occupational fields in the fields of communication, continuing education, the cultural sector and the media industry.

Compulsory modules

In the compulsory modules you will deal with topics of literary and cultural studies and media studies.The aspect of literary analysis and literary criticism is of particular importance.
The following compuslory modules are offered:

  • Introduction to comparative literature
  • Major works / key texts of world literature
  • Poetics and aesthetics
  • Literary and Cultural Theory
  • European literature and culture I   
  • Literary history / stories
  • Texts and media
  •  Cultural practice
  • European literature and culture II
  • Lecture module
  • Textuality and mediality
  • Specialisation module I
  • Specialisation Module II
  • Lecture module II
  • Thesis module


Elective modules

The following elective modules are offered:

  • Stay abroad (modules on literary and cultural studies and media studies) (30 CP)  or
  • Internship (20 CP) plus extra-curricular competences (10 CP)



Commencement of studies

only in the winter semester

Admission requirements

  • General higher education entrance qualification (= Abitur or comparable qualification), Fachhochschule entrance qualification, master craftsman's examination, higher education entrance qualification for professionally qualified persons. More...
  • Proof of internship (pre-study internship) is not required.
  • Please note that applicants with a foreign higher education entrance qualification are also required to provide proof of German language skills. More...

Language requirements

To enrol in the programme, certain language requirements must be met. Further information can be found here. Any questions can be sent to the ZSB (Central Student Advisory Service).

Application / Enrolment

  • The study programme is not subject to admission restrictions.

  • The enrolment period for the winter semester begins at the beginning of June.

  • The end of the enrolment period is determined anew each year, please enquire in the application portal during the enrolment period.

Different rules apply in some cases for international applicants. More...


More information

More Information - 1

Examination- and study regulations


Courses offered in the course catalogue

More Information - 3

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Events for prospective students
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Study counseling

Study guidance


Prof. Dr. Kirsten von Hagen

Department of Romance Studies
Philosophikum II, Haus G, Raum 110b
Karl-Glöckner-Str. 21
35394 Giessen
Tel.: 0641 - 99 31120/31148 (Sekr.)

Prof. Dr. Annette Simonis
Department of German Studies 
Philosophikum II, Haus G, Raum 27a
Otto-Behaghel-Str. 10
35394 Giessen
Tel.: 0641 - 99 31080/31081 (Sekr.)

Central Study Service 2

Directions and reception of study service