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Duration of Studies

  • 6 Semesters - 180 Credit Points (CP)

Composition of Study Programme

The programme comprises two study phases, each consisting of different modules:

  • Orientation phase: 1st and 2nd semester, 60 CP,
  • Specialisation phase: 3rd to 6th semester, 120 CP.

Bachelor of Business Administration (180 CP)

Orientation phase: 1st and 2nd semester, 60 CP,

Business Administration (36 CP)

Economics (12 CP)

Methods (12 CP)

Specialisation phase: 3rd to 6th semester, 120 CP.

Major (42 CP)

Minor (30 CP)

Academic work (18 CP)

Profile Minor (30 CP)

Orientation phase, 1st and 2nd semester, 60 CP,

The orientation phase comprises a total of ten modules, which should be completed in two semesters. The modules are divided into the categories of business administration (BWL), economics (VWL) and methods and are essential as a foundation for further studies (specialisation phase).

Business Administration Modules (36 CP)

Economics Modules (12 CP)

5 introductory business administration modules (compulsory)

  • Introduction to Business Administration (WS+SoSe)
  • Strategy & Leadership (WS)
  • Innovation & Marketing (SoSe)
  • Accounting (WS)
  • Finance (SoSe)

 1 Business studies elective module, choice between:

  • Introduction to applied business informatics
  • Introduction to tax law
  • Introduction to microeconomics (WS+SoSe)
  • Introduction to macroeconomics (WS)

Method Modules (12 CP)

  • Quantative Methods I (WS+SoSe)
  • Quantative Methods II (WS+SoSe)


Specialisation phase: 3rd to 6th semester, 120 CP.

Major (42 ECTS)

There are four specialisations (majors) to choose from in the specialisation phase:

  • Business Administration
  • Finance & Accounting
  • Management
  • Data economics


Minor (30 CP)

As part of the minor, 5 modules from the fields of business administration, economics, methods or project modules can be taken.

Profil-Minor (30 CP)

The profile minor offers students a high degree of freedom to customise their skills profile. There is no obligation to take a minimum number of modules from the fields of business studies or economics. Instead, the entire profile minor can be taken as a minor subject or filled with cross-sectional modules.

As part of the profile minor, students can take an internship (12 CP) or two internships (6 CP each), modules from the fields of business administration, economics, methods, cross-sectional modules from Faculty 02, a project module and modules from other faculties. Only the work placement and the project modules can be taken ungraded. All other modules are graded.

Academic Work (18 CP)

As part of the academic work block, the rules of good academic practice are taught in a proseminar and independent discussion of economic topics is encouraged. The Bachelor's thesis is also part of this study block.

  • The proseminar and the Bachelor's thesis are supervised by the Business Administration professorships and the Economics professorships of the faculty with a strong methodological focus. At the request of the students, supervision can also be provided by other economics professors.
  • A centralised allocation procedure ensures that all students receive a place with one of the above-mentioned professorships in the desired semester.