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Biology (B.Sc.)

Taught in German


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Bild B. Sc. Agrarwissenschaft


Areas of study

The bachelor's degree course Biology (BSc) leads to a first professional qualification. The master's degree course in biology (MSc) offers a continuation with deeper academic studies. The course is intended to address those applicants with a keen interest in biology, who wish to take a course with an orientation towards the future, with a range of professional prospects in the areas of research, development, services, management, marketing, academic journalism and education. The aim is to cover basic and methodological knowledge in the main area of biology and also to give thorough training in the basic science subjects. In this course the students learn the connections within biology and between biology and the associated subjects and are given an opportunity to learn to work academically on their own responsibility, acquiring methodological competence.

Requirements of this course of studies

Students should have an interest in the natural sciences – not just in biology. They should have a basic knowledge of chemistry, mathematics and physics. Beginners in the course should have a knowledge of English.

Number of enrolled students

392 students are enrolled in this bachelor degree course (as of winter semester 2017/18).


since 23 June 2005.

Composition of the Study Programme

Degree BSc


Bachelor of Science (BSc)

Duration of studies 6 Semester 180 Credit Points (CP)

Duration of Studies

6 Semesters - 180 Credit Points (CP)

Composition of the Study Programme

Composition of degree programme

The bachelor`s degree course in biology is divided into three sections:
Core curriculum (1st year of study), expansion- (2nd year of study) and in-depth phase (3rd year of study).

A special feature of the programme is that many modules are offered as block courses, i.e. you attend courses every day in a block of usually 3-4 weeks and complete this with an examination at the end of the block.


Core curriculum

1st semester 2nd semester
Introduction to the study of
biology and management of studies             
Biochemistry / molecular biology                    
General biology Classification practice / excursions
General botany Microbiology
Chemistry for biologists Physics for biologists
Genetics Zoology

Expansion Phase

Already in the expansion phase additional electives for up to 6 credit points can be taken from the optional range of courses besides the mandatory modules.

3rd semester 4th semester
Mathematics and statistics for biologists                   Developmental biology
Physics for biologists     Plant ecology
Plant physiology Animal ecology
Introduction to animal physiology                    Human biology
Cell biology

Optional module (for a list see the module handbook) or work placement

In-depth phase (5th & 6th semester)

In the in-depth phase, two focal aspects must be chosen, with a size of 15 CP. The focal aspects can be chosen from a wide range of 15 biological diciplines (see list below)


The biological specialist disciplines are:

  • biochemistry;
  • didactics of biology;
  • bioinformatics;
  • botany;
  • developmental biology;
  • genetics;
  • immunology;
  • microbiology;
  • protection of nature;
  • plant ecology; 
  • plant physiology;
  • animal ecology;
  • animal physiology;
  • cell biology;
  • zoology.

In addition, compulsory modules as well as one university project internship must be completed.


Please have a look at the publications of the notification of the University Giessen (MUG), where you can find the relevant study- and examination regulations (please note that only the latest German version is authoritative).

Practical relevance

Important professional competences for the practical relevance are going to be conveyed in a theoretical and practical manner. In addition, there is the possibility to acquire practical experiences within a biological occupational field internship.

Bachelor's dissertation

Almost half the time in the sixth semester is taken up writing the bachelor`s dissertation. In the thesis the student must show that he/she is capable of working independently on an academic project. The thesis will be evaluated by two examiners.


Errors and Omissions Excepted.


Commencement of Studies in the Winter Semester

Commencement of studies

Only possible in the winter semester

Entrance Requirements Abitur ohne Praktikumsnachweis

Entrance requirements

  • Applicants must have an Abitur (German school leaver's examination for university entrance) or equivalent. More on this...
  • Certification of a pre-professional practical period is not required.
  • Special regulations apply to foreign applicants or those who gained their university-entrance qualifications abroad. Read more...

Language requirements

Language requirements

English language skills at level B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) are required for the degree programme. Proof of this must be provided by

a) the Abitur certificate,
b) upper secondary school reports or proof of at least four years of schooling in English,
c) Proof of successfully completed language courses, whereby at least 120 hours of instruction must be demonstrated,
d) specialised reports or lector examinations on language skills acquired through stays abroad, university language courses or self-study,
e) Proof of a UNIcert level I qualification,
f) proof of a TOEFL test (computer-based score of at least 43, written test with at least 550 points) or
g) another certificate recognised as equivalent by the examination board.

Proof of the above-mentioned English language skills must be provided within the first 2 semesters. In cases of doubt, the Examination Board decides on the fulfilment of the admission requirements

Application not limited only winter

Application / Enrolment

  • The study programme is not subject to admission restrictions.

  • The enrolment period for the winter semester begins at the beginning of June.

  • The end of the enrolment period is determined anew each year, please enquire in the application portal during the enrolment period.

Different rules apply in some cases for international applicants. More...


Career Options

Career Options

Programmes of further study at JLU

Doctorate possible with a Master's degree for the degree Dr. rer. nat.


Career options / Job market

The scope of activities and career options is very broad for biologists. Apart from academic and non-academic research biologists can find jobs in such diverse fields as managing a national park or an ornithological station, environmental protection, criminology, marine biology or the protection of species. 

Online advertisements for employment on offer and further information can be found on the internet pages:

Verband deutscher Biologen


BERUFENET der Agentur für Arbeit

Further Information

Further Information: Documents

PDF documents for the courses of study


Examination- and study regulations


Courses offered in the course catalogue

International pages

Please have a look at our International Pages for more information in English.

Any Questions

Any Questions?

Information- and advisory services of JLU can be found under the category “contact” on this page!


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Offers: Courses of study

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Events for prospective students

There is a whole range of events offered by JLU, current events can be found under “news”: (in German)


Subject Advisors

Dr. Birgit Jauker

Faculty 08 - Biology and Chemistry

IFZ, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26-32, room B402
35392 Gießen
Telephone: ++49 (0) 641 – 99 35711 or 35122
Contact hours: Thursdays 8.00-10.00

Central Study Advisor
Wiebke Blumenthal, M.A.
Central Student Services

Directions and welcome desk