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Advanced Materials (B.Sc.)

Taught in German


Image: FB08/AG Janek

Number of enrolled students

70 students are enrolled in this bachelor degree course (as of winter semester 2017/18).


since 23 June 2005.


Areas of study

This Bachelor course deals with the basic scientific and practical knowledge which is essential for the production and appropriate use of new materials.
What is a material? A material is a solid or liquid substance which has been optimalised for a particular use. Its characteristics result from its material properties - this is the realm of chemistry -, its atomic structure and its physical properties - these are in the realm of physics. The boundaries between the two are, however, not that clear, so the science of advanced materials is a cross sectional science firmly anchored in both Physics and Chemistry. 
Modern materials are functional ones, which, through well-directed changes at the molecular level, become “new materials”  (so to say “advanced materials”). Typical uses are the improvement and modification of the surfaces of materials, nanotechnology with its interface with biotechnology and information technology, organic and inorganic composite material as well as the customizing of electronic properties of semiconductor compounds. Medical technology makes high demands on the used material in particular. Along with the required mechanical and functional characteristics, physiological toleration plays an important role. As can be seen from these examples, modern "Advanced Materials" must cover a wide range of problems. Together with the rather application-oriented problems mentioned here, basic chemical and physical problems must be clarified. In contrast to raw material science, which traditionally belongs to engineering this course has a large theoretical component with equally strong connections to physics and chemistry.


Subject-specific prerequisites

This course is tailored to appeal to applicants with a strong interest in chemistry and physics, who want to apply their knowledge scientifically, to develop and optimalise new, functionalized materials. The basics of mathematics, physics and chemistry are dealt with in the first two semesters but students should have a deeper knowledge of at least one of these areas from school. Students should also have a knowledge of English.
A mathematics pre-course is offered for all first-year students and participation is strongly recommended. More on this...

Composition of the Study Programme

Degree BSc


Bachelor of Science (BSc)

Duration of studies 6 Semester 180 Credit Points (CP)

Duration of Studies

6 Semesters - 180 Credit Points (CP)

Composition of the Study Programme

Composition / Structure of degree progamme

All in all the Bachelor`s degree "Advanced Materials" consists of 31 modules and combines roughly equally basic modules of chemistry and physics, complemented by a basic module in mathematics. This basic mathematical-scientific education takes place during the first two years of study (semester 1 – 4).
Parallel to this, in the third to fifth semester, there are modules especially designed for this course of study, applying these basic principles to specific questions of materials science.

Finally, application-oriented in-depth modules taking place during the fifth and sixth semester prepare students for their bachelor`s thesis.
In particular a study project, which can be industry-related or research oriented and which can be conducted in a working group, will prepare students for the occupational field of material science. Students work within the framework of a 5-week professional practical period in a current research and development project in industry or in one of the research departments involved with the training. In the departments, bachelor degree students work in a team together with master degree students and  members of a working group (e.g. doctoral students). In doing so they learn how to use equipment, apparatus and software programmes, learn and go more deeply into preparation- and characterization techniques specifically relevant to the particular task. The relevant literature will be discussed in the working group (partly in English) and the working programmes will be presented and discussed in the seminar.
In the fourth, fifth and sixth semester three elective modules are offered. A choice can be made from all classes offered by JLU Giessen. Furthermore, another study project module is offered so that students can increase their experience of project work.

Structure of degree programme

1st semester2nd semester
General and inorganic chemistry Organic chemistry of materials
Qualitative analytics- Fresenius practical training Thermodynamics and Electrochemistry
Experimental physics I, mechanics and thermodynamics Inorganic chemistry: practical training 1
Laboratory course Experimental Physics I Experimental physics II, electricity and optics
Mathematics Laboratory course Experimental Physics II
Basics of EDP
3rd semester4th semester
Organic-chemical practical training I Solid state physics for material scientists
Physical-chemical practical training I Measuring technology and EDP
Experimental physics III – structure of matter Advanced Materials II
Theoretical physics – mechanics and quantum mechanics Advanced Material I: practical training
Advanced Materials I Elective Module I
5th semester6th semester
Toxicology and Legal Studies Advanced Materials IV
Theoretical Materials Science
Elective Module III
Presentation of current research results from material science Study project
Advanced Materials III Bachelor`s thesis
Advanced Materials: practical training II
Elective Module II


Bachelor's Thesis

The bachelor's thesis: the course of study concludes with the bachelor's thesis, which is to be written in the last semester of studies. In this piece of work the students show that they can deal scientifically and on their own with a clearly defined concrete topic in a limited amount of time and present their results to experts. The bachelor's thesis will then be presented to the working group, discussed with colleagues, defended and evaluated by two examiners.



Commencement of Studies in the Winter Semester

Commencement of studies

Only possible in the winter semester

Entrance Requirements Abitur ohne Praktikumsnachweis

Entrance requirements

  • Applicants must have an Abitur (German school leaver's examination for university entrance) or equivalent. More on this...
  • Certification of a pre-professional practical period is not required.
  • Special regulations apply to foreign applicants or those who gained their university-entrance qualifications abroad. Read more...

Application not limited only winter

Application / Enrolment

  • The study programme is not subject to admission restrictions.

  • The enrolment period for the winter semester begins at the beginning of June.

  • The end of the enrolment period is determined anew each year, please enquire in the application portal during the enrolment period.

Different rules apply in some cases for international applicants. More...


Career Options

Career Options

Programmes of further study at JLU

Doctorate possible with a Master's degree


Career options / Job market

Those completing the course in Advanced Materials have excellent professional prospects in industry, as in many branches of industry functional materials are developed and used to satisfy clearly defined needs. Potential employers are to be found, for example, in the electronics industry, chemical industry but also in small and medium-sized businesses with high-tech products.

Further Information

Further Information: Documents

PDF documents for the courses of study


Examination- and study regulations


Courses offered in the course catalogue

International pages

Please have a look at our International Pages for more information in English.

Any Questions

Any Questions?

Information- and advisory services of JLU can be found under the category “contact” on this page!


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Offers: Courses of study

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Events for prospective students

There is a whole range of events offered by JLU, current events can be found under “news”: (in German)


The course is offered as a cooperation of Faculty 07 (Department of Physics) and Faculty 08 (Department of Chemistry).
Subject Advisors
Subject Advisors

Faculty 07

Dr. Jörg Schörmann

I. Physical Institute, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 16, 35392 Gießen

Tel.: 0641 -99-33112

Faculty 08

Prof. Dr. Bernd Smarsly

Institute of Physical Chemistry

Heinrich-Buff-Ring 58, 35392 Gießen,

Tel.: 0641 - 99 34541

Central Study Advisor
Central Student Services

Directions and welcome desk