Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Susanne Herold Vice Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Friedemann Weber
Abstract of Area of Potential
Since around 2000, target molecules from a wide variety of pathogens have been studied at JLU in order to identify new active substances with few side effects against infectious diseases and neglected tropical diseases. The focus here is on infectious diseases of the lung, poverty-associated tropical infections and the development of new diagnostics, vaccines and drugs. Synergistic, third-party-funded collaborations with (inter)national partners (e.g. DZIF site leadership) and interdisciplinary networked studies enable global visibility.
Involved Disciplines
Biochemistry, drug development, genetics, infection biology, insect biotechnology, medicine, molecular genetics, parasitology, veterinary medicine, virology, zoology
External Cooperation Partners
In Germany:
Structures and Programs for Supporting Early Career Researchers
- Gießener Graduiertenzentrum Lebenswissenschaften (GGL), Sektion „Infection and Immunity”
- Postdoc Career and Mentoring Office (PCMO)
- JLU CAREER (Clinician Scientist Program in Biomedical Research)
- GRK 2355 – Regulatory networks in the mRNA life cycle: from coding to noncoding RNAs
- circRTrain: Innovative Training Network (ITN) im Rahmen des Marie Skłodowska-Curie-Programms der EU
Most significant scientific achievements since 2018
Structure-building elements:
- 2020: Inbetriebnahme des Bund/Land-geförderten Forschungsbaus CIGL – Center for Infection and Genomics of the Lung
- 2018: LOEWE-Zentrum DRUID – Novel Drug Targets against Poverty-related and Neglected Tropical Infectious Diseases
External funds/awards
- Successful reassessments / continued funding: KFO 309 „Virus-induziertes Lungenversagen“ (2019); SFB/TRR84 „Angeborene Immunität der Lunge“ (2018)
- 2018: ERC-Consolidator Grant Prof. Dr. Katja Sträßer „mRNP-PackArt: mRNA Packaging and mRNP Architecture”
- 2020: Gorbalenya, AE; Baker, SC; Baric, RS; de Groot, RJ; Drosten,C; Gulyaeva, AA; Haagmans, BL; Lauber,C; Leontovich, AM; Neuman, BW; Penzar, D; Perlman, S; Poon, LLM; Samborskiy, DV; Sidorov, IA; Sola, I; Ziebuhr, J: The species severe acute respira-tory syndrome-related coronavirus: classifying 2019-nCoV and naming it SARS-CoV-2 Coronaviridae Study Group of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Nature Microbiology. 2020, Apr;5(4):536-544. (doi: 10.1038/s41564-020-0695-z.) Epub 2020 Mar 2
- 2020: Herold, S; Sander, LE: Toward a universal flu vaccine. Science. 2020, 367(6480): 852-853 (doi: 10.1126/science.aba2754)