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National Research Funding

The leading funders at national level are the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft - DFG), the federal ministries of various departments (e.g. BMBF) and the state ministries. While the DFG funds basic research on an open-topic basis, the ministries follow topic-specific funding programs and work with changing calls for proposals.

German Research Foundation (DFG)

Following an open-topic, bottom-up principle, the German Research Foundation (DFG) promotes scientific excellence and quality in basic research by selecting the best projects in a competitive process. The funding spectrum includes individual and collaborative research, as well as infrastructure and networking measures (see selection below). The DFG places particular emphasis on the promotion of early career researchers and equal opportunities for female and male scientists. In addition to the option of submitting a first proposal for a research grant, the DFG offers specific funding opportunities for each career phase in the promotion of early career researchers with the three programs Walter Benjamin, Emmy-Noether and Heisenberg.

Important links:

Individual Research Grants

Funding type


Execution of a thematically and time-limited research project


All academic career stages from doctorate onwards

Scope of funding

Project-specific (personnel, consumables)


Project-specific, usually 3 years



Further information

Consideration of career stage (initial application), "Eigene Stelle" module for postdocs



Funding type


Particularly innovative or high-risk projects that cannot be applied for in another funding procedure or carried out as part of the work of the respective institution.


Established researchers

Scope of funding

500k-1.25m (staggered in steps of 250k)


usually 5 years



Further information



Walter Benjamin-Program

Funding type

Independent research project at home or abroad


Early Postdoc phase

Scope of funding

Position or rotation position in Germany or scholarship abroad, consumables


usually 2 years



Further information

Change of institution is planned, support from experienced researcher necessary


Emmy Noether-Program

Funding type

Independent leadership of a junior research group as a qualification for a professorship


Later Postdoc phase

Scope of funding

Own position, material and personnel resources


6 years



Further information

Application usually 2-4 years after doctorate


Funding type

Funding for scientists in preparation for a scientific management position


Late postdoc phase, (temporary) junior professorships, postdoctoral lecturers, returnees from abroad

Scope of funding

Own position, material and personnel resources


5 years



Further information

Projects in Germany can apply for additional material funding


Collaborative Research Centers

Funding type

Funding of an interdisciplinary research program consisting of innovative, demanding, complex and long-term research projects (so-called sub-projects)


Established researchers

Scope of funding

Project-specific, material and personnel resources, investment funds


Up to 12 years (Funding period of 4 years)



Further information

Submission of an CRC outline and consultation prior to application, cooperation with non-university research institutions desired, cooperation of 2-3 universities for CRC/TRR program variant, serves to develop the university's focus and structure


Graduate centers

Funding type

Support for graduate students, junior researchers within the framework of a thematically focused research program and a structured qualification concept


Established researchers

Scope of funding

Positions/scholarships for approx. 30-45 doctoral students and up to 2 postdocs, funding for visiting researchers


Up to 9 years (5+4)



Further information

Program variant International Research Training Groups (IRTG), submission of an (I)RTG outline prior to application, application of 5-10 university lecturers by a spokesperson


Research group

Funding type

Medium-term, close collaboration between several outstanding scientists on a specific research task


Established researchers

Scope of funding

Project-specific, material and personnel resources, investment funds


Up to 8 years (funding period of 4 years)



Further information

Submission of an outline and application for an institution before submitting the application, cooperation with scientists abroad possible, transfer projects possible


DFG Priority Programme

Funding type

Supra-regional cooperation between scientists to stimulate the further development of science


Established researchers

Scope of funding

Project-specific, material and personnel resources, investment funds


Max. 6 years (3+3)


Annual deadlines at october 15th

Further information

Usually funding for up to 30 individual projects


Centres for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences

Funding type

Collaboration of particularly distinguished researchers to further develop a research topic in the humanities or social sciences at one location


Established researchers

Scope of funding

Project-specific, material and personnel resources, investment funds


Up to 8 years (funding period of 4 years)



Further information

Submission of an outline before application, application of 2-3 university lecturers by one speaker, Fellow program for integration of foreign researchers possible for 2 years

Initiation of International Collaboration

Funding type

Initiation of international, scientific cooperation


All academic career levels

Scope of funding

Project-specific, including funds for trips abroad, guest stays in Germany, project preparation workshops


Max. 12 months



Further information


German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Under the motto "Change through exchange", the DAAD supports high-performing students and (early career) researchers from Germany and abroad by providing opportunities for international networking. While the PROMOS program, annual scholarships and research scholarships promote the mobility of students and doctoral candidates, short-term research scholarships or the Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (PRIME) enable postdoctoral researchers to spend longer research periods abroad.

Important links:


Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (PRIME)

Funding type


Promotion of international mobility in the postdoctoral phase through a fixed-term position at a German university


Early postdoc phase

Scope of funding

Employment according to TV-L or TV-H E13, limited to 18 months, foreign allowance


12 months (phase abroad), followed by 6 months (integration phase)


usually August

Further information

A very good doctoral degree is required (at least magna cum laude), application possible up to four years after the doctorate

Research fellowships - short fellowships for postdocs


Funding type

Implementation of a self-selected research project in all subject areas at an institute abroad to qualify for a later career in science, business or the cultural sector.


Early postdoc phase

Scope of funding

Monthly basic grant, foreign allowance, family allowance if applicable


3-6 months


usually november

Further information

A very good doctoral degree is required (at least magna cum laude), application possible up to four years after the doctorate.


Funding from the federal government

Federal ministries from various departments, but in particular the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), support the implementation of research and innovation projects within the framework of topic-specific and open-topic funding programs. The BMBF's broad range of funding is tailored to important fields of innovation or technology, but also to different social challenges and starting conditions. Funding guidelines for individual programs or funding priorities are published as announcements in the Federal Gazette.  The High-Tech Strategy 2025 forms the strategic umbrella for the Federal Government's research and innovation policy.

Important links:


Other ministries:

Research funding from the state


The Hessian Ministry of Science and Culture (HMWK) has been funding top-level research in Hesse since 2008 in the sense of location development with a regional focus through the five open-topic funding lines of the State Offensive for the Development of Scientific and Economic Excellence (LOEWE). LOEWE supports outstanding individual and joint scientific projects, in particular intensive networking between science, non-university research and industry. The aim of this research funding program is to support universities in further developing their profile and implementing their strategic goals.

Important links:


Funding type

LOEWE centers, funding line 1: Funding of already established research networks for further development into internationally visible and competitive research complexes


Established researchers

Scope of funding

6-24 M (1,5-6M p.a.) in the build-up phase, 4,5-18M in the stabilization phase


7 years (4+3)


Depending on call for application

Further information

Strategic appointments and promotion of young academics is essential. Young talent is essential, application in two-stage procedure (outline, full proposal)


Funding type


LOEWE Research cluster, funding line 2: Promotion of the expansion of research areas with significant preliminary work on research priorities


Established researchers

Scope of funding

2-4,8M (0,5-1,2M p.a.)


4 years


Depending on call for application

Further information

Strategic appointments and promotion of young academics is essential. Young talent is essential, application in two-stage procedure (outline, full proposal)


Funding type


LOEWE-Verbundprojekte, funding line 3: Research and collaborative projects between SMEs, universities, universities of applied sciences and non-university research institutions with the aim of accelerating marketable and innovative products, processes and services (2 modules)


Established researchers

Scope of funding



usually 1-3 years


6 per year

Further information

At least 2 partners required, application in two-stage procedure (outline, full application), administration by Hessen Agentur GmbH


Funding type


LOEWE top level professorship, funding line 4a: Attracting/retaining excellent, internationally recognized scientists for Hessen (endowment of a W3 professorship)


Established researchers

Scope of funding

1,5-3M (up to 600k p.a.)


5 years



Further information

The university submitting the application must make its own contribution, the focus of the funding recipient must match the university


Funding type


LOEWE start up professorship, funding line 4b: Attracting/retaining excellent scientists for Hessen at an early stage of their career (provision of a W1 tenure track or W2 professorship)


Established scientists from 2 to 7 years after the doctorate

Scope of funding

Up to 2M (up to 330k p.a.)


6 years



Further information

The university submitting the application must make its own contribution, the focus of the funding recipient must match the university


Funding type


LOEWE exploration areas, funding line 5: Promotion of novel, highly innovative and daring research ideas that challenge or substantially expand current understanding


Established scientists with at least 2 years of research experience

Scope of funding

200k-300k (incl. overhead)


Max. 2 years (100k-150k p.a.)


Depending on call for applications

Further informations

Interdisciplinary and/or inter-institutional research teams of more than 2 applicants with at least two years of research experience


Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities

The joint research program of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities, the Academies' Program, promotes basic research in the form of long-term research projects (12-25 years) in the humanities and social sciences. It serves to preserve, develop and research worldwide cultural traditions. The Academies' Program, which is jointly funded by the federal and state governments, is publicly advertised each year and is unique in its form worldwide.


Important links: