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Application process for funding

JLU offers you administrative support and guidance throughout the entire cycle of your externally funded project, from project planning to project implementation. In particular, the Science Support Office and the advisors of the Research Department - for contract research, the advisors of the Knowledge and Technology Transfer Department - for questions about DAAD funding opportunities, the International Office - as well as the heads of the Finance Department D are available to answer your questions.


These informations are also available to download.

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Project idea / initial information

As soon as you have a concrete project idea and are looking for a suitable funding line, you can find prepared information on external funding providers on the funders page. You will also find an overview of databases and information services for regular research updates and information. Information on start-up funding opportunities can be found on the internal funding page. 
The Science Support Office is happy to advise you on suitable funding opportunities, current calls for proposals and how to apply, taking into account adequate time planning. As part of comprehensive career planning for early career researchers, the Science Support Office also assists with the development of an individual third-party funding strategy.
  • If you are planning contract research or service projects, please contact our colleagues in the Staff Division Knowledge and Technology Transfer  (WTT).
  • If you are looking for funding for university teaching or university didactic measures, please contact the Staff Division Studies, Teaching, Further Training and Quality Assurance (StL).

Application phase

During the application planning phase, the Science Support Office assists you with the administrative review of drafts with regard to formal and content-related structural requirements in comparison with university specifications and funding-specific tender criteria. The Science Support Office also offers to check your budget calculation, particularly with regard to personnel cost planning and other cost items. In order to do justice to the diverse topics and aspects in the application, the Science Support Office is happy to put you in touch with other internal JLU advice centers on topics such as science communication or research data management.
  • Please contact the Science Support Office or the advisors of the Staff Division Research and Graduate Studies in good time for applications that require an employer's declaration or a letter of intent/support. It usually takes about 1-3 days to obtain a legally binding signature from the university executive board.
  • The processing time for the examination of applications by the Science Support Office is usually 5 days. If a legally binding signature is required for the application, the submission of a pre-final version for review is mandatory.
  • Please inform the respective dean's office about submitting an application if you require confirmation from your employer and, if necessary, involve liaison lecturers in the application process. We would like to point out that the DFG liaison lecturer should be informed when submitting a proposal. In particular, additional resource requirements (e.g. premises, equipment) arising from a possible externally funded project must be clarified with the relevant dean's office in good time.
  • Please ask your colleagues at the professorship or in the institute/department/interdisciplinary research center about the possibility of receiving feedback on the content of your proposal. There may already be established review processes or specific contact persons who can support you in developing your project idea methodically and in terms of content in iterative steps.
  • For (first-time) applicants of DFG proposals, we recommend consulting the DFG checklist before submitting a proposal.
  • Please familiarize yourself with the submission portals and various platforms (e.g. elan, easyonline, EU funding & tenders portal) at an early stage. If you have any questions about the online submission process, please contact the Science Support Office.

Approval / notification of third-party funds

As soon as your notification of approval / grant agreement has been received by the central JLU mailroom, it will be forwarded to you as the project leader together with an accompanying letter. As soon as you have received this letter, please report your research project to the President's Office via the Dean's Office or the Center Management.
As the person responsible for the project, please check in advance whether the content of the approval notice / grant agreement corresponds to the application submitted or whether your project can be carried out under the final approved conditions of the notice, as an objection may have to be lodged within the deadline.

Reporting externally funded projects:

Please send the following documents to the President to register externally funded projects/apply for a project number:
- project data sheet to register a project number: „Stammdatenblatt zur Beantragung einer Projektnummer“
- the complete original documents of the funder or, if the original documents are not available, a copy of them
- the financing plan for the application
- attachments and usage guidelines of the funding body (except for DFG and federal projects)
- • Only for federal projects: Declaration of acceptance or confirmation of receipt and the project sponsor's waiver of legal remedies (only the president is authorized to sign here)

The postal address for the third-party funding notification is:
An das
Präsidium der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Ludwigstraße 23
Stabsabteilung Forschung StF
35390 Gießen

via the dean of the department/head of the institution

All letters of approval sent via the university's central inbox are forwarded to the applicants for review. However, some approvals are sent directly to the applicants (e.g. DFG standard procedure, DAAD PPP programs). Please also send the documents described above to the President's Office and inform the DFG liason lecturer of any DFG approvals.

In order to fulfill the sponsor's requirements and to set the administrative course for the start of the project, you can approach these contacts for the following matters::
  • • For the review of cooperation agreements, please forward a prefinal draft version to Department B (B1) via . For service contracts (e.g. industrial contracts), please contact WTT.
  • Department C3 will support you with the recruitment of personnel.
  • In preparation for project monitoring, the JLU offers SAP training courses. Information on this can be found on the SAP-Website.

Project realization

For the financial administration and support of your project, the departments D3 (for all institutions except Faculty 11) and D5 (for Faculty 11) are at your disposal in the JLU Finance Department.
We will set up a project account for you to record project-related expenses and income. You can check the financial status of your project account at any time in the accounting system SAP and create account statements yourself.
The framework conditions for accessing the funding from the donor and for providing evidence of the use of funds are set out in the approval notice and the guidelines for use. The contractual reporting obligations must be observed in order to avoid funding cuts or the revocation of approval. Always send the call for funds and proof of use for your project to the JLU Finance Department for review, countersignature and forwarding to the donor. Your contact persons in the external funding administration will be happy to help you prepare the documents. For Department 11, the calls for funds and proof of use are prepared by department D5 - Finance and Accounting Faculty of Medicine. 
If, in the course of your research project, changes become necessary with regard to the approval (e.g. in the form of an extension of the funding period or reallocation of funds), this must be agreed in writing with the funding provider. In such cases, please also inform the [Finanzdezernats und die Stabsabteilung Forschung] third-party funding administrators of the Finance Department and the Staff Division Research and Graduate Studies (StF) in good time.
You should observe the following instructions when carrying out the research project:
  • Human Resources Department (Department C) will support you in extending or increasing the employment contracts of project staff.
  • Please observe the JLU procurement regulations when purchasing project-related services and materials or approved equipment. The online system "JustOS", which can be used to order most of the required materials, should always be used. For specific questions about procurement, please contact Department D6 - Procurement and Materials Management of the Finance Department.
  • Business trips in connection with externally funded projects are generally invoiced in accordance with the Hessian Travel Expenses Act (HRKG) - unless the specific regulations of the funding body stipulate a different procedure. The contact person for this in the Finance Department is Department D3 - Economic Planning, External Funding, Cost Accounting.

Project completion

The project duration is usually defined in the approval notice or the research and development contract. Please contact Department D in good time if there is a change to the project duration. Please note that, as a rule, only expenses/investments incurred within the approval period may be invoiced to the funding body, i.e. invoices and travel expense claims must be paid before the end of the project. Find out in good time about the reporting obligations to the third-party funding provider. You are welcome to contact Science Support, which will put you in touch with the relevant advice centers if you have questions about publishing your research results to the (non-specialist) public. Science Support also offers advice on follow-up applications or resubmitting an application.