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JLU Dictionary

The JLU Dictionary contains translation suggestions for frequently used terms from the areas of administration and organization, research, teaching, personnel, etc., as well as technical terms and proper names used at JLU, for example of facilities, centers, and institutions. These suggestions for English terms are merely recommendations for the German JLU-specific terminology. German nouns are annotated with their grammatical genders. English rarely has this, but the rare exceptions are also annotated.

  • Teacher Training Center (ZfL) - Zentrum n für Lehrerbildung f (ZfL)
  • Teacher Training Quality Campaign - Qualitätsoffensive f Lehrerbildung f (Förderlinie f des Bundesministeriums n für Bildung f und Forschung f )
  • teaching and campus information systems - Lehr- und Campusinformationssysteme n pl
  • teaching unit - Lehreinheit f
  • tenured scientists with continuous functions in research and teaching - Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in m/f mit Daueraufgaben f in Forschung f und Lehre f
  • tenure-track professorship - Tenure-Track-Professur f
  • tenure-track support program - Tenure-Track-Unterstützungsprogramm n
  • top-level research area - Spitzenforschungsbereich m
  • Town Center Campus - Campus m Innenstadt f
  • trainee civil servant - Anwärterin f , Anwärter m
  • Transfer Strategy Apply and Utilize, Advise, Communicate - Transferstrategie f Kommunizieren n , Beraten n und Anwenden n /Verwerten n
  • TRANSlating the Role of Mitochondria in Tumorigenesis (externally funded collaborative research project (EU)) - TRANSlating the role of Mitochondria in Tumorigenesis (drittmittelfinanziertes Verbundforschungsprojekt n (EU f ))