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JLU Dictionary English-German

German nouns are annotated with their grammatical genders. English rarely has this, but the exceptions are also annotated.

  • Teacher Training Center (ZfL) - Zentrum n für Lehrerbildung f (ZfL)
  • Teacher Training Quality Campaign - Qualitätsoffensive f Lehrerbildung f (Förderlinie f des Bundesministeriums n für Bildung f und Forschung f )
  • teaching and campus information systems - Lehr- und Campusinformationssysteme n pl
  • teaching unit - Lehreinheit f
  • tenured scientists with continuous functions in research and teaching - Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in m/f mit Daueraufgaben f in Forschung f und Lehre f
  • tenure-track professorship - Tenure-Track-Professur f
  • tenure-track support program - Tenure-Track-Unterstützungsprogramm n
  • top-level research area - Spitzenforschungsbereich m
  • Town Center Campus - Campus m Innenstadt f
  • trainee civil servant - Anwärterin f , Anwärter m
  • Transfer Strategy Apply and Utilize, Advise, Communicate - Transferstrategie f Kommunizieren n , Beraten n und Anwenden n /Verwerten n
  • TRANSlating the Role of Mitochondria in Tumorigenesis (externally funded collaborative research project (EU)) - TRANSlating the role of Mitochondria in Tumorigenesis (drittmittelfinanziertes Verbundforschungsprojekt n (EU f ))