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JLU Dictionary English-German

German nouns are annotated with their grammatical genders. English rarely has this, but the exceptions are also annotated.

  • Law and Economics (campus area) - Recht n und Wirtschaft f (Campusbereich m )
  • lecturer for specific purposes with the aim of further academic qualification - Lehrkraft f für besondere Aufgaben f pl mit dem Ziel n der Weiterqualifikation f
  • lecturer with continuous functions in teaching - Dozent/in m/f mit Daueraufgaben f pl Schwerpunkt m Lehre f
  • Liaison for the Severely Disabled - Schwerbehindertenvertretung f
  • library card - Leseausweis m
  • library system - Bibliothekssystem n
  • Liebig Museum - Liebig-Museum n
  • Liebig Professorship - Liebig-Professur f
  • LOEWE Center for Insect Biotechnology and Bioresources (ZIB) - LOEWE-Zentrum n Insektenbiotechnologie f und Bioressourcen f pl (ZIB n )
  • LOEWE Center for Novel Drug Targets against Poverty-Related and Neglected Tropical Infectious Diseases (DRUID) - LOEWE-Zentrum n Novel Drug Targets against Poverty-Related and Neglected Tropical Infectious Diseases (DRUID n )
  • LOEWE Research Cluster Regions of Conflict in Eastern Europe (KÖE) - LOEWE-Schwerpunkt m Konfliktregionen f pl im östlichen Europa n (KÖE m )